2015 Subway Avengers: Age of Ultron trading cards see the Marvel superhero team trader shawarma for sandwiches.
The promo set was available exclusively through Canadian restaurants to coincide with the release of the second Avengers film. Consisting of just six cards, it’s not a big one. But, like most any modern food release, finding them in the wild might not be so easy.
The set highlights six members of the team, all with actor photos on the front. If you’re looking for actual information about the movies or the characters, you’re not going to find it here. Backs highlight the contest component that went with the promotion. They highlight prizes and include a unique code that could have been plugged into the corresponding app to enter.
For most of Canada, the 2015 Avengers Subway cards are in English. However, Quebec got French variations. Not only is the language changed on the back, but even the titles on the front. For Captain America, it even means a slight change to “Captaine.”
You’re unlikely to find a lot of sellers with these cards. For the average collector, they’d get one at a time with a sandwich purchase. However, online, some of the sellers that are out there have a large stock, likely from a connection at one of the restaurants or with an in to get some potential leftovers once the promotion came to an end.
2015 Subway Avengers: Age of Ultron Checklist
English Checklist
6 cards.
Buy on eBay:
Black Widow
Captain America
Iron Man
French Checklist
6 cards.
Buy on eBay:
Black Widow
Captaine America
Iron Man