When it comes to Farscape autographs, Rittenhouse saved the biggest for last. Once you factor in the exclusives, the 2004 Rittenhouse Farscape: Through the Wormhole Autographs checklist has nearly 40 signers.
Covering the entire series, the checklist has a mix of human and alien characters. Headlining the set are Claudia Black (Aeryn Sun) and Wayne Pygram (Scorpius). They’re also among the toughest of the product. Both are classifed by Rittenhouse as being Very Limited. This translates into 200-300 copies.
But it’s not like any of the 2004 Rittenhouse Farscape: Through the Wormhole Autographs are in huge supply. All have no more than 500 copies.
The set also has three dual autographs, although only two are available in packs. A card signed by Ben Browder (John Crichton) and Wayne Pygram (Harvey) was given away as an incentive to those ordering multiple cases.
A couple of other cards aren’t in packs, either. Bianca Chiminello (Jenavian Charto) comes with the set’s binder. Francesca Buller (Scarran War Minister Ahkna) is not in packs. Rather, she’s in the expansion set. Sold separately, it has 333 copies.
Autographs are 1:20 2004 Rittenhouse Farscape: Through the Wormhole packs.
2004 Rittenhouse Farscape: Through the Wormhole Autographs Checklist
Click on the links to shop for specific cards or check current market values on eBay.
VL = Very Limited (200-300 copies). All other cards limited to 500 copies or less.
A35 Carmen Duncan as Leslie Crichton
A36 Justin Monjo – Writer/Producer
A37 Alyssa-Jane Cook as Gilina
A38 Claudia Black as Aeryn Sun VL
A39 Bianca Chiminello as Jenavian Charto – Binder
A40 Rhys Muldoon as Staanz
A41 Nick Tate as R. Wilson Monroe
A42 Felix Williamson as Prince Clayvor
A43 Marta Dusseldorp as Officer Yal Henta
A44 Rachel Gordon as Lo’Laan
A45 Tina Bursil as Empress Novia
A46 Matt Day as Councilor Tyno
A47 Claudia Karvan as Natira
A48 Natalie Mendoza as Lishala
A49 Imogen Annesley as Niem (Peacekeeper Barbie)
A50 Mark Mitchell as Mu-Quillus
A51 Victoria Longley as Pathfinder Neeyala
A52 Barry Otto as Dr. Tumii
A53 Jeremy Sims as Rorf
A54 Angie Milliken as Volmae
A55 Jamie Croft as Young John Crichton
A56 Darlene Vogel as Lorana
A57 Lisa Hensley as Matala
A58 Susan Lyons as Sierjna
A59 Anthony Hayes as Molnon
A60 Felicity Price as Princess Katralla
A61 Alex Dimitriades as Lt. Velorek
A62 Alyson Standen as Ennixx
A63 Chris Haywood as Kyvan
A64 Anna Lise Phillips as Young Nilaam
A65 David Franklin as Braca
A66 Gigi Edgley as Chiana
A67 Anthony Simcoe as D’Argo
A68 Wayne Pygram as Scorpius VL
A69 Raelee Hill as Sikozu
A70 Paul Goddard as Stark
A71 Francesca Buller as Scarran War Minister Ahkna – Expansion Set
Dual Autographs
DA1 Ben Browder as John Crichton and Claudia Black as Aeryn Sun VL
DA2 Ben Browder as John Crichton and Wayne Pygram as Harvey – Multi-case incentive
DA3 Virginia Hey as Zhaan and Paul Goddard as Stark