1996 Topps Finest Star Wars is a mix of modern and a mix of art. The franchise’s first chromium release, it has a fairly simple checklist but one, after a couple of decades, is finally getting some recognition. While a product of its time for trading cards as a whole, it Finest may have actually been ahead of its time for Star Wars.
1996 Topps Finest Star Wars Checklist Details
Consisting of 90 cards, the checklist delves into characters from across the Star Wars universe. It’s not just the films. The Expanded Universe that included several novels is also represented. Things get a little more specific with things breaking down further into a variety of thematic subsets, each by a different artist:
- Rebel Alliance – Russell Walks
- Rebels & Affiliates – Juda Tverski
- Imperial Command – Chris Moeller
- Imperials & Affiliates – Mark Harrison
- Force Users – Joe Phillips
- Spies, Smugglers & Rogues – Lou Harrison
- Indigenous Life Forms – Marc Sasso
- Mos Eisley Cantina – Tony Harris
- Jabba’s Palace – Joe Chiodo
- Droids – Den Beauvais
The result is several different art styles somewhat in the vein of Topps’ Star Wars Galaxy line that had wrapped up its original run the year before. Of course, there’s the chromium twist that made the set unique at the time.
1996 Topps Finest Star Wars Refractors
This plays into the central chase set of 1996 Topps Finest Star Wars — Refractors. Paralleling the entire 90-card base set, these cards have a brighter, rainbow-like background when shone under light. This is the first set of Star Wars trading cards to use the iconic parallels. Landing 1:12 packs, boxes should typically have three of them. That would mean 30 boxes without any doubles to finish a Refractors set.
Outside of the brighter finish on the front, there is one additional way to quickly spot a Refractor. For parallels, the character illustration on the back is gold. For standard base cards, they’re silver. Sometimes people will list Refractors as Gold Refractors, suggesting they’re even rarer. They’re not. Back in 1996, there weren’t the parallel rainbows that are around today. The set only has one type of Refractors.
For many years, most of the Refractors remained quite affordable. However, as Refractors gain more traction among Star Wars collectors, those prices have risen significantly, particularly when it comes to key characters.
Additional Inserts
The 1996 Topps Finest Star Wars checklist has a couple more insert sets. However, neither is exceptionally rare or particularly valuable.
Six Embossed Foil cards go together to form a puzzle by Dan Brereton. Landing 1:9 packs, even with a double or two, a couple of boxes can finish it off.
Matrix, which has four cards by Ray Lago, use a patterned foil that gives off a bit of a swirl look. At 1:12 packs, the majority of the set is in each box.
Matrix Mastervisions is an oversized card available via a redemption card that falls 1:360 packs. The art from the Embossed Foil set is repurposed for this set.
Another place with recycled art is an exclusive binder card. The illustration of Han Solo and Chewbacca is the same one used in the Matrix insert set.
1996 Topps Finest Star Wars Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 90 cards
Cards per pack: 5
Packs per box: 36
Shop for 1996 Topps Finest Star Wars boxes on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
90 cards.
Buy on eBay:
1 Title Card
Rebel Alliance
Front Artist: Russell Walks
Back Artist: Mike Butkus
2 Luke Skywalker
3 Princess Leia
4 Mon Mothma
5 Admiral Ackbar
6 General Jan Dodonna
7 Han Solo
8 Chewbacca
9 Lando Calrissian
Rebels & Affiliates
Front Artist: Juda Tverski
Back Artist: Mike Butkus
10 Crix Madine
11 General Garm Bel Iblis
12 Borsk Fey’lya
13 Wedge Antilles
14 Biggs Darklighter
15 Nien Nunb
16 Winter
17 Wicket W. Warrick
18 Qwi Xux
Imperial Command
Front Artist: Chris Moeller
Back Artist: Mike Butkus
19 Emperor Palpatine
20 Darth Vader
21 Grand Moff Tarkin
22 Joruus C’baoth
23 Grand Admiral Thrawn
24 Captain Palleon
25 Admiral Piett
26 Admiral Daala
27 General Veers
Imperials & Affiliates
Front Artist: Mark Harrison
Back Artist: Mike Butkus
28 Emperor’s Royal Guard
29 Death Star Gunner
30 Stormtroopers
31 TIE Fighter Pilots
32 AT-AT Walker Pilots
33 Biker Scouts
34 Boba Fett
35 Dengar
36 Bossk
Force Users
Front Artist: Joe Phillips
Back Artist: Mike Butkus
37 Obi-Wan Kenobi
38 Yoda
39 Callista
40 Jacen Solo
41 Anakin Solo
42 Jaina Solo
43 Kyp Durron
44 Kirani Ti
45 Tionne
Spies, Smugglers & Rogues
Front Artist: Lou Harrison
Back Artist: Mike Butkus
46 Mara Jade
47 Talon Kardde
48 Salla Zend
49 Zuckuss
50 Lobot
51 Gallandro
52 Moruth Doole
53 Garindan
54 Valarian
Indigenous Life Forms
Front Artist: Marc Sasso
Back Artist: Mike Butkus
55 Tusken Raiders
56 Banthas
57 Jawas
58 Ugnaughts
59 Noghri
60 Ssi-ruuk
61 Wampa
62 Tauntaun
63 Sarlacc
Mos Eisley Cantina
Front Artist: Tony Harris
Back Artist: Mike Butkus
64 Greedo
65 Cantina Band
66 Labria
67 Dr. Evazan
68 Ponda Baba
69 Feltipern Trevagg
70 Kabe & Muftak
71 Momaw Nadon
72 Wuher & Chalmun
Jabba’s Palace
Front Artist: Joe Chiodo
Back Artist: Mike Butkus
73 Jabba the Hutt
74 Bib Fortuna
75 Salacious Crumb
76 Max Rebo Band
77 Oola
78 Rancor
79 Gamorrean Guard
80 Weequay
81 Tessek
Front Artist: Den Beauvais
Back Artist: Mike Butkus
82 C-3PO
83 R2-D2
84 2-1B
85 R5-D4
86 4-LOM
87 Blue Max / Bollux
88 EV-9D9
89 IG-88
90 Probot / Checklist
Refractors Checklist
90 cards.
1:12 packs.
1 Title Card
2 Luke Skywalker
3 Princess Leia
4 Mon Mothma
5 Admiral Ackbar
6 General Jan Dodonna
7 Han Solo
8 Chewbacca
9 Lando Calrissian
10 Crix Madine
11 General Garm Bel Iblis
12 Borsk Fey’lya
13 Wedge Antilles
14 Biggs Darklighter
15 Nien Nunb
16 Winter
17 Wicket W. Warrick
18 Qwi Xux
19 Emperor Palpatine
20 Darth Vader
21 Grand Moff Tarkin
22 Joruus C’baoth
23 Grand Admiral Thrawn
24 Captain Palleon
25 Admiral Piett
26 Admiral Daala
27 General Veers
28 Emperor’s Royal Guard
29 Death Star Gunner
30 Stormtroopers
31 TIE Fighter Pilots
32 AT-AT Walker Pilots
33 Biker Scouts
34 Boba Fett
35 Dengar
36 Bossk
37 Obi-Wan Kenobi
38 Yoda
39 Callista
40 Jacen Solo
41 Anakin Solo
42 Jaina Solo
43 Kyp Durron
44 Kirani Ti
45 Tionne
46 Mara Jade
47 Talon Kardde
48 Salla Zend
49 Zuckuss
50 Lobot
51 Gallandro
52 Moruth Doole
53 Garindan
54 Valarian
55 Tusken Raiders
56 Banthas
57 Jawas
58 Ugnaughts
59 Noghri
60 Ssi-ruuk
61 Wampa
62 Tauntaun
63 Sarlacc
64 Greedo
65 Cantina Band
66 Labria
67 Dr. Evazan
68 Ponda Baba
69 Feltipern Trevagg
70 Kabe / Muftak
71 Momaw Nadon
72 Wuher / Chalmun
73 Jabba the Hutt
74 Bib Fortuna
75 Salacious Crumb
76 Max Rebo Band
77 Oola
78 Rancor
79 Gamorrean Guard
80 Weequay
81 Tessek
82 C-3PO
83 R2-D2
84 2-1B
85 R5-D4
86 4-LOM
87 Blue Max / Bollux
88 EV-9D9
89 IG-88
90 Probot / Checklist
Embossed Foil Checklist
6 cards.
1:9 packs.

F1 Darth Vader
F2 Luke Skywalker
F3 Obi-Wan Kenobi
F4 Jaina Solo
F5 Princess Leia Organa / Anakin Solo
F6 Jacen Solo
Matrix Checklist
4 cards.
1:12 packs.

M1 Han Solo & Chewbacca
M2 C-3PO & R2-D2
M3 Emperor Palpatine
M4 Boba Fett
Matrix Mastervisions Checklist
1 card.
1:360 packs.
Available via redemption.
Oversized card measuring 6″ x 10 1/4″.

Darth Vader / Luke Skywalker / Obi-Wan Kenobi / Jaina Solo / Anakin Solo / Princess Leia Organa / Jacen Solo
Redemption Card
Album Card Checklist
1 card.
Included with set’s binder.
Binder 1 Han Solo & Chewbacca Refractor
Promo Cards Checklist
SWF1 Boba Fett – Star Wars Galaxy Magazine
SWF2 Darth Vader in Ship – Star Wars Galaxy Magazine
SWF3 Luke Skywalker Riding Tauntaun – Non-Sport Update Magazine
Oversized Promo Cards Checklist
Measures 10 3/4″ x 7″.
Bib Fortuna / Tusken Raider / X-Wing Pilot / Han Solo / Chewbacca
Bib Fortuna / Tusken Raider / X-Wing Pilot / Han Solo / Chewbacca – Refractor
Shadows of the Empire Reservation Card Checklist
1 card.

Prince Xizor