2007 Topps Hollywood Zombies trading cards can be viewed a couple of ways. On the surface, it casts famous celebrities as monsters in grotesque situations. Look a little closer and you might see some commentary on a celebrity-obsessed culture that was about to take another turn thanks to an evolving paparazzi fed by 24-hour news and the mainstream adoption of the internet.
Either way, it’s next-level gross-out satire for the grown up Garbage Pail Kids generation.
2007 Topps Hollywood Zombies Checklist Details
The 72-card base set takes aim at some of the biggest celebrities at the time from across TV, movies and music. On each card, they’re portrayed in zombie form and a spoof of their tabloid best. The artwork is a combination of realism and caricature, not holding anything back in the way of gore and guts.
Because the gags come from a very specific time, there is a sense that some cards are dated as things move so quickly in the daily paparazzi world. New stars have emerged, others have embarrassed themselves further and, for some, there’s even a little added context that makes us a little more sympathetic.
There is a connecting story to the release, or at least that was the intention. But with the visionary artwork and shock factor of the fronts, it’s lost a little. Not that there’s anything wrong with “I got a Zombie Tom Hanks!” or “Look, they made Beyonce into a monster!” is a bad reaction to have even all these years later.
Despite coming out at a time when autographs and sketch cards were the norm, 2007 Topps Hollywood Zombies launched without any hits. That was a bold move for a high-profile entertainment release. And while it’s hard to say whether that doomed the set originally, it wasn’t the runaway hit that one might have expected. Our celebrity-obsessed culture hasn’t gone away, so there’s certainly an appreciation for the set today, but it hasn’t taken off, either, too much as far as prices go.
Among the other elements are Freaky Foil parallels. Landing 1:6 packs, these are the base cards redone on foil stock.
Glow-in-the-Dark Mug Shots (1:4 packs) look at ten celebrities who found themselves in legal trouble. Being not very big and fairly easy to pull, this is not a tough set to complete.
Rounding out the inserts is a pair of Britney Spears-inspired Bonus Cards found one per blister pack.
2007 Topps Hollywood Zombies Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 72 cards
Cards per pack: 7
Packs per box: 24
Boxes per case: 8
Shop for 2007 Topps Hollywood Zombies boxes and packs on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
72 cards.
Buy on eBay:
1 Hollywood Zombies Legend
2 Wacko Jacko
3 Paris Hellton
4 Tom Ooze
5 Oprah Winfreak
6 Scary-Kate & Ghastly
7 Skulk Hogan
8 Dick Stark & Ryan Seepcrust
9 Howeird Stern
10 Messica Simpson
11 Killiam Fatner
12 Martha Skewered
13 Al Pacreepo
14 Morguedonna
15 Frighty Klum
16 Ghoulia Roberts
17 Teri Hatchet
18 Cameron Demise
19 Leo DeCapitate
20 Rachael Rot
21 Gashlee Simpson
22 Maim-Me Foxx
23 Tobey Magore
24 Janet Whackson
25 Matthew McConaughell
26 Tom Hacks
27 Drew Burymore
28 Adam Slayer
29 Johnny Death
30 Simon Cruell
31 Rancid O’Donnell
32 Beyonslay
33 David Wreck’em & Posh Slice
34 Halle Buried
35 Donald Stump
36 Melt Gibson
37 George Gloomy
38 Snoop Digg
39 Elijah Deadwood
40 Nicole Retchie
41 Sylvester Headstone
42 Robert DeFearo
43 Spawn Penn
44 Don Imess
45 Britney Speared
46 Johnny Knockedoff
47 Nicolas Rage
48 Patrick Dumpsey
49 Terror Banks
50 Minced Vaughn & Owen Killson
51 Sanjaya Malakarcass
52 Deaddie Murphy
53 Pamela Undeadson
54 Samuel Hell Jackson
55 Lindsay Loco
56 Sickira
57 Michael Retcheds
58 Hack Sickolson
59 Killfor Sutherland
60 Slayomi Campbell
61 Jack Blechh
62 Will Feral & Jon Hater
63 Bradgelina
64 Bruise Willis
65 Ashton Butcher
66 Demi Morgue
67 Jon Spewart & Stephen Ghoulbert
68 John Revolta
69 Danny DeCeasdo
70 Arnold Corpsenegger
71 George W. Botch
72 Checklist
Freaky Foil Parallels
72 cards.
1:6 packs.

1 Hollywood Zombies Legend
2 Wacko Jacko
3 Paris Hellton
4 Tom Ooze
5 Oprah Winfreak
6 Scary-Kate & Ghastly
7 Skulk Hogan
8 Dick Stark & Ryan Seepcrust
9 Howeird Stern
10 Messica Simpson
11 Killiam Fatner
12 Martha Skewered
13 Al Pacreepo
14 Morguedonna
15 Frighty Klum
16 Ghoulia Roberts
17 Teri Hatchet
18 Cameron Demise
19 Leo DeCapitate
20 Rachael Rot
21 Gashlee Simpson
22 Maim-Me Foxx
23 Tobey Magore
24 Janet Whackson
25 Matthew McConaughell
26 Tom Hacks
27 Drew Burymore
28 Adam Slayer
29 Johnny Death
30 Simon Cruell
31 Rancid O’Donnell
32 Beyonslay
33 David Wreck’em & Posh Slice
34 Halle Buried
35 Donald Stump
36 Melt Gibson
37 George Gloomy
38 Snoop Digg
39 Elijah Deadwood
40 Nicole Retchie
41 Sylvester Headstone
42 Robert DeFearo
43 Spawn Penn
44 Don Imess
45 Britney Speared
46 Johnny Knockedoff
47 Nicolas Rage
48 Patrick Dumpsey
49 Terror Banks
50 Minced Vaughn & Owen Killson
51 Sanjaya Malakarcass
52 Deaddie Murphy
53 Pamela Undeadson
54 Samuel Hell Jackson
55 Lindsay Loco
56 Sickira
57 Michael Retcheds
58 Hack Sickolson
59 Killfor Sutherland
60 Slayomi Campbell
61 Jack Blechh
62 Will Feral & Jon Hater
63 Bradgelina
64 Bruise Willis
65 Ashton Butcher
66 Demi Morgue
67 Jon Spewart & Stephen Ghoulbert
68 John Revolta
69 Danny DeCeasdo
70 Arnold Corpsenegger
71 George W. Botch
72 Checklist
Glow-in-the-Dark Mug Shots Checklist
10 cards.
1:4 packs.

1 Jacko, Wacko
2 Gibson, Melt
3 Retchie, Nicole
4 Nolte, Wreck
5 Skewered, Martha
6 Eminumb
7 Campbell, Slayomi
8 Rotter, Winona
9 Die-Son, Mike
10 King, Scary
Bonus Cards Checklist
2 cards.
1 per blister pack.

B1 Britney Speared
B2 Britney Speared
Promo Cards

P1 Elijah Deadwood
P2 Paris Hellton
P3 Paris Hellton