It’s been a long time since I’ve bought myself a comic book that wasn’t in the form of a collected edition or graphic novel. I certainly have never bought a Simpsons comic before. Both changed when I found out that The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror #16 contained some cards spoofing the classic Mars Attacks set.

Attached as a four-“card” uncut sheet, the cards take on the set notorious for its gloriously offensive artwork and story. The cards are hilarious, capturing an updated feel for the set.

Although the comic promotes a 55-card set, it is done with its tongue firmly in cheek. There’s no need to go out and buy dozens of copies looking to complete their sets. Only the four cards exist (#’s 3, 9, 22 and 46 for those keeping track). That said, this is so a set I’d love to see released as a full-blown set. Compliment the base cards with some glow-in-the-dark and lenticular motion inserts and you’ve got a set that could do excellent, particularly at the retail level.