1996 Krome Archie Chromium trading cards take a lot of classic comic art and recreate it using modern metallic stock. It isn’t a complex or convoluted release but it is a colorful one. It’s also a moderately tough release to find.
1996 Krome Archie Chromium Checklist
The 90-card base set is largely character-driven. Archie Andrews and the rest of the Riverdale gang are shown in their various forms over the decades. They range from early appearances in the 1940s through to the more modern redesigns. Lots of cards simply show a character but some venture into one-frame gags and even covers. Backs are a mix of comic facts and history.
The main draw is the chromium stock in which the cards are printed in. For many trading card releases, this style was reserved for smaller chase sets. Here, it’s the norm.
That doesn’t mean that the 1996 Krome Archie Chromium checklist is missing inserts. There are a couple of sets.
Five Holochrome Chase cards brighten things up. Similar to Refractors like Topps does, these cards have a rainbow background when put under bright light. Rounding out the set are a pair of Super Chase cards that have Archie with Betty and Veronica.
If you’re looking for 1996 Krome Archie Chromium trading cards, they’re out there. However, they’re not nearly as plentiful as the 1992 SkyBox Archie set. Singles in particular can be tricky to find.
1996 Krome Archie Chromium Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 90 cards
Cards per pack: 7
Packs per box: 32
Shop for 1996 Krome Archie Chromium boxes on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
90 cards.
Buy on eBay:
1 Archie Andrews
2 Goofy & Confused
3 Archie Helps Out
4 Betty Cooper
5 Wild Fashions
6 Woman of the 90s
7 Veronica Lodge
8 Chic Veronica
9 Rich Girl
10 Jughead
11 Surprise!
12 Laid Back
13 Reggie Mantle
14 Love Beads
15 Mischievous
16 Mr. Weatherbee
17 Mr. Weatherbee
18 Archie’s Late
19 Archie’s Debut
20 HotRod Archie
21 Boys love Veronica
22 Archie Comics #1
23 Stark Contrast
24 “Double Date”
25 Two Dates !?
26 Run for Cover
27 Steal a Date
28 Sorry Archie
29 Explosive Mix
30 “Safe at Home”
31 Spoiled
32 Disaster!
33 A Sock Hop!
34 Jughead’s Sock
35 Hot Water, Again!
36 Girl-Crazy
37 For You, and You
38 Doubling Up
39 He’s Mine, No Mine
40 Cheryl Blossom
41 Going Broke!
42 Who to Choose?
43 “X-Folders”
44 Pot of Gold !
45 Seeing Straight
46 Friends Forever
47 A Knockout Cowgirl
48 Archie Loves ME!
50 Study Habits
51 Snow Problem
52 An Object of Desire
53 Tropical Peach
54 Stiff Competition
55 Laugh Comics #20
56 Archie Comics #1
57 Frat Dance
58 Pictures of Fashion
59 Pro-Girlwatchers
60 Any Request?
61 The Latest Fad
62 Worry-free life?
63 Too many visitors
64 Love is Blind
65 Jammed Calendar
66 Town Dump?
67 In Another World
68 Money Troubles
69 Lack of Funds
70 “Love Showdown”
71 2 Dates, 1 Prom
72 Food for Thought
73 Love Triangle Puzzle Piece A
74 Love Triangle Puzzle Piece B
75 Love Triangle Puzzle Piece C
76 Archie, Betty & Veronica Puzzle Piece A
77 Archie, Betty & Veronica Puzzle Piece B
78 Archie, Betty & Veronica Puzzle Piece C
79 Archie Gang Puzzle Piece A
80 Archie Gang Puzzle Piece B
81 Archie Gang Puzzle Piece C
82 Wisecracks
83 Love Triangle
84 Nifty Number
85 Point A to Point B
86 Artist Interpretation
87 Threatening Kiss
88 Preparation
89 Competition
90 Checklist
Holochrome Chase Cards Checklist
5 cards.

1 Archie
2 Betty
3 Veronica
4 Jughead
5 Betty / Archie / Veronica
Super Chase Checklist
2 cards.

A Archie / Betty
B Archie / Veronica
Promo Cards Checklist

One of One Veronica / Archie / Betty