1968 Topps Land of the Giants brings the Irwin Allen Sci-fi television series to trading cards. While the set itself is straight forward, building it is no small task. That’s because it’s one of Topps’ test issues from the era that saw limited distribution. As a result, finding the cards today can be a challenge.
1968 Topps Land of the Giants Checklist Details
Consisting of just 55 cards, this isn’t a big set by today’s standards. For the late ’60s, it was actually fairly normal. Rather than recapping full stories, cards jump around. At the start, many offer brief introductions to the show’s characters. Much of the rest shows a little more action and the oversized world in which the program existed.
Both a caption and a blurb are on the front with the image. Backs are colorful comic strips.
While all of the manufacturer’s test issues are hard to find to some extent, 1968 Topps Land of the Giants is one of the scarcest. Singles rarely surface today.
A similar set was released in Europe through A&BC. More Land of the Giants trading cards are also part of 2004 Rittenhouse Fantasy Worlds of Irwin Allen.
1968 Topps Land of the Giants Checklist
Base Set Checklist
55 cards.
Buy on eBay:
1 Dan Erickson
2 Hide and Seek!
3 Brave Girl
4 Brave Boy
5 Fire!
6 Giant Mouse!
7 Fitzhugh in Flight
8 Prepare for Liftoff
9 Move Out Fast
10 Spaceship Pilot
11 In the Path of Fire
12 Steve Burton
13 Frightened!
14 Get Inside Get Inside!
15 Dangerous Moment
16 The Giant Dog!
17 Nightmare Alley!
18 Up Up and Awaaaay!
19 Return of the Giant!
20 Scream of Fear!
21 A Strange World!
22 Magnet of Doom
23 Alarmed!
24 Bombs Away!
25 Perilous Journey!
26 Time Running Out!
27 No Joke!
28 Barry Lockridge
29 The Giant Watch
30 Tiny Plaything!
31 Tense Moment!
32 Betty Hamilton
33 Giant Approaching!
34 Mark Wilson
35 Deadly Experiment
36 Rescued!
37 Lost!
38 Courageous Lady!
39 Captured!
40 Alexander Fitzhugh
41 A Daring Plan!
42 Imprisoned!
43 Back to Safety!
44 Rough Landing!
45 The Fire Ball!
46 Race Against Time!
47 Valerie Scott
48 Tunnel to Safety!
49 The Scavengers
50 Furry Menace!
51 No Escape
52 Race against Time!
53 Steve’s Plan!
54 In the Giant’s Clutches!
55 Face of Terror! / Checklist