1979 Topps Incredible Hulk trading cards chart the TV series starring Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno. It’s not complex by any means, but a lively design, memorable (and not always in good way) and the fact that it’s part of the extended Marvel universe have all helped it remain popular over the decades.
1979 Topps Incredible Hulk Checklist Details
The base set is 88 cards, all using images from early episodes of the show’s run. It lives up to its name with every card featuring either David Banner or his titular alter ego. Some even show Banner mid-transformation. Many of the cards show action scenes that don’t necessarily hold up today as far as realism goes, but it’s part of the fun. It’s the same for some of the Hulk’s close-ups, which are a far cry from the computer-enhanced technology helping create the MCU’s Hulk. But that’s part of the fun. The show came out in the late 1970s and the trading cards are like a time capsule from the era.
Fronts evoke the show’s chaotic action with green borders and a frame that could be interpreted as an explosion or even the seams of Banner’s clothes tearing as he changes into the Hulk. A caption is at the bottom of the card along with its number and the copyright info.
Backs come in a couple of different styles. The majority act as puzzle pieces. However, there are also some TV Facts cards that go into some of the show’s ideas as well as background. Broad plots strokes are used on some, but others get more into the production side of things.
Each pack of 1979 Topps Incredible Hulk has one of 22 different stickers. These recycle images from the base set with a couple of different designs. One puts a rectangular frame around the shot, evoking an old console TV. A handful outline the image in pink and put lightning in the card’s background.
Are 1979 Topps Incredible Hulk Trading Cards Still Popular?
1979 Topps Incredible Hulk boxes are somewhat tough to find today but not impossible. That said, they now sell for hundreds of dollars. Packs and sets are also popular. As professionally graded cards continue to gain traction with vintage entertainment cards, that’s another avenue some collectors are taking today. Another consideration is the fact that this is the first set of trading cards based on a live-action Marvel production.
1979 Topps Incredible Hulk Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 88 cards
Cards per pack: 8
Packs per box: 36
Boxes per case: 20
Shop for 1979 Topps Incredible Hulk boxes and packs on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
88 cards.
Buy on eBay:
1 No Power to Save Her!
2 Experiment: Perilous!
3 Unearthly Seizure
4 Birth of the Beast Man
5 This Man…This Monster!
6 Friend…or Fiend?
7 The Hand of Fear
8 The Creature’s Plan
9 The Power of the Brute
10 To Rescue a Child
11 The Make-Shift Bridge
12 The Creature…Shot!
13 Fury of the Hulk
14 The Charging Terror
15 The Monster Strikes!
16 In the Clutches of Horror!
17 The Incredible Man Monster
18 Prehistoric Mutant
19 Portrait of a Monster
20 Horror in the Woods
21 Stirrings Within the Beast
22 The Pawn of Destiny
23 Monstrous Reflection
24 Metamorphosis
25 Inside the Hyperbaric Chamber
26 Engine of Destruction
27 No Walls Can Hold Him!
28 The Creature is Loose!
29 Living Nightmare
30 The Abomination
31 Modified Hulk Make-Up
32 Back From Beyond
33 Ferrigno in Character
34 Filming the Episode “Married”
35 The Flame and the Fury
36 The Inferno
37 Death of Dr. Marks
38 The Hulk Strikes Back!
39 Nightmare at the Ranch
40 Has The Hulk Met His Match?
41 Battle of the Behemoths
42 Monster in the Mansion
43 No Escape From the Brute
44 A Titan In Times Square
45 Manhattan Mayhem
46 The Beast Bursts Through
47 The 747 Affair
48 Stranger at the Door
49 Face of Fear
50 The Dark Journey Back
51 Bringing in a 747
52 No! It Can’t Happen Now!
53 Caught in Mid-Transformation!
54 Banner’s Titanic Struggle!
55 Suppressing the Demon Within Him
56 Creature in the Pilot’s Seat!
57 Monster at the Controls
58 Panic in the Cockpit
59 The Life-Saving Thrust
60 Greetings From Our Captain!
61 Racing Through the Airliner
62 Stan Lee’s Creation…The Hulk
63 Creature On The Runway!
64 Nobody Fences In The Hulk!
65 David Banner Confronts…Himself!
66 Hope Through Hypnotherapy
67 A Man Possessed
68 The Raging Spirit
69 The Humanoid Appears
70 Tower of Strength
71 No Longer Human
72 The Captive Creature
73 The Tranquilizing Gas
74 The Two Faces of Dr. Banner
75 Nothing Can Stop The Hulk!
76 Netting The Hulk
77 Sensing Danger
78 The Capture
79 David Banner’s Wedding Day
80 The Recurring Dream
81 The Force Inside Banner
82 Demon With A Soul
83 The Mindless Primitive
84 The Mightiest Creature On Earth
85 The Monster Within Us All!
86 Being of Fantastic Proportions
87 Victim of Gamma Radiation!
88 The Eyes of David Banner
Stickers Checklist
22 cards.
1 per pack.

(Captions refer to the corresponding base card image.)
1 Modified Hulk Make-Up
2 Metamorphosis
3 Hope Through Hypnotherapy
4 The Hulk Strikes Back!
5 The Monster Within Us All
6 Manhattan Mayhem
7 Portrait of a Monster
8 Mightiest Creature on Earth
9 Suppressing the Demon Within Him
10 The Monster Strikes!
11 This Man…This Monster!
12 The Creature…Shot!
13 Racing Through the Airliner
14 The Incredible Man Monster
15 Friend…or Fiend?
16 Ferrigno in Character
17 In the Clutches of Horror!
18 A Titan in Times Square
19 Has the Hulk Met His Match?
20 The Pawn of Destiny
21 Experiment: Perilous!
22 The Mindless Primitive