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Ryan Cracknell

Ryan Cracknell
A collector nearly his entire life, Ryan has nostalgic memories of biking to the store for anything with the O-Pee-Chee logo. Although his tastes are eclectic, he focuses mostly on baseball (building sets, Expos team sets and a John Jaha master collection) and entertainment trading cards. That said, there are lots of other sports (and stuff) in his collection.

1940 Gum Inc. Superman Checklist, Trading Cards Info

1940 Gum Inc. Superman checklist, trading cards info, history, most valuable cards, buy and check values and other helpful resources.

1991 Impel Star Trek 25th Anniversary Checklist, Trading Cards Info

1991 Impel Star Trek 25th Anniversary checklist, trading cards details, box info, inserts, buy and check values and more for Series 1 and 2.

2011 Rittenhouse Marvel Universe Checklist, Trading Cards Info

2011 Rittenhouse Marvel Universe checklist, trading cards details, box info, odds, sketch cards, inserts, buy and check values, and more.

2004 Rittenhouse Fantasy Worlds of Irwin Allen Checklist, Trading Cards Info

2004 Rittenhouse Fantasy Worlds of Irwin Allen checklist, trading cards details, box info, odds, autographs, buy and check values and more.

2009 Press Pass KISS 360 Checklist, Trading Cards Info

2009 Press Pass KISS 360 checklist, trading cards details, box info, odds, inserts, buy and check values and other helpful resources.

1996 Wildstorm Spawn Chromium Checklist, Trading Cards Info

1996 Wildstorm Spawn Chromium checklist, trading cards details, box info, inserts, odds, buy and check values and more.

1995 Fleer Ultra X-Men All-Chromium Checklist, Trading Cards Info

1995 Fleer Ultra X-Men All-Chromium checklist, trading cards details, box info, inserts, odds, buy and check values and more.

2014 Cryptozoic Supernatural Seasons 1-3 Checklist, Trading Cards Info

2014 Cryptozoic Supernatural Seasons 1-3 checklist, trading cards details, box info, odds, inserts, buy and check values and other resources.

1992 Topps Trash Can Trolls Checklist, Trading Cards Info

1992 Topps Trash Can Trolls checklist, trading cards details, box info, background, buy and check values and other resources.

1992 Pro Set Disney Afternoon Checklist, Trading Cards Info

1992 Pro Set Disney Afternoon checklist, trading cards details, activity cards info, buy and check values and more for the promo set.