Ryan Cracknell
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 6 Pieceworks Costume Card Gallery
2002 Inkworks Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 6 Pieceworks are the first costume cards for the series. See a full gallery, checklist and more.
24 Season 3 Memorabilia Cards Gallery
The 2005 Comic Images 24 Season 3 Memorabilia Cards feature pieces of costumes worn by most of the show's key characters.
1994 Cardz Muppets Take the Ice Checklist
1994 Cardz Muppets Take the Ice trading cards were intended to introduce young fans and collectors to the NHL and the world of hockey.
2011 Artbox Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Checklist
2011 Artbox Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 marks the final set of trading cards for the franchise. Autographs are plentiful but there are no costume or prop cards like Artbox's other Harry Potter releases.
1962 Topps Civil War News Checklist, Gallery
1962 Topps Civil War News checklist, trading cards info, image gallery, details, buy and check values and other helpful collecting resources.
1962 Topps Mars Attacks Checklist, Trading Cards Gallery
1962 Mars Attacks trading cards are one of the most iconic sets of all-time. Featuring vivid imagery and surrounded by controversy, the cards remain extremely popular still today.
2011 Rittenhouse Stargate Universe Season 2 Checklist
2011 Rittenhouse Stargate Universe Season 2 trading cards took on a premium format that included a pair of autographs in every pack.
1940 Gum Inc Lone Ranger Checklist, Trading Cards Info
1940 Gum Inc. Lone Ranger trading cards are one of the era's true classics. Beautiful illustrations are joined with vivid descriptions and adventures.
2005 Upper Deck Disneyland 50th Anniversary Checklist
2005 Upper Deck Disneyland 50th Anniversary trading cards look at five decades worth of history at the happiest place on Earth.
2001 Inkworks Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 5 Checklist
2001 Inkworks Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 5 trading cards keep with a similar format as past sets. Michelle Trachtenberg and Amber Benson are among the autographs.