2000 Topps Pokemon TV Animation Edition Series 2 trading cards are the second in a three-set run highlighting the cartoon iteration of the popular franchise. The foundation laid by the first set in 1999 is still there, but this time there are some added inserts to chase.
2000 Topps Pokemon TV Animation Edition Series 2 Checklist Details
In total, the base set consists of 72 cards. However, it’s broken down into three general sections, each with the own theme and design.
The majority of the set highlights different Pokemon characters. For this part of the set, the checklist picks up at #77, where Series 1 left off. And wouldn’t you know, these card numbers match up with the corresponding Pokedex number. Card fronts have an illustration of the character while backs give info like Pokemon types, their first television appearance and other background facts.
Twenty-five episodes of the Pokemon: Indigo League each get their own cards. Each of these has an “EP” prefix for the card number. These are like standard TV trading cards with an image on the front and synopsis on the back.
Characters are the focus of five Heroes and Villains cards (#HV1-H5) while a checklist rounds out the base set.
All 72 cards have two parallels. Foil are the most common, landing one per pack in most varieties. There are also Rainbow Foil cards that can be found in packs marked “”Special Collector’s Edition.” These give off a brighter shine than the dark metallic look of standard Foil cards.
2000 Topps Pokemon Series 2 Inserts
Unlike Series 1, 2000 Topps Pokemon TV Animation Edition Series 2 has three additional insert sets available in packs.
Animation Stick-Ons accomplish two things. First off, they’re stickers. Backs also double as puzzle pieces. These go together to form a collage of several popular Pokemon including Pikachu, Charmander and Blastoise. Ten cards make up the set with one landing approximately every six packs.
Five Clear cards (1:9 packs) showcase Pokemon on acetate stock. This makes them feel like plastic and are see through where there’s no image present.
Die-Cut Embossed cards round out the in-pack inserts. These are the toughest pulls, falling 1:12 packs. These are instantly recognizable due to their different shapes.
Rounding out the 2000 Topps Pokemon TV Animation Edition Series 2 checklist are five oversized Chrome cards. These are only available in tins as a bonus in each.
2000 Topps Pokemon TV Animation Edition Series 2 Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 72 cards
Cards per pack: Hobby – 8, Retail – 5, Tins – 7
Packs per box: Hobby – 36, Retail – 36, Tins – 7
Shop for 2000 Topps Pokemon TV Animation Edition Series 2 boxes and packs on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
72 cards.
Buy on eBay:
77 Ponyta
78 Rapidash
79 Slowpoke
80 Slowbro
81 Magnemite
82 Magneton
83 Farfetch’d
84 Doduo
85 Dodrio
86 Seel
87 Dewgong
88 Grimer
89 Muk
90 Shellder
91 Cloyster
92 Gastly
93 Haunter
94 Gengar
95 Onix
96 Drowzee
97 Hypno
98 Krabby
99 Kingler
100 Voltorb
101 Electrode
102 Exeggcute
103 Exeggutor
104 Cubone
105 Marowak
106 Hitmonlee
107 Hitmonchan
108 Lickitung
109 Koffing
110 Weezing
111 Rhyhorn
112 Rhydon
113 Chansey
114 Tangela
115 Kangaskhan
116 Horsea
117 Seadra
EP1 Pokémon – I Choose You!
EP2 Pokémon Emergency
EP3 Ash Catches a Pokémon
EP4 Challenge of the Samurai
EP5 Showdown in Pewter City
EP6 Clefairy and the Moon Stone
EP7 The Water Flowers of Cerulean City
EP8 The Path to the Pokémon League
EP9 The School of Hard Knocks
EP10 Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village
EP11 Charmander – The Stray Pokémon
EP12 Here Comes the Squirtle Squad
EP13 Mystery at the Lighthouse
EP14 Electric Shock Showdown
EP15 Battle Aboard the St. Anne
EP16 Pokémon Shipwreck
EP17 Island of the Giant Pokémon
EP18 Tentacool and Tentacruel
EP19 The Ghost of Maiden Peak
EP20 Bye, Bye Butterfree
EP21 Abra and the Psychic Showdown
EP22 The Tower of Terror
EP23 Haunter vs. Kadabra
EP24 Primeape Goes Bananas
EP25 Pokémon Scent-Sation
Heroes and Villains
HV1 Ash Ketchum
HV2 Team Rocket: Jesse
HV3 Todd
HV4 Team Rocket: James
HV5 Team Rocket: Cassidy
Foil Parallels
72 cards.
1 per pack.

77 Ponyta
78 Rapidash
79 Slowpoke
80 Slowbro
81 Magnemite
82 Magneton
83 Farfetch’d
84 Doduo
85 Dodrio
86 Seel
87 Dewgong
88 Grimer
89 Muk
90 Shellder
91 Cloyster
92 Gastly
93 Haunter
94 Gengar
95 Onix
96 Drowzee
97 Hypno
98 Krabby
99 Kingler
100 Voltorb
101 Electrode
102 Exeggcute
103 Exeggutor
104 Cubone
105 Marowak
106 Hitmonlee
107 Hitmonchan
108 Lickitung
109 Koffing
110 Weezing
111 Rhyhorn
112 Rhydon
113 Chansey
114 Tangela
115 Kangaskhan
116 Horsea
117 Seadra
EP1 Pokémon – I Choose You!
EP2 Pokémon Emergency
EP3 Ash Catches a Pokémon
EP4 Challenge of the Samurai
EP5 Showdown in Pewter City
EP6 Clefairy and the Moon Stone
EP7 The Water Flowers of Cerulean City
EP8 The Path to the Pokémon League
EP9 The School of Hard Knocks
EP10 Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village
EP11 Charmander – The Stray Pokémon
EP12 Here Comes the Squirtle Squad
EP13 Mystery at the Lighthouse
EP14 Electric Shock Showdown
EP15 Battle Aboard the St. Anne
EP16 Pokémon Shipwreck
EP17 Island of the Giant Pokémon
EP18 Tentacool and Tentacruel
EP19 The Ghost of Maiden Peak
EP20 Bye, Bye Butterfree
EP21 Abra and the Psychic Showdown
EP22 The Tower of Terror
EP23 Haunter vs. Kadabra
EP24 Primeape Goes Bananas
EP25 Pokémon Scent-Sation
Heroes and Villains
HV1 Ash Ketchum
HV2 Team Rocket: Jesse
HV3 Todd
HV4 Team Rocket: James
HV5 Team Rocket: Cassidy
Rainbow Foil Parallels
72 cards.
1 per “Special Collector’s Edition” pack.

77 Ponyta
78 Rapidash
79 Slowpoke
80 Slowbro
81 Magnemite
82 Magneton
83 Farfetch’d
84 Doduo
85 Dodrio
86 Seel
87 Dewgong
88 Grimer
89 Muk
90 Shellder
91 Cloyster
92 Gastly
93 Haunter
94 Gengar
95 Onix
96 Drowzee
97 Hypno
98 Krabby
99 Kingler
100 Voltorb
101 Electrode
102 Exeggcute
103 Exeggutor
104 Cubone
105 Marowak
106 Hitmonlee
107 Hitmonchan
108 Lickitung
109 Koffing
110 Weezing
111 Rhyhorn
112 Rhydon
113 Chansey
114 Tangela
115 Kangaskhan
116 Horsea
117 Seadra
EP1 Pokémon – I Choose You!
EP2 Pokémon Emergency
EP3 Ash Catches a Pokémon
EP4 Challenge of the Samurai
EP5 Showdown in Pewter City
EP6 Clefairy and the Moon Stone
EP7 The Water Flowers of Cerulean City
EP8 The Path to the Pokémon League
EP9 The School of Hard Knocks
EP10 Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village
EP11 Charmander – The Stray Pokémon
EP12 Here Comes the Squirtle Squad
EP13 Mystery at the Lighthouse
EP14 Electric Shock Showdown
EP15 Battle Aboard the St. Anne
EP16 Pokémon Shipwreck
EP17 Island of the Giant Pokémon
EP18 Tentacool and Tentacruel
EP19 The Ghost of Maiden Peak
EP20 Bye, Bye Butterfree
EP21 Abra and the Psychic Showdown
EP22 The Tower of Terror
EP23 Haunter vs. Kadabra
EP24 Primeape Goes Bananas
EP25 Pokémon Scent-Sation
Heroes and Villains
HV1 Ash Ketchum
HV2 Team Rocket: Jesse
HV3 Todd
HV4 Team Rocket: James
HV5 Team Rocket: Cassidy
Animation Stick-Ons Checklist
10 cards.
1:6 packs.

1 #08 Wartortle
2 #34 Nidoking
3 #61 Poliwhirl
4 #24 Arbok
5 #132 Ditto
6 #39 Jigglypuff
7 #74 Geodude
8 #25 Pikachu
9 #19 Rattata
10 #04 Charmander
Clear Checklist
5 cards.
1:9 packs.

PC1 #25 Pikachu
PC2 #01 Bulbasaur
PC3 #06 Charizard
PC4 #07 Squirtle
PC5 #150 Mewtwo
Die-Cut Embossed Checklist
12 cards.
1:12 packs.

EV1 #10 Caterpie
EV2 #11 Metapod
EV3 #12 Butterfree
EV4 #43 Oddish
EV5 #44 Gloom
EV6 #45 Vileplume
EV7 #63 Abra
EV8 #64 Kadabra
EV9 #65 Alakazam
EV10 #16 Pidgey
EV11 #17 Pidgeotto
EV12 #18 Pidgeot
Tin Bonus Cards Checklist
5 cards.
1 per retail tin.
Cards are oversized.

1 Pokemon – Gotta Catch ’em All!
2 Ash / Pikachu / Misty / Brock
3 Team Rocket
4 Pikachu
5 Charizard