Once you start going back and forth in time, things get complicated. It’s a strange theme to choose for a set of Marvel trading cards, but that’s essentially what 1997 Fleer/SkyBox X-Men Timelines is all about. Although character- and art-driven like a lot of ’90s releases, there was an added layer intended to get collectors to not only build the set but use it to crack a code and win some artwork.
1997 Fleer/SkyBox X-Men Timelines Checklist Details
The 82-card base set (81 regular cards plus a non-numbered checklist) consists entirely of characters. The checklist is broken down further into four subsets: Mutants and Mutates (#1-54), Alien Life Forms (#55-63), Humans and Superhumans (#64-72) and Techno-Wonders (#73-81).
All are featured on the front with a piece of artwork. Backs have a character bio. Sitting in the background of the reverse side is a comic cover. By putting the full set together and rearranging them based on these covers, collectors would build the proper timeline and could enter to win the contest connected to the set.
1997 Fleer/SkyBox X-Men Timelines has three additional insert sets.
Wanted has the longest odds at 1:12 packs and carries the highest values today. These four cards are die-cut and meant to evoke Old West wanted posters.
Not surprisingly, Deadpool is one of the stars of Deadpool Party (nine cards, 1:5 packs). On the front of the double-sided cards is an action image. It’s recreated on the back, only this time with the character wearing a swimsuit.
Finally, there’s New Recruits (eight cards, 1:3 packs), which put the spotlight on some of the fresh faces from the various X-Men comic books at the time. These include a gold foil facsimile signature from the artist, Mike Deodato Jr.
1997 Fleer/SkyBox X-Men Timelines Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 82 cards
Cards per pack: 8
Packs per box: 24
Shop for 1997 Fleer/SkyBox X-Men Timelines boxes on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
82 cards.
Buy on eBay:
Mutants and Mutates
1 Apocalypse
2 Archangel
3 Banshee
4 Beast
5 Bishop
6 Cable
7 Cannonball
8 Colossus
9 Cyclops
10 Dark Beast
11 Domino
12 Emplate
13 Exodus
14 Fabian Cortez
15 Fitzroy
16 Forge
17 Franklin Richards
18 Gambit
19 Genesis
20 Havok
21 Holocaust
22 Wendigo
23 Iceman
24 Magik
25 Invisible Woman
26 Jean Grey
27 Joseph
28 Jubilee
29 Legion
30 Magneto
31 Maverick
32 Meltdown
33 Mr. Sinister
34 Nightcrawler
35 Onslaught
36 Ozymandius
37 Polaris
38 Professor X
39 Quicksilver
40 Rachael Summers
41 Redd & Slymm
42 Rogue
43 Sabretooth
44 Scarlet Witch
45 Shadowcat
46 Spider-Man
47 Spyne
48 Storm
49 Sunfire
50 Risque
51 Tusk
52 Wildchild
53 Wolverine
54 X-Man
Alien Life Forms
55 Bastion
56 Belasco
57 Bova
58 Celestials
59 Deathbird
60 Lillandra
61 Master Mold
62 N’Astirh & S’ym
63 Nimrod
Humans and Superhumans
64 Askani
65 Captain America
66 Elektra
67 Graydon Creed
68 Jennskot
69 Mariko Yashida
70 Mother Askani
71 Puck
72 Tiger Tyger
73 Black Knight
74 Constrictor
75 Goblin Queen
76 Kane
77 Rama-Tut
78 Shard
79 Stryfe
80 Vindicator
81 Weapon X
Deadpool Party Checklist
9 cards.
1:5 packs.

1 Deadpool
2 Siryn
3 Sasquatch
4 Hulk
5 Taskmaster
6 Typhoid Mary
7 Blind Alfred
8 T-Ray
9 Big Bertha
New Recruits Checklist
8 cards.
1:3 packs.

1 Maggot
2 Marrow
3 Reyes
4 Wisdom
5 Fatale
6 Aurora
7 Mystique
8 White Queen
Wanted Posters Checklist
4 cards.
1:12 packs.

1 Logan
2 Charles Xavier
3 Remy LeBeau
4 Victor Creed