
Comics Trading Cards

1996 SkyBox Kingdom Come Xtra Checklist, Trading Cards Info

1996 SkyBox Kingdom Come Xtra offers an over-sized look at the classic comic mini-series from Alex Ross and Mark Waid.

1996 Fleer/SkyBox Marvel DC Amalgam Checklist, Trading Cards Info

1996 Fleer/SkyBox Marvel DC Amalgam trading cards present a look at the characters and battles created by the combined Marvel and DC Universes.

2001 Topps Marvel Legends Checklist, Trading Cards Details

2001 Topps Marvel Legends trading cards delve deep into the heroes and villains of the Marvel Universe. Although not the first, the set includes some of the earliest Marvel sketch cards.

1997 Fleer/SkyBox X-Men 2099: Oasis Checklist, Trading Cards Info

1997 Fleer/SkyBox X-Men 2099: Oasis offer a trading card take of the one-shot comic. All of the artwork, like the book, is by Greg and Tim Hildebrandt.

2009 5finity Archie March of Dimes Sketch Cards Checklist, Info

2009 5finity Archie March of Dimes Sketch Cards bring a premium approach to the classic comic franchise. Every card in the product features original art.

1996 Fleer/SkyBox Superman Holo Series Checklist, Trading Cards Details

1996 Fleer/SkyBox Superman Holo Series Trading Cards is a product where EVERY card is a hologram. So even if you're not a Superman fan, it looks cool.

1997 Comic Images The Tick Checklist, Trading Cards Details

1997 Comic Images The Tick trading cards take a straightforward approach to both the comic and the cartoon. The set includes a limited edition autograph of creator Ben Edlund.

1960 Fleer Casper the Friendly Ghost Checklist, Trading Cards Details

1960 Fleer Casper the Ghost trading cards are one of the era's more popular sets. Tough to find and condition sensitive, it's not cheap either. Get a detailed look at the set including a full checklist.

1995 Fleer/SkyBox DC Versus Marvel Checklist, Trading Cards Details

1995 Fleer/SkyBox DC Versus Marvel pits the characters of both comic worlds against each other. Highlights include extremely rare lenticular Mirage inserts.

2010 5finity Hack/Slash Sketch Cards Checklist

Get a full list of artists that contributed to the 2010 5finity Hack/Slash Sketch Card set. Includes quantities as well.