By the time 2015 Rittenhouse Game of Thrones Season 4 arrived, the show had hit its trading card stride. Key components remain the same as sets from the three previous seasons but there are some new elements and inserts as well.
2015 Rittenhouse Game of Thrones Season 4 Checklist Details
The base set is another 100-card affair. That’s big for a season with just ten episodes, but Rittenhouse structured things in a way that make sense while looking at the show in a couple of different ways. First up are the episodes themselves. Thirty cards divided by ten episodes means three each, enough for key events and turning points.
The remaining 70 cards are all character cards, showing the depth of the cast and the immense scope of the show.
Designs for both are consistent with previous seasonal sets, one of the many threads that weave them all together throughout Game of Thrones‘ run.
Parallels comes in two levels. Foil versions are 1:3 packs while Gold cards are one per box and numbered to 150.
Autographs and Other Inserts
Rittenhouse hasn’t put out a set of Game of Thrones trading cards that doesn’t have a large list of autographs. Season 4 has 50 available in packs plus a couple more that were multi-case incentives.
Pack-inserted autographs come in three design. The majority of cards are Full-Bleed followed by Bordered. These are the two that started things back in Season 1. Three Blue Autographs are also in this set.
Key signers on the 2015 Rittenhouse Game of Thrones Season 4 checklist include Kit Harington, Peter Dinklage and Lena Headey. Overall, it’s not as strong as a lot of other sets for the show but the big names still carry a lot of clout.
Gold Signature Autographs from Jack Gleeson and Harington were distributed as six- and nine-case incentives, respectively.
The Season 4 checklist doesn’t have any memorabilia cards but there are a couple of other tough chase sets. Sketch cards return with some highly detailed artwork. There are also Shield/Pin cards that have various house symbols on them. The six of these that are in packs are all serial numbered out of 300.
Other inserts include Beautiful Death, which also have Gold parallels numbered to 150, ten more Quotable Game of Thrones cards, and Valar Morghulis.
2015 Rittenhouse Game of Thrones Season 4 Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 100 cards
Cards per pack: 5
Packs per box: 24
Boxes per case: 12
Release date: May 13, 2015
Shop for 2015 Rittenhouse Game of Thrones Season 4 boxes on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
100 cards.
Buy on eBay:
1 Two Swords
2 Two Swords
3 Two Swords
4 The Lion and The Rose
5 The Lion and The Rose
6 The Lion and The Rose
7 Breaker of Chains
8 Breaker of Chains
9 Breaker of Chains
10 Oathkeeper
11 Oathkeeper
12 Oathkeeper
13 First of His Name
14 First of His Name
15 First of His Name
16 The Laws of Gods and Men
17 The Laws of Gods and Men
18 The Laws of Gods and Men
19 Mockingbird
20 Mockingbird
21 Mockingbird
22 The Mountain and The Viper
23 The Mountain and The Viper
24 The Mountain and The Viper
25 The Watchers on The Wall
26 The Watchers on The Wall
27 The Watchers on The Wall
28 The Children
29 The Children
30 The Children
31 Sansa Stark
32 Theon Greyjoy
33 Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish
34 Tyrion Lannister
35 Samwell Tarly
36 King Joffrey Baratheon
37 Ygritte
38 Arya Stark
39 Bronn
40 Jon Snow
41 Bran Stark
42 Brienne of Tarth
43 Ser Davos Seaworth
44 Daenerys Targaryen
45 Varys
46 Ser Jaime Lannister
47 Yara Greyjoy
48 Sandor “The Hound” Clegane
49 Grand Maester Pycelle
50 Stannis Baratheon
51 Queen Cersei Lannister
52 Hodor
53 Margaery Tyrell
54 Grenn
55 Ser Jorah Mormont
56 Lord Tywin Lannister
57 Shae
58 Dragons
59 Melisandre
60 Hot Pie
61 Podrick Payne
62 Barristan Selmy
63 Roose Bolton
64 Tormund Giantsbane
65 Gilly
66 Mance Rayder
67 Locke
68 Meera Reed
69 Ramsay Snow
70 Jojen Reed
71 Grey Worm
72 Lady Olenna Tyrell
73 Missandei
74 Rast
75 Ser Loras Tyrell
76 Meryn Trant
77 Oberyn Martell
78 Ellaria Sand
79 Daario Naharis
80 Maester Aemon
81 Alliser Thorne
82 Qyburn
83 Styr
84 Janos Slynt
85 Dontos Hollard
86 Olyver
87 Selyse Baratheon
88 Mace Tyrell
89 Tommen Baratheon
90 Eddison Tollett
91 Pypar
92 Karl Tanner
93 Lysa Arryn
94 Robin Arryn
95 Salladhor Saan
96 Gregor Clegane
97 Olly
98 Mag the Mighty
99 Shireen Baratheon
100 Three-Eyed Raven
Foil Parallels
100 cards.
1:3 packs.

Gold Parallels
100 cards.
Each card #/150.
1:24 packs.

Blue Autographs Checklist
3 cards.
1:12 packs for all autographs.

Nathalie Emmanuel as Missandei – 300-500 copies
Michael McElhatton as Roose Bolton – 300-500 copies
Tobias Menzies as Edmure Tully
Bordered Autographs Checklist
12 cards.
1:12 packs for all autographs.

Roger Ashton-Griffiths as Mace Tyrell – 300-500 copies
Luke Barnes as Rast – 300-500 copies
Ian Beattie as Meryn Trant – 300-500 copies
Oona Chaplin as Talisa Maegyr – 100-200 copies
Burn Gorman as Karl Tanner – 300-500 copies
Ben Hawkey as Hot Pie – 300-500 copies
Kerry Ingram as Shireen Baratheon – 300-500 copies
Yuri Kolokolnikov as Styr – 300-500 copies
Lucian Msamati as Salladhor Saan – 300-500 copies
Will Tudor as Olyver – 300-500 copies
Indira Varma as Ellaria Sand – 300-500 copies
Ian Whyte as Gregor Clegane – 300-500 copies
Full-Bleed Autographs Checklist
35 cards.
1:12 packs for all autographs.

Josef Altin as Pypar
Jacob Anderson as Grey Worm – 200-300 copies
Sean Bean as Lord Eddard “Ned” Stark – 300-500 copies
Hafpór JúlÃus (Thor) Björnsson as Gregor Clegane – 200-300 copies
David Bradley as Walder Frey
Thomas Brodie Sangster as Jojen Reed – 300-500 copies
Susan Brown as Septa Mordane
Dominic Carter as Janos Slynt
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Jaime Lannister – 100-200 copies
Kate Dickie as Lysa Arryn
Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister – 100-200 copies
Ron Donachie as Ser Rodrik Cassel
Alexandra Dowling as Roslin Frey
Emun Elliott as Marillion
Kit Harington as Jon Snow – 100-200 copies
Lena Headey as Cersei Lannister – 100-200 copies
Kristofer Hivju as Tormund Giantsbane – 300-500 copies
Ralph Ineson as Dagmer Cleftjaw
Finn Jones as Loras Tyrell
Ellie Kendrick as Meera Reed – 300-500 copies
Anton Lesser as Qyburn
Kerr Logan as Matthos Seaworth – 300-500 copies
Francis Magee as Yoren
Fintan McKeown as Amory Lorch – 300-500 copies
Hannah Murray as Gilly – 300-500 copies
Daniel Portman as Podrick Payne – 300-500 copies
Laura Pradelska as Quaithe – 300-500 copies
Aimee Richardson as Myrcella Baratheon
Eugene Simon as Lancel Lannister
John Stahl as Rickard Karstark
Mark Stanley as Grenn
Donald Sumpter as Maester Luwin – 300-500 copies
Noah Taylor as Locke
Carice van Houten as Melisandre – 300-500 copies
Tony Way as Dontos Hollard – 300-500 copies
Gold Signatures Autographs Checklist
2 cards.
Not available in packs.

Jack Gleeson as Joffrey Baratheon – 6-Case Incentive
Kit Harington as Jon Snow – 9-Case Incentive
Beautiful Death Checklist
20 cards.
1:24 packs.

BD1 The Man Who Passes the Sentence Should Swing the Sword
BD2 He Ran. Not Very Fast
BD3 Dark Wings, Dark Words
BD4 He Was Jon Arryn’s Squire. Look How Far He’s Come
BD5 Take Him Alive. Kill His Men
BD6 A Crown for a King
BD7 King Robert Baratheon Murdered by a Pig
BD8 Stick Them With the Pointy End
BD9 Ser Ilyn, Bring Me His Head
BD10 Come Back to Me My Sun and Stars
BD11 The Night Is Dark and Full of Terrors
BD12 The Cold Winds Are Rising
BD13 We’re Looking for a Bastard
BD14 Three Victories Don’t Make You a Conqueror
BD15 You Can’t Avenge Him If You’re Dead
BD16 A Man Needs a Name
BD17 Your Dragons Wait for You in the House of the Undying
BD18 Help Was Not Promised Lovely Girl, Only Death
BD19 Those Are Brave Men Knocking at Our Door…
BD20 This Is Not My Home
Beautiful Death Gold Parallels
20 cards.
1:144 packs.
Cards #/150.

Quotable Game of Thrones Checklist
10 cards.
1:12 packs.
Q40 available through Rittenhouse Rewards program and not in packs.

Q31 Jaime Lannister / Tywin Lannister
Q32 Tyrion Lannister / Prince Oberyn Martell
Q33 Tywin & Jaime Lannister / The Hound & Arya Stark
Q34 Jaime Lannister / Lady Olenna Tyrell
Q35 Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish
Q36 Cersei Lannister
Q37 Tyrion Lannister / Prince Oberyn Martell
Q38 Tyrion Lannister / Tycho Nestoris
Q39 Tyrion Lannister
Q40 Arya Stark – Rittenhouse Rewards
Shield/Pin Cards Checklist
7 cards.
H7 exclusive to Archive Boxes.

H1 House Stark #/300
H2 House Baratheon (Robert) #/300
H3 House Baratheon (Stannis) #/300
H4 House Greyjoy #/300
H5 House Lannister #/300
H6 Littlefinger’s Mockingbird #/300
H7 Hand of the King #/100 – Archive Box
Sketch Cards Checklist
21 artists.
Adam Cleveland
Roy Cover
David Desbois
Mick and Matt Glebe
Dan Gorman
Charles Hall
Gavin Hunt
Mike James
Achilleas Kokkinakis
Rich Kunz
Seth Ismart
Tirso Llaneta
Warren Martineck
Eric McConnell
Rich Molinelli
Mary Jane Pajaron
Sean Pence
Jason Saldajeno
Richard Salvucci
Tim Shay
Helga Wojik
Valar Morghulis Checklist
20 cards.
1:24 packs.

G1 Jon Snow
G2 King Joffrey Baratheon
G3 Queen Cersei Lannister
G4 Tyrion Lannister
G5 Arya Stark
G6 Bran Stark
G7 Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish
G8 Sansa Stark
G9 Daenerys Targaryen
G10 Jaime Lannister
G11 Brienne of Tarth
G12 Tywin Lannister
G13 Margaery Tyrell
G14 Oberyn Martell
G15 Melisandre
G16 Ygritte
G17 Tormund Giantsbane
G18 Sandor “The Hound” Clegane
G19 Daario Naharis
G20 Ser Jorah Mormont
Case Topper
1 card.

CT1 The Three-Eyed Raven
Promo Cards Checklist

P1 Tyrion Lannister – general distribution
P2 Daenerys Targaryen – Non-Sport Update
P3 King Joffrey Baratheon / Margaery Tyrell – binder