1993 SkyBox DC Cosmic Teams attempts to be a kind of encyclopedic set that delves into the comic universe’s various groups. Following up on the previous year’s Cosmic Cards, this release hasn’t held up over the years. That doesn’t mean it’s bad, but it’s likely going to be appreciated mainly by hardcore DC fans.
1993 SkyBox DC Cosmic Teams Checklist Details
The set is a fairly big one with 150 cards. The problem is that many of the biggest names in DC Comics don’t have their own cards. In fact, there’s nothing directly related to Batman, his friends or his foes.
But focusing on what’s actually in the product instead of what isn’t and 1993 SkyBox DC Cosmic Teams cards are somewhat informative. Fronts get blue borders and lively artwork. Backs have character bios and include things like first appearances, connecting the trading cards to the comic books directly.
Six Holograms are the lone inserts. These are a continuation of the set that started in 1992’s DC Cosmic Cards with numbering starting at the 11 spot. Superman, Lobo and Swamp Thing are among the highlight characters. It starts with a dozen different three-card puzzles that go together to form some of DC’s most recognizable teams. From there, various groupings get individual subsets where cards highlight specific members.
When it comes to values, 1993 SkyBox DC Cosmic Teams have a couple of significant things working against it. While there’s plenty of information to take from the cards, it’s more of a DC B-side with the vast majority of characters not holding much relevance today. That’s a good thing for hardcore DC Comics fans, but not necessarily casual collectors looking for key characters like Batman and Wonder Woman. Combine that with the massive print run and you’ve got one of the most affordable sets of mainstream comic cards from the early ’90s.
1993 SkyBox DC Cosmic Teams Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 150 cards
Cards per pack: 8
Packs per box: 36
Boxes per case: 20
Shop for 1993 SkyBox DC Cosmic Teams boxes on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
150 cards.
Buy on eBay;
Team Triptychs
1 Justice League America
2 Justice League America
3 Justice League America
4 Justice League International
5 Justice League International
6 Justice League International
7 Justice Society of America
8 Justice Society of America
9 Justice Society of America
10 New Titans
11 New Titans
12 New Titans
13 Team Titans
14 Team Titans
15 Team Titans
16 L.E.G.I.O.N.
17 L.E.G.I.O.N.
18 L.E.G.I.O.N.
19 Legionnaires
20 Legionnaires
21 Legionnaires
22 Green Lantern Corps
23 Green Lantern Corps
24 Green Lantern Corps
25 Worlds of Magic
26 Worlds of Magic
27 Worlds of Magic
28 Foes of the Justice League
29 Foes of the Justice League
30 Foes of the Justice League
31 Society of Sin
32 Society of Sin
33 Society of Sin
34 Foes of Superman
35 Foes of Superman
36 Foes of Superman
Justice League America
37 Superman
38 Blue Beetle
39 Booster Gold
40 Fire
41 Ice
42 Guy Gardner
43 Bloodwynd
44 Green Lantern
45 The Flash
46 Metamorpho
47 Crimson Fox
48 Dr. Light
49 Elongated Man
50 Power Girl
51 Golden Age Flash
52 Golden Age Green Lantern
53 Golden Age Hawkman
54 Golden Age Dr. Mid-Nite
55 Golden Age Atom
56 Golden Age Hourman
57 Golden Age Starman
58 Golden Age Wildcat
New Titans
59 Nightwing
60 Deathstroke
61 Cyborg
62 Pantha
63 Phantasm
64 Wildebeest
Team Titans
65 Mirage
66 Killowat
67 Nightrider
68 Redwing
69 Terra
70 Battalion
71 Troia
72 Vril Dox
73 Phase
74 Garryn Bek
75 Strata
76 Stealth
77 Lady Quark
78 Garv
79 Telepath
80 Lobo
81 Captain Comet
82 Cosmic Boy
83 Saturn Girl
84 Live Wire
85 Apparition
86 Triad
87 Chameleon
88 Invisible Kid
89 Leviathan
90 Shrinking Violet
91 Inferno
92 Andromeda
93 Brainiac 5
94 Ultra Boy
95 Matter-Eater Lad
96 Alchemist
97 Gossamer
98 Ferro
99 Computo
100 Dragonmage
101 Catspaw
102 Kid Quantum
Green Lantern Corps
103 John Stewart
104 Aa and Amanita
105 Boodikka
106 Brik
107 Chaselon
108 Kreon
109 Larvox
110 Tomar-Tu
111 G’Nort
Worlds of Magic
112 Amethyst
113 Deadman
114 Death
115 The Demon
116 Zatanna
117 Madame Xanadu
118 Phantom Stranger
119 Sandman
120 Anton Arcane
Foes of the Justice League
121 Weapons Master
122 Starbreaker
123 Deconstructo
124 Despero
125 Starro
Society of Sin
126 Houngan
127 Phobia
128 Plasmus
129 Warp
130 Trinity
Foes of Superman
131 Luthor II
132 Mr. Mxyzptlk
133 Brainiac
134 Doomsday
135 Parasite
136 Cerberus
137 Silver Banshee
138 Blaze
139 Lord Satanus
140 Mr. Z
The New Breed
141 Agent Liberty
142 Darkstar
143 Eclipso
144 Heckler
145 Thunderbolt
146 The Ray
147 Timber Wolf
148 Valor
149 Checklist A
150 Checklist B
Holograms Checklist
6 cards.

DCH11 Captain Marvel
DCH12 Hawkman
DCH13 Lobo
DCH14 The Spectre
DCH15 Superman
DCH16 Swamp Thing
Promo Cards Checklist

0 Catspaw
0 Computo
34 Lex Luthor II
35 Mr. Mxyzptlk
36 Brainiac
0 Deathstroke the Terminator
0 Dragonmage
60 Deathstroke the Terminator
P1 Apparition