Live-action remakes of animated Disney classics are commonplace now. But that wasn’t the case 20 years ago. 1996 SkyBox 101 Dalmatians trading cards chart one of the first to do so. It’s a simple release with not a lot to it. But it’s similar in scope to a lot of the other Disney trading cards SkyBox was releasing at the time.
The base set, appropriately enough, has 101 cards. The story is summarized in just 27 cards. From there, subsets break down characters, puppy hijinks and more. Lending an interactive and tactile experience are the pop-up cards and stickers that close out the checklist.
Every pack has one of four different Mini Mags. Given their quantity, many might consider these to be part of the main set.
1996 SkyBox 101 Dalmatians has two addition inserts. Foil ‘n Fur has just two cards with one landing every 24 packs. Just as the name suggests, they mix two print styles. The foil adds a bit of shine while a soft fur-like fuzz has also been included.
Every ninth pack has one of four different Magnetic Frames cards.
1996 SkyBox 101 Dalmatians Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 12
Packs per box: 36
Shop for 1996 SkyBox 101 Dalmatians boxes on eBay.
Base Set
101 cards.

1 Wake-Up Call
2 Cruella Spots a New Design
3 Stripes to Spots
4 Desperate for a Paycheck
5 A Pretty Dalmatian Girl
6 Chance Encounter
7 Love at First Sight
8 Illegal Contents
9 Babies on the Way
10 The Big Day Arrives
11 Not for Sale
12 On the Move
13 Puppynapped
14 A Grand Total of 99 Puppies
15 Wizzer’s Bark for Help
16 Pongo Sounds the “Twilight” Alert
17 Cruella the Culprit
18 No More Time To Waste
19 Creulla’s Evil Plan
20 To Manor De Vil!
21 Animals to the Rescue!
22 The Puppies Escape
23 Call the Police!
24 Safe and Sound
25 Neck Deep in Molasses
26 Electric End
27 Reunited
28 Backfire!
29 Splaaat!
30 Into The Muck
31 Too Big For Comfort
32 The Protectors
33 Kipper’s Plan
34 Through the Mansion
35 Kipper Spots a Way Out
36 Puppy Transport
37 Home at Last
38 Dimwitted Duo
39 Cunning Cruella
40 Unspeakable Acts
41 Watch Out!
42 Sticky Ending
43 Puppy Love
44 Puppy Love
45 Puppy Love
46 Puppy Love
47 Checklist
48 Checklist
49 Pongo
50 Perdy
51 Cruella
52 Horace
53 Jasper
54 Lucky
55 Jewel
56 Two-Tone
57 Wizzer
58 Fidget
59 Dipstick
60 Dalmatian Puppies
61 Build-a-Doghouse
62 Build-a-Doghouse
63 Build-a-Doghouse
64 Build-a-Doghouse
65 Build-a-Doghouse
66 Build-a-Doghouse
67 101
68 Ruff!, Arf!, Bark!
69 Pawprints
70 House
71 Chomp, Chew, Crunch
72 Shadows
73 Pongo
74 Perdy
75 Cruella
76 Horace
77 Jasper
78 Lucky
79 Jewel
80 Two-Tone
81 Wizzer
82 Fidget
83 Dipstick
84 Fogey
85 Puppy
86 Puppy
87 Puppy with Hose
88 Puppy Playing Dress Up
89 Sleeping Puppy
90 Puppy Eating Corn
91 Puppies Playing
92 Puppy Dragging Magazine
93 Cruella with Puppy
94 Cruella Holding Two Puppies
95 Cruella Attacked by Puppy
96 Cruella
97 Lucky
98 Two-Tone
99 Wizzer
100 Jewel
101 Fidget
Foil ‘n Fur
2 cards, 1:24 packs.

1 Cruella
2 Puppy
Magnetic Frames
4 cards, 1:9 packs.

Pongo and Perdy
Puppies – black background
Puppies – on carpet
Pups – white background
Mini Mags
4 total, 1 per pack.
1 Spot Patrol
2 Ruff and Tuff
3 Spot of Trouble
4 Feisty and Fierce
Promo Cards
Four-Card Sheet