Similar to the film fitting into a larger story, 2002 Topps Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers are meant to be a direct companion to 2001’s Fellowship of the Ring release. Card styles and designs are both in line with already was and what was to come with the blockbuster trilogy. It also brings another extremely impressive autograph lineup.
2002 Topps Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The base set has 90 cards. And while it doesn’t have every moment from the movie, it covers a lot of it. And those spoilers and effects-driven shots that aren’t here can be found in the Two Towers Update set that followed in conjunction with the movie’s DVD release.
The checklist has three general sections. Character introductions make up the first 18 cards. Following that is the traditional plot synopsis. A Behind the Scenes subset comes at the end and includes several cards of director Peter Jackson.
Autographs are the central hit in the product. Landing one per hobby box, the 17-card checklist has virtually all of the key actors including ELijah Wood, Sean Astin, Christopher Lee, Live Tyler, Orlando Bloom and Cate Blanchett.
Peter Jackson’s signature is also in 2002 Topps Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.
Like the base set, the design didn’t change much from the first film. With many overlapping signers in both products, it’s not a bad idea to double check the film’s logo to make sure you get the one you’re looking for.
Ten Prismatic Foil inserts are the only other inserts available in packs. These land approximately 1:6 packs.
2002 Topps Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 90 cards
Cards per pack: Hobby – 7, Retail – 7
Packs per box: Hobby – 36, Retail – 24
Shop for 2002 Topps Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers boxes and packs on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
90 cards.
Buy on eBay:

1 Frodo
2 Gandalf The White
3 Saruman
4 Aragorn
5 Legolas
6 Gimli
7 King Théoden
8 Grima Wormtongue
9 Lady Éowyn
10 Éomer
11 Faramir
12 Treebeard
13 Sam
14 Merry
15 Pippin
16 Arwen
17 Easterling
18 Uruk-Hai

19 Uruk-Hai On The March
20 The Rescuers
21 The Riders Of Rohan
22 Éomer’s Warning
23 Off To Hunt Uruk-Hai
24 Aftermath Of A Massacre
25 A Lift From Treebeard
26 Off To See A Wizard
27 The Return Of Gandalf
28 Visions Of Arwen
29 The Dead Marshes
30 Bog Of The Damned
31 The Face Of Death
32 Frodo’s Benefactor
33 Wormtongue’s Ploy
34 The Road To Edoras
35 Guarding The Golden Hall
36 The Exorcism
37 Théoden’s Return
38 Begone, Wormtongue!
39 Stirring Up Hatred
40 A Village Invaded!
41 The Pillagers
42 Day Of The Evil Ones
43 A King Once More
44 March Of The Easterlings
45 At The Black Gate
46 The Master’s Disciple
47 Making Friends With Gimli
48 Torn Between Worlds
49 For The Love Of Aragorn
50 Drawn To Each Other
51 Battle Of The White Mountains
52 Fury Of Théoden
53 A Duel To The Death
54 Orc Attack!
55 Crossing Paths With Faramir
56 Faramir’s Gamble
57 The Possession Of Frodo
58 Arriving At Helm’s Deep
59 Aragorn’s Safe Return
60 The Eve Of War
61 The Courage To Fight
62 To War!
63 The Hour Has Come
64 Ready For The Onslaught
65 Saruman’s Army Attacks!
66 Night Of The Orcs
67 Monster Against Warrior
68 The Fury Of Aragorn
69 Fierce Warfare
70 The Inhuman Enemy
71 The Vile And The Valiant
72 Gandalf Returns!
73 Power Of The White Wizard
74 Éomer To The Rescue!
75 No Escape From The Riders
76 Warfare In The Courtyard
77 Rohan Victorious
78 In The Osgiliath Sewers
Behind the Scenes

79 Lord Of The Shoot
80 Filming On Location
81 Heroes New And Old
82 My Life As A Hobbit
83 Fine Tuning The Villains
84 Making The Magical Real
85 A Director’s Dark Vision
86 The Horror Of It All!
87 Filming A Savage Swordfight
88 Painting With Light
89 Making Up A Monster
90 Checklist
Autographs Checklist
14 cards.
1:36 hobby packs.
1:125 retail packs.
Group A – 1:45 hobby / 1:158 retail, Group B – 1:232 hobby / 1:804 retail, Group C – 1:518 hobby / 1:1,796 retail.
Parker distributed as case topper and not in packs.

Check out a gallery of the entire autographs set.
Sean Astin as Sam A
Cate Blanchett as Galadriel A
Orlando Bloom as Legolas B
Billy Boyd as Pippin A
Bernard Hill as Théoden A
Peter Jackson, Director A
Christopher Lee as Saruman A
Dominic Monaghan as Merry B
Miranda Otto as Éowyn C
Craig Parker as Halide – Case Topper
Liv Tyler as Arwen A
Karl Urban as Éomer A
David Wenham as Faramir A
Elijah Wood as Frodo A
Album Cards Checklist
9 cards.

C1 Arwen
C2 Gandalf
C3 Aragorn
C4 Faramir
C5 Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
C6 Eowyn
C7 Gollum
C8 Frodo
C9 Samwise
Album Cards UK Checklist
9 cards.

B1 Gandalf
B2 Frodo
B3 Saruman
B4 King Theoden
B5 Ring
B6 Gimli
B7 Grima Wormtongue
B8 Aragorn
B9 Legolas
Prismatic Foil
10 cards.
1:6 packs.

1 Aragorn
2 Soldiers
3 Legolas and Archers
4 Éomer
5 Archers
6 Orc
7 Orc Soldiers
8 Gimli
9 Éomer
10 Legolas
Promo Cards Checklist

L1 Frodo (The Legend Returns!) – UK
L2 Saruman / Grima (The Legend Returns!) – Europe
P1 Saruman / Grima (The Legend Returns!)
P2 Frodo (The Legend Returns!)
P3 Army (The Legend Returns!)