1992 SkyBox Doomsday: The Death of Superman takes the blockbuster comic event and bring it over to trading cards. And while there are some chase cards, the trend was still in its early phases. That means a full set that’s both relatively easy and affordable to complete for all of the main parts.
1992 SkyBox Doomsday: The Death of Superman Checklist Overview
The base set makes up the bulk of the release. It totals 100 cards but there are a couple of different parts. The main set covers 90 cards. That’s followed by a nine-card Funeral for a Friend subset that’s numbered C1-C9. Despite the change, they are considered part of the base set. It’s the same for the checklist (#CL01).
Regular cards transfer the “Death of Superman” storyline over to the trading card medium. Fronts take art from the books with backs offering a recap. Essentially, this set gives collectors a choice to work through several comics or flip through a set of cards.
Funeral for a Friend cards change things up a little bit. Most have other members of the DC Universe mourning Superman’s passing on the front. The backs for all nine cards go together to form a puzzle.
The puzzle theme carries over to one of the product’s two insert sets. Two Bleeding S Puzzle cards go together to form the grim adaptation of Superman’s iconic logo. This set might be small, but with 1:36 pack odds, they aren’t the easiest pulls when going one pack at a time.
A Memorial Tribute (1:18 packs) takes four major moments from the story and give them the etched Spectra Foil treatment.
Like the comics they’re based on, 1992 SkyBox Doomsday: The Death of Superman received a generous print run. So much so that boxes, sets and singles are not tough to find today. This has also kept prices in check, even as people start to look at Superman’s first demise with a little more nostalgia.
1992 SkyBox Doomsday: The Death of Superman Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 100 cards
Cards per pack: 36
Packs per box: 10
Shop for 1992 SkyBox Doomsday: The Death of Superman boxes on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
100 cards.
Buy on eBay:
1 Behold, the Hero!
2 Who Lurks Below?
3 Escape!
4 Freedom!
5 Call him “Doomsday!”
6 Civilization’s Scourge!
7 Highway Holocaust!
8 Forty Ton Showdown!
9 Laughter by the Firelight
10 Guy Gardner Steps In!
11 One Hero Down!
12 The Ice Maiden Cometh!
13 Iced!
14 Justice League America!
15 The Man of Steel!
16 Superman Stands Tall!
17 Low Blow!
18 The Gathering of Powers!
19 The League Attacks!
20 The Face of Evil!
21 Doomsday Strikes Back!
22 Heroes End?
23 The Agony of Defeat!
24 The Lone Hero!
25 Frontal Attack!
26 Fists of Thunder…
27 …Fists of Justice!
28 Innocent Bystanders
29 Team Work!
30 Guided Missles!
31 Superman to the Rescue!
32 Missile Attack!
33 Scratch one Cruiser!
34 Footfall!
35 Walls Asunder!
36 The Heat of Battle!
37 Iron Grip!
38 Enter: Maxima!
39 Now Strikes Maxima!
40 Sucker-Punched!
41 Power Dive!
42 Blow-Up!
43 The Guardian Steps In!
44 Desperate Situation!
45 Contact!
46 One on One!
47 Metropolis: 60 Miles!
48 Connections Made!
49 The Fourth Estate!
50 The Power of Doomsday!
51 City Limits!
52 The Gauntlet is Thrown!
53 Monster at Large!
54 From the Ashes!
55 Trouble Down Below!
56 Sky High!
57 Underworld Havoc!
58 A Family’s Fear
59 Into the Stratosphere!
60 First Blood!
61 And Now Supergirl!
62 Uncommon Allies!
63 Laser on Target!
64 Never Give Up!
65 The Living Shield!
66 Barrage!
67 Turpin on the Fly!
68 Helping Hand!
69 In Battle Rejoined!
70 Face to Face!
71 Man vs. Monster!
72 As a World Watches!
73 Doomsday Triumphant?
74 Midair Collision!
75 Air Rescue!
76 Last Kiss?
77 Out for Blood!
78 This is War!
79 Final Battleground!
80 Superman Strikes Back!
81 Heat Vision!
82 Desperate Moments!
83 Takedown!
84 The Final Round!
85 Do or Die!
86 Killing Blows!
87 Last Words!
88 Tears for the Fallen.
89 Death of A hero!
90 Rest in Peace
C1 Funeral for a Friend
C2 Funeral for a Friend
C3 Funeral for a Friend
C4 Funeral for a Friend
C5 Funeral for a Friend
C6 Funeral for a Friend
C7 Funeral for a Friend
C8 Funeral for a Friend
C9 Funeral for a Friend
CL01 Checklist
A Memorial Tribute Checklist
4 cards.
1:18 packs.

S1 Superman and Doomsday Fighting in Sky
S2 Superman Punching Doomsday in Face
S3 Superman Watching Over Metropolis
S4 Lois Crying Next to Superman’s Body
Bleeding S Foil Puzzle Checklist
2 cards.
1:36 packs.

Promo Cards Checklist

0 Here Lies Earth’s Greatest Hero
00 Here Lies Earth’s Greatest Hero
000 Bleeding S
A Memorial Tribute Uncut Sheet
Contains all four cards.
Sheets /1000