2023 zerocool Stranger Things 4 takes the show’s trading card line in a somewhat different direction. After a couple of smaller releases, this is the first mainstream set for the series done under the zerocool name. With it comes some different configurations and a more expansive checklist that covers inserts, parallels and several styles of autographs.
Signatures aren’t a guarantee in every box, but the set definitely takes a quality over quantity approach in this regard.
2023 zerocool Stranger Things 4 Checklist Details
The base set uses 100 cards to cover the show’s fourth season, which originally aired in May, 2022. The checklist takes a fairly standard approach. The first 30 cards delve into the characters of the season. Besides familiar faces like Eleven, Mike and Dustin, there are new standouts like Eddie Munson and Lord Vecna. The balance of the set acts as a recap to the season’s story and events.
From the earliest Topps sets, Stranger Things trading cards have drawn inspiration from the 1980s, the decade that the show is set in. Sometimes, like 2023 Fright Flicks Stranger Things, there’s a direct connection to trading cards from the era. For 2023 zerocool Stranger Things 4, the ’80s are more of a design motif. For the base set, the rainbow stripes are emblematic of a couple of things. From iron-on t-shirt designs to VHS tapes, it was a common sight for a time.
The base set has a handful of parallels including 1986 Pink (#’ed/86), Eleven Blue (#’ed/11) and one-of-one Vecna Red. There are also a few exclusives. Surfer Boy Pizza Yellow and Green versions are only found in specific blaster boxes. There’s also zerocool Black that are exclusive to breaker boxes. Numbered to 0, these have just one copy each.
Autographs and Memorabilia Cards
The 2023 zerocool Stranger Things 4 checklist is among the deepest the show has seen, both in themes and signers. Not only does it have several big names, but it adds some of the major new ones. There are also the first certified Stranger Things autograph cards from a handful of longtime cast members who never signed for the previous Topps sets.
This starts with Solo Autographs, which take a similar striped approach to their layout as the base set. More than a dozen signers are present including Millie Bobby Brown (Eleven), Finn Wolfhard (Mike) and David Harbour (Hopper). Natalia Dyer (Nancy), Joseph Quinn (Eddie) and Jamie Campbell Bower (Vecna) are among the signers who didn’t appear in Topps sets.
A couple of other themes offer different designs. Running Up the Hill Autographs draw their inspiration from a cassette tape while Most Metal Signatures go dark with a heavy metal look.
All three autograph sets have multiple versions including 1986 Pink (#’ed/86), Eleven Blue (#’ed/11) and zerocool Black (#’ed/0).
The checklist also has Dual Autographs and a couple of Most Metal Signatures Duals. These have different combinations of stars and a similar parallel lineup.
Relics from the Upside Down include memorabilia used during the show’s production. Although there are only six total cards, three different designs are used. Print runs for individual cards range from a high of 1,000 copies down to a low of 90.
More Inserts
The 2023 zerocool Stranger Things 4 checklist has four additional insert sets.
Hail Lord Vecna spotlights the season’s big bad with promo art and foil highlights. Red parallels are numbered to 99 while breaker-exclusive Black get the serial number 0 treatment.
Although he’s not featured on the cards themselves, the villain’s handiwork is the subject of Vecna’s Curse Lenticulars. These have two images that flick between a character and what happens to them when they encounter Vecna.
Quotes has some of the most memorable lines from the fourth season while Upside Down travels to the dark world. Upside Down has additional Red (#’ed/99) and Purple (#’ed/0) versions.
2023 zerocool Stranger Things 4 Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 100 cards
Cards per pack: Hobby – 6, Blaster – 6
Packs per box: Hobby – 22, Blaster – 7
Boxes per case: Hobby – 10, Blaster – 40
Release date: September 1, 2023
Shop for 2023 zerocool Stranger Things 4 boxes on eBay:
Base Set Checklist
100 cards.
Buy on eBay:

1 Henry
2 Eddie
3 Joyce
4 Steve
5 Nancy
6 Murray
7 Max
8 Lucas
9 Vecna
10 Erica
11 Eleven
12 Dustin
13 Jonathan
14 Robin
15 Jim
16 Argyle
17 Mike
18 Karen
19 Dr. Owens
20 Dr. Brenner
21 Ted
22 Chrissy
23 Jason
24 Jack
25 Fred
26 Yuri
27 Enzo
28 Suzie
29 Wayne
30 Will

31 What Have You Done
32 Day 185
33 Nerds and Freaks
34 Can You Hear Me
35 Hop Is Alive
36 Lady Applejack
37 Chrissy Wake Up
38 Holy Mother of God
39 Reunited
40 Proof of Life
41 Perfect Place to Hide
42 Victor Creel
43 What Did You Do
44 Vecna’s Curse
45 The Hard Way
46 Sight for Sore Eyes
47 Capture Us a Freak
48 News From America
49 I Don’t Know
50 Just Listen
51 Our Only Hope
52 Five Days
53 Up to Us Again
54 A Hundred to One
55 Dream a Little Dream
56 I’m Sorry Billy
57 No More Lies
58 I’m Still Here
59 Daughter
60 Creel House
61 Just Need a Hacker
62 Show Them Eleven
63 The Bald Eagle
64 Flashlights
65 Papa
66 A Secret
67 Wanted
68 Mordor It Is
69 Worth It
70 Nevada
71 I Killed Them All
72 I Found It
73 Monster Slayers
74 Does SOS Count?
75 Hi
76 Miracle
77 We’re Alike
78 Here Goes Nothing
79 It’s Happening
80 Tell Her Everything
81 Different
82 Try Not to Miss
83 Scary Times
84 Preparing for Battle
85 Goodbye Papa
86 Worlds Apart
87 The Plan
88 A Max Memory
89 Most Metal Ever
90 We Call Him Vecna
91 You Will Break
92 Piggybacked
93 Over Soon
94 No, You Have
95 Flambé
96 You Didn’t Run
97 You’re Not Going
98 She Came Back
99 I’m Here
100 Only the Beginning
1986 Pink Parallels
100 cards.
1:38 hobby, 1:50 breaker packs.
Cards #’ed/86.

Eleven Blue Parallels
100 cards.
1:295 hobby, 1:395 breaker packs.
Cards #’ed/11.

Green Parallels
100 cards.
1:2 EAN blaster packs.
EAN blaster packs only.

Surfer Boy Pizza Yellow Parallels
100 cards.
1 per blaster SE pack.
Blaster SE packs only.

Vecna Red Parallels
100 cards.
1:3,305 hobby, 1:3,682 breaker packs.
Cards are 1/1.

zerocool Black Parallels
100 cards.
1:233 breaker packs.
Cards #’ed/0.
Have one copy each.
Dual Autographs Checklist
8 cards.
1:454 hobby, 1:221 breaker, 1:3,327 blaster SE, 1:2,030 EAN blaster packs.

DA-CN Charlie Heaton as Jonathan Byers / Noah Schnapp as Will Byers
DA-GJ Gaten Matarazzo as Dustin Henderson / Joseph Quinn as Eddie Munson
DA-JG Joseph Quinn as Eddie Munson / Grace Van Dien as Chrissy Cunningham
DA-JN Joe Keery as Steve Harrington / Natalia Dyer as Nancy Wheeler
DA-MF Millie Bobby Brown as Eleven / Finn Wolfhard as Mike Wheeler
DA-MJ Millie Bobby Brown as Eleven / Jamie Campbell Bower as Henry
DA-NC Natalia Dyer as Nancy Wheeler / Charlie Heaton as Jonathan Byers
DA-NF Noah Schnapp as Will Byers / Finn Wolfhard as Mike Wheeler
Dual Autographs 1986 Pink Parallels
1:547 hobby, 1:295 breaker, 1:7,486 blaster SE, 1:7,247 ENA blaster packs.
Cards #’ed/86 or less.

Dual Autographs Eleven Blue Parallels
1:3,966 hobby, 1:2,761 breaker, 1:29,942 blaster SE, 1:33,817 ENA blaster packs.
Cards #’ed/11.

Dual Autographs Vecna Red Parallels
1:49,566 hobby, 1:22,088 breaker, 1:299,411 blaster SE packs.
Cards are 1/1.
Dual Autographs zerocool Black Parallels
1:2,455 breaker packs.
Cards #’ed/0.
Have one copy each.
Most Metal Signatures Duos Checklist
2 cards.
1:1,599 hobby, 1:1,841 breaker packs.
MMD-JG Joseph Quinn as Eddie / Gaten Matarazzo as Dustin #’ed/100
MMD-JJ Joseph Quinn as Eddie / Jamie Campbell Bower as Vecna #’ed/100

Most Metal Signatures Duos 1986 Pink Parallels
1:1,871 hobby, 1:2,008 breaker packs.
Cards #’ed/86.

Most Metal Signatures Duos Eleven Blue Parallels
1:14,870 hobby, 1:11,044 breaker packs.
Cards #’ed/11.
Most Metal Signatures Duos Vecna Red Parallels
1:297,396 hobby, 1:22,088 breaker packs.
Cards are 1/1.

Most Metal Signatures Duals zerocool Black Parallels
1:11,044 breaker packs.
Cards #’ed/0.
Have one copy each.
Most Metal Signatures Solos 1986 Pink Checklist
3 cards.
1:1,250 hobby, 1:221 breaker packs.
Cards #’ed/86.

MMA-JCB Jamie Campbell Bower as Vecna
MMA-JQ Joseph Quinn as Eddie Munson
MMA-MBB Millie Bobby Brown as Eleven
Most Metal Signatures Solos Eleven Blue Parallels
1:9,594 hobby, 1:1,841 breaker packs.
Cards #’ed/11.

Most Metal Signatures Solos Vecna Red Parallels
1:148,698 hobby, 1:11,044 breaker packs.
Cards #’ed/11.
Most Metal Signatures Solos zerocool Black Parallels
1:5,522 breaker packs.
Cards #’ed/0.
Have one copy each.
Running Up That Hill Autographs 1986 Pink Checklist
3 cards.
1:1,608 hobby, 1:316 breaker packs.

RSA-CM Caleb McLaughlin as Lucas /86
RSA-JCB Jamie Campbell Bower /86
RSA-MBB Millie Bobby Brown /86
Running Up That Hill Autographs Eleven Blue Parallels
1:11,896 hobby, 1:3,156 breaker packs.
Cards #’ed/11.
Running Up That Hill Autographs Vecna Red Parallels
1:148,698 hobby, 1:22,088 breaker packs.
Cards are 1/1.
Running Up That Hill Autographs zerocool Black Parallels
1:7,363 breaker packs.
Cards #’ed/0.
Have one copy each.
Solo Autographs Checklist
13 cards.
1:190 hobby, 1:88 breaker, 1:1,498 blaster SE, 1:2,030 EAN blaster packs.

SA-CH Charlie Heaton as Jonathan Byers
SA-CM Caleb McLaughlin as Lucas Sinclair
SA-DH David Harbour as Jim Hopper
SA-FW Finn Wolfhard as Mike Wheeler
SA-GM Gaten Matarazzo as Dustin Henderson
SA-GVD Grace Van Dien as Chrissy Cunningham
SA-JB Jamie Campbell Bower as Vecna
SA-JQ Joseph Quinn as Eddie Munson
SA-MBB Millie Bobby Brown as Eleven
SA-MD Mason Dye as Jason Carver
SA-ND Natalia Dyer as Nancy Wheeler
SA-NS Noah Schnapp as WIll Byers
SA-TW Tom Wlaschiha as Dmitri Antonov
Solo Autographs 1986 Pink Parallels
1:315 hobby, 1:277 breaker, 1:3,743 blaster SE, 1:3,758 EAN blaster packs.
Cards #’ed/86 or less.

Solo Autographs Eleven Blue Parallels
1:2,156 hobby, 1:2,209 breaker, 1:29,942 blaster SE, 1:33,817 EAN blaster packs.
Cards #’ed/11.

Solo Autographs Vecna Red Parallels
1:27,036 hobby, 1:11,044 breaker, 1:299,411 blaster SE packs.
Cards are 1/1.

Solo Autographs zerocool Black Parallels
1:1,473 breaker packs.
Cards #’ed/0.
Have one copy each.
Relics from the Upside Down Checklist
6 cards.
1:108 hobby, 1:201 breaker, 1:281 blaster SE, 1:280 EAN blaster packs.
RUD-EL Eleven – Roller Rink Dress #’ed/1000
RUD-EN Eleven – Brain Scans #’ed/137
RUD-EV Eleven – EEG Scans #’ed/90
RUD-LS Lucas Sinclair – Set-Worn Shoes #’ed/100
RUD-PM Patrick McKinney – Set-Worn Jersey #’ed/650
RUD-WB Will Byers – Plaid Shirt #’ed/1000
Coming Soon Video Store Ads
10 cards.
1:5 hobby, 1:5 breaker, 1:4 blaster packs.

CS-1 Vecna
CS-2 Lifting Your Spirits
CS-3 Hellfire Club
CS-4 The Rainbow Room
CS-5 Demogorgon
CS-6 He’s Been Watching You
CS-7 Nancy & Robin
CS-8 The Nina Project
CS-9 Guitar God
CS-10 Hawkins
Hail Lord Veca Checklist
5 cards.
1:11 hobby, 1:11 breaker, 1:11 blaster packs.

LV-1 Vecna
LV-2 Vecna
LV-3 Vecna
LV-4 Vecna
LV-5 Vecna
Hail Lord Vecna Black Parallels
5 cards.
1:4,418 breaker packs.
Cards #’ed/0.
Have one copy each.
Hail Lord Vecna Red Parallels
5 cards.
1:656 hobby, 1:850 breaker packs.
Cards #’ed/99.

Quotes Checklist
20 cards.
1:3 hobby, 1:3 breaker, 1:3 blaster packs.

Q-1 Vecna – It’s Time.
Q-2 Dustin – He Only Has 15 Hit Points Left.
Q-3 Chrissy – Do You Ever Feel Like You’re Losing Your Mind?
Q-4 Eddie – We’re the Freaks Because We Like to Play a Fantasy Game.
Q-5 Dustin – Never Tell Me The Odds.
Q-6 Eleven – B&^Chin’.
Q-7 Mike – I Feel Like My Life Started That Day We Found You In The Woods.
Q-8 Dr. Brenner – What Have You Done?
Q-9 Vecna – It’s Time for Your Suffering to End.
Q-10 Steve – See You On The Other Side.
Q-11 Dustin – People Say Hawkins Is Cursed. They’re Not Way Off.
Q-12 Nancy – Nobody Deviates from the Plan No Matter What.
Q-13 Max – There Are Some Things Worse Than Ghosts.
Q-14 Lucas – No, You Didn’t. I Just Didn’t Look Hard Enough. But I See You Now. I See You.
Q-15 Robin – Holy S%&, This is Trippy.
Q-16 Steve – Always the Goddamn Babysitter.
Q-17 Eleven – Goodbye, Papa.
Q-18 Will – That’s What Holds the Party Together. Heart.
Q-19 Eddie – I Think It’s My Year, Henderson. I Think It’s Finally My Year.
Q-20 Eleven – We Will Have the Best Spring Break Ever.
Upside Down Checklist
10 cards.
1:6 hobby, 1:6 breaker, 1:11 blaster packs.

UD-1 A Curse
UD-2 Creel House
UD-3 Lover’s Lake
UD-4 Skull Rock
UD-5 Lite Brite
UD-6 Seven Miles
UD-7 Bada-Boom
UD-8 Destined
UD-9 For Chrissy
UD-10 Phase 4
Upside Down Purple Parallels
10 cards.
1:2,209 breaker packs.
Cards #’ed/0.
Have one copy each.
Upside Down Red Parallels
10 cards.
1:328 hobby, 1:434 breaker packs.
Cards #’ed/99.

Vecna’s Curse Lenticulars Checklist
8 cards.
1:6 hobby, 1:6 breaker, 1:11 blaster packs.

VC-1 Chrissy Cunningham
VC-2 Fred Bunson
VC-3 Max Mayfield
VC-4 Patrick McKinney
VC-5 Nancy Wheeler
VC-6 Eddie Munson
VC-7 Eleven
VC-8 Henry Creel / 001