It took almost 20 years from when the brand first debuted but 2014 Topps Chrome Star Wars Perspectives finally gave the franchise a full-fledged set under the Topps Chrome banner. That said, it does so with its own twist. Some of the familiar sports elements are here, like Refractors and autographs, but the focus of the content is definitely different, even for Star Wars trading cards standards.
2014 Topps Chrome Star Wars Perspectives Checklist Details
The base set has 100 total cards. That said it only has 50 different characters. This is where the “perspectives” aspect of 2014 Topps Chrome Star Wars Perspectives comes in. All characters in the set have two separate cards. It’s not a Garbage Pail Kids A-B name variation, either. “R” cards highlight characters from the Rebels point of view. This makes Leia, Luke and Han all heroes. However, with the “E” cards, the perspective shifts to the Empire. Now it’s Leia, Luke and Han’s turn to play the villains while Darth Vader is put on the pedestal. It’s an interesting exercise for collectors to potentially look at characters in a different light.
What would Topps Chrome be without Refractors? Probably not around anymore. All 100 base cards have five different types of Refractors. These start with standard Refractors, which are one per pack. The main difference between them and the base card is the background. Standard base cards give off a flat metallic look. Refractors give off bright rainbows, particularly when they’re shone under bright light.
Additional Refractors styles include: Prism Refractors (#/199, 1:9 packs), X-Fractors (#/99, 1:17 packs), Gold Refractors (#/50, 1:33 packs) and one-of-one Superfractors (1:1,658 packs). The parallels round out with Printing Plates. Although each of these are one-of-a-kind, the all have separate Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow versions.
2014 Topps Chrome Star Wars Perspectives Autographs: An All-Time Lineup
2014 Topps Chrome Star Wars Perspectives has two premium inserts per hobby box. One is a medallion card while the other is typically either an autograph or sketch card.
The autographs lineup has just 16 signers including several of the biggest names from the original trilogy. Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and James Earl Jones all have signatures in the product, making it one of the strongest in this regard the franchise has ever produced. The second tier still has some big names like Anthony Daniels, Billy Dee Williams and Jeremy Bulloch. In addition to this, autographs are all signed on-card directly on the card. For several years, most Star Wars sets had been using stickers. This was a big change and give the autographs a more premium edge.
Base autographs are 1:91 packs. They’re joined by additional Gold Refractors (#/10), Printing Plates (1/1) and Superfractors (1/1).
The 2014 Topps Chrome Star Wars Perspectives checklist has one Triple Autograph as well and it’s a big one. Ford, Fisher and Hamill’s signatures all appear together on the scarce card that has just five copies.
Additional 2014 Topps Chrome Star Wars Perspectives Inserts
Several other insert sets are also a part of the 2014 Topps Chrome Star Wars Perspectives checklist.
Box-hit medallion cards take on a helmet theme. These pair up different characters with medal pieces shaped like a helmet they might wear. The 30-card checklist includes several short prints that have confirmed print runs of either 100 or 150 copies. Helmet Medallions also have Gold parallels that are serial numbered to 50.
Sketch cards are the other major insert set in the product. Landing 1:39 packs, these all have original art done directly on the card.
Rounding out the checklist is a handful of standard insert sets: Rebel Wanted Posters (ten cards, 1:2 packs), Agents of the Empire (ten cards, 1:4 packs), Rebel Training (ten cards, 1:8 packs), Rebel Propaganda (ten cards, 1:12 packs), and Empire Propaganda (ten cards, 1:24 packs).
This isn’t the first set of Star Wars trading cards to use chromium technology. In addition to several insert sets over the years, a couple of standalone sets also preceded it, 1996 Topps Star Wars Finest and 1999 Topps Star Wars Chrome Archives. The latter has the Chrome name in the title but the approach is different, reprinting cards from the 1970s and ’80s. Chrome Archives also doesn’t have Refractors.
2014 Topps Chrome Perspectives remains one of the most popular sets of Star Wars trading cards from the period. The stacked autograph lineup is a big part of that. However, it also helped lay the groundwork for the growing number of chromium products that followed for the franchise in the years ahead, making Refractors and all things shiny part of the annual release schedule like Topps does with sports.
2014 Topps Chrome Star Wars Perspectives Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 100 cards
Cards per pack: 6
Packs per box: 24
Release Date: May 14, 2014
Shop for 2014 Topps Chrome Star Wars Perspectives boxes on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
100 cards.
Buy on eBay:
1E Luke Skywalker
1R Luke Skywalker
2E Princess Leia Organa
2R Princess Leia Organa
3E Han Solo
3R Han Solo
4E Chewbacca
4R Chewbacca
5E C-3PO
5R C-3PO
6E R2-D2
6R R2-D2
7E Lando Calrissian
7R Lando Calrissian
8E Mon Mothma
8R Mon Mothma
9E Wedge Antilles
9R Wedge Antilles
10E Gial Ackbar
10R Gial Ackbar
11E Yoda
11R Yoda
12E Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi
12R Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi
13E Crix Madine
13R Crix Madine
14E Raymus Antilles
14R Raymus Antilles
15E Bail Organa
15R Bail Organa
16E Biggs Darklighter
16R Biggs Darklighter
17E Galen Marek
17R Galen Marek
18E Carlist Rieekan
18R Carlist Rieekan
19E Pharl McQuarrie
19R Pharl McQuarrie
20E Jan Dodonna
20R Jan Dodonna
21E Airen Cracken
21R Airen Cracken
22E Borsk Fey’Lya
22R Borsk Fey’Lya
23E Garm Bel Iblis
23R Garm Bel Iblis
24E Rahm Kota
24R Rahm Kota
25E Nien Nunb
25R Nien Nunb
26E Darth Vader
26R Darth Vader
27E Emperor Palpatine
27R Emperor Palpatine
28E Wilhuff Tarkin
28R Wilhuff Tarkin
29E Firmus Piett
29R Firmus Piett
30E Maximilian Veers
30R Maximilian Veers
31E Kendal Ozzel
31R Kendal Ozzel
32E Lorth Needa
32R Lorth Needa
33E Stormtroopers
33R Stormtroopers
34E Bossk
34R Bossk
35E Dengar
35R Dengar
36E 4-LOM
36R 4-LOM
37E IG-88
37R IG-88
38E Zuckuss
38R Zuckuss
39E Boba Fett
39R Boba Fett
40E Sim Aloo
40R Sim Aloo
41E Janus Greejatus
41R Janus Greejatus
42E Kren Blista-Vanee
42R Kren Blista-Vanee
43E Tiaan Jerjerrod
43R Tiaan Jerjerrod
44E Conan Antonio Motti
44R Conan Antonio Motti
45E Cassio Tagge
45R Cassio Tagge
46E Moradmin Bast
46R Moradmin Bast
47E Thrawn
47R Thrawn
48E Wullf Yularen
48R Wullf Yularen
49E Siward Cass
49R Siward Cass
50E Jabba The Hutt
50R Jabba The Hutt
Refractors Parallels
100 cards.
1 per pack.

Gold Refractors Parallels
100 cards.
1:33 packs.
Each #/50.

Printing Plates Parallels
100 cards.
Each has a Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow version.
1:414 packs.
Each Plate is a 1/1.

Prism Refractors Parallels
100 cards.
1:9 pack.
Each #/199.

Superfractors Parallels
100 cards.
1:1,658 packs.
Each is a 1/1.

X-Fractors Parallels
100 cards.
1:17 packs.
Each #/99.

Autographs Checklist
16 cards.
1:91 packs.

Paul Blake as Greedo
Jeremy Bulloch as Boba Fett
Mark Capri as Officer M’Kae
Kenneth Colley as Admiral Piett
Anthony Daniels as C-3PO
Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian
Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Organa
Harrison Ford as Han Solo – Redemption
Julian Glover as General Veers
Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker
James Earl Jones as Darth Vader
Jack Klaff as John D. Branon
Ian Liston as Wes Janson
Angus MacInnes as Dutch Vander
John Ratzenberger as Major Bren Derlin
Tim Rose as Admiral Ackbar
Autographs Gold Refractors Parallels
1:1,062 packs.
Each is #/10.
Autographs Printing Plates Parallels
1:2,300 packs.
Each has a Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow version.
Each Plate is a 1/1.
Autographs Superfractors Checklist
1:11,000 packs.
Each is a 1/1.

Triple Autographs Checklist
1 card.
1:36,500 packs.
5 copies.
Distributed via redemption.

Harrison Ford as Han Solo / Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker / Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Organa
Agents of the Empire Checklist
10 cards.
1:4 packs.

1 Emperor Palpatine
2 Darth Vader
3 Admiral Piett
4 Boba Fett
5 General Veers
6 Stormtroopers
7 Grand Moff Tarkin
8 Moff Jerjerrod
9 Royal Guards
10 Imperial Probe Droids
Agents of the Empire Printing Plates Parallels
10 cards.
Each has a Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow version.
Each Plate is a 1/1.
Empire Propaganda Checklist
10 cards.
1:24 packs.

1 Join the Elite: Enlist Now
2 The Circle Is Almost Complete
3 The Imperial Academy
4 Through Peace Victory
5 Guarding the Galaxy
6 Vader’s Fist
7 Surrender or Die You Rebel Scum
8 The Force Is With Him
9 No Price Too Great Victory
10 Right Is Might
Empire Propaganda Printing Plates Parallels
10 cards.
Each has a Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow version.
Each Plate is a 1/1.
Helmet Medallions Checklist
30 cards.
1:30 packs.

1 Darth Vader
2 Anakin Skywalker
3 Darth Vader’s TIE Fighter – 100 copies
4 Stormtrooper
5 Spacetrooper
6 Star Destroyer – 100 copies
7 Boba Fett
8 Boba Fett
9 Slave I – 100 copies
10 Luke Skywalker
11 Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi
12 Millennium Falcon – 100 copies
13 Luke Skywalker
14 Grizz Frix
15 X-Wing Fighter – 100 copies
16 Boussh
17 Leia Organa
18 Jabba’s Sailbarge – 100 copies
19 Snowtrooper
20 AT-ST – 150 copies
21 TIE Fighter Pilot
22 TIE Fighter – 150 copies
23 AT-AT Driver
24 AT-AT – 150 copies
25 Scout Trooper
26 Imperial Speeder Bike – 150 copies
27 Death Star Gunner
28 Death Star – 150 copies
29 Emperor’s Royal Guard
30 The Second Death Star – 150 copies
Helmet Medallions Gold Parallels
30 cards.
1:123 packs.
Each has 50 copies.

Rebel Propaganda Checklist
10 cards.
1:12 packs.

1 This Is Not Torture
2 Look to the Future
3 Don’t Be a Sarlacc
4 No Price Too Great
5 The Force Is With Us
6 What R2 Knows, Everyone Knows!
7 The Death Star Is Gone, but the War Rages On…
8 The Odds Seem Long, But…
9 Looming Like a Shadow
10 Will He Ever Know Freedom
Rebel Propaganda Printing Plates Parallels
10 cards.
Each has a Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow version.
Each Plate is a 1/1.
Rebel Training Checklist
10 cards.
1:8 packs.

2 TIE Fighter
4 Death Star
5 Lambda Class Shuttle
6 Star Destroyer
7 Speeder Bike
8 Tie Bomber
9 Second Death Star
10 Slave I
Rebel Training Printing Plates Parallels
10 cards.
Each has a Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow version.
Each Plate is a 1/1.
Rebel Wanted Posters/Empire Priority Targets Checklist
10 cards.
1:2 packs.

1 Luke Skywalker
2 Princess Leia Organa
3 Han Solo
4 Lando Calrissian
5 Admiral Ackbar
6 Mon Mothma
7 General Madine
8 Obi-Wan Kenobi
9 General Rieekan
10 Wedge Antilles
Rebel Wanted Posters Printing Plates Parallels
10 cards.
Each has a Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow version.
Each Plate is a 1/1.
Sketch Cards
1:39 packs.
Official artist list not released.