The 2014 Cryptozoic The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey checklist kicks off a new trading card direction for blockbuster J.R.R. Tolkien adaptations. It’s a new trilogy and a new manufacturer since Peter Jackson’s previous journey through Middle-earth. Autographs, sketch cards and several other inserts are along for this trip, which didn’t actually come out until nearly a couple of years after the movie.
2014 Cryptozoic The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Checklist Details
With 101 cards, the base set is slightly larger than most modern movie sets. It’s also a little symbolic of the movie itself as director Peter Jackson stretched the novel out in three long parts.Typical for most Cryptozoic sets, the entirety of the base set is on the film and recapping the story.
Fronts are a mix of horizontal and vertical images, cropped to best showcase that particular moment. Save for a strip along the bottom with the film’s word art and a short caption, there are no other design elements on the front. Backs add a second image along with a short write-up.
2014 Cryptozoic The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Autographs
Much like the movies themselves, collectors were bound to compare Cryptozoic’s Hobbit sets with Topps run with The Lord of the Rings. From the outset of 2001’s Fellowship of the Ring, Topps stressed autographs, getting nearly every major actor to appear in the trilogy. Cryptozoic comes out strong in this regard as well. An Unexpected Journey has more than 20 signers, encompassing many of the big names in the ensemble cast.
Leading the way is Martin Freeman who stars as the young Bilbo Baggins and focal point of the trilogy. Other notables include Andy Serkis (Gollum), Richard Armitage (Thorin), Lee Pace (Thranduil) and Sylvester McCoy (Radagast), who is probably known best for playing the Seventh Doctor on Doctor Who.
Besides the main actor autographs, Cryptozoic introduces a separate signature design for Creator Autographs. Despite being number two on the checklist, writer Philippa Boyens is the only inclusion in this particular set. Others would join her in future Hobbit trilogy sets.
Rounding out the 2014 Cryptozoic The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey signatures are seven dual autographs. These are extremely scarce as there are only three copies per card. Because they’re oversized, they were included in packs as redemptions.
Additional Inserts
With the base set focusing strictly on the film’s story, inserts look into some other themes. Whereas Topps typically only had a handful of foil cards to go with the autographs and memorabilia cards in the Lord of the Rings sets, Cryptozoic has a handful here.
Sketch cards land approximately every fourth box. More than 50 artists contributed to the set. Typical for the card maker, there’s a bigger stress on quality over quantity.
Four 3D Lenticular cards give some depth to the movie’s posters. Inserted 1:144 packs, these were tough finds from the outset of this set’s release. Today, they’re extremely tough to find.
The One Ring is the ultimate card in the product, consisting of just one precious copy.
Other inserts include The Lonely Mountain (18 cards, 1:4 packs) and Character Biographies (19 cards, 1:12 packs).
Although the An Unexpected Journey set didn’t cause quite the same splash as Topps’ debut bow for The Fellowship of the Ring, there’s still a lot of depth here. Premium card collectors have multiple elements. Inserts are plentiful and the base set does the movie justice as well. Besides, the reception of the two trilogies were very different as well, so it shouldn’t be surprising that it was the same with the cards.
2014 Cryptozoic The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check check current market values.
Set size: 101 cards
Cards per pack: 5
Packs per box: 24
Boxes per case: 12
Release date: July 9, 2014
Shop for 2014 Cryptozoic The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey boxes on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
101 cards.
Buy on eBay:
1 It Began Long Ago
2 Party Preparations
3 A Wizard’s Appearance
4 Fate’s Decision
5 Good Morning
6 Adventure? No, Thank You!
7 Marked With Magic
8 A Guest for Supper
9 Another Knock at the Door
10 At Your Service
11 A Welcome Sight
12 A Merry Gathering
13 When Do We Begin?
14 Thorin Oakenshield
15 What Of The Dragon?
16 It’s Our Quest Alone
17 A Secret Way
18 The Burglar’s Contract
19 A Change of Heart
20 A Quest Without Handkerchiefs
21 Old Enemies
22 Radagast the Brown
23 A Gentle Soul
24 A Growing Evil
25 Differences in Opinion
26 The Burglar’s Test
27 Campfire Chat
28 Tastes Like Chicken
29 Blimey!
30 A Burglahobbit?
31 Drop Him!
32 Bilbo Baggins Becomes a Hostage
33 A Little Cooking Advice
34 Help Arrives
35 The Troll Cave
36 Elven Sword
37 An Unexpected Discovery
38 True Courage
39 Bringing News
40 A Dark Power
41 I Saw Him
42 We’ve Been Followed
43 Acting as Bait
44 Fleeing on Foot
45 An Unwelcome Retreat
46 A Vicious Foe
47 With Few Options Left
48 Rivendell Revealed
49 Meeting the Elves
50 The Tired Travelers
51 A Wholesome Meal
52 A Qualified Eye
53 Elven Wisdom
54 Moon Runes
55 Perfect Timing
56 Azog, The Defiler
57 A Price Upon Their Heads
58 Gandalf Is Questioned
59 A Lofty Council
60 The Quest Is Forbidden
61 Evil Is at Work
62 Galadriel Believes in Gandalf
63 Why The Halfing?
64 A Stealthy Escape
65 A Pressing Need for Speed
66 Stone Giants
67 The Scent Is Fresh
68 Bilbo Baggins Decides to Leave
69 Captured
70 Unwelcome News
71 On His Own
72 A Long Hidden Treasure
73 Finders Keepers
74 A Possible Fate
75 A Deal Is Struck
76 Is It Scrumptious?
77 A Game of Riddles
78 An Unusual Query
79 An Evil Side
80 The Tides Turn
81 Gandalf Appears
82 Battle Frenzy
83 A Will of Its Own
84 Chased By An Angry Horde
85 A Great Fall
86 A Mighty Weight Is Lifted
87 The Ring’s Power
88 Escape from the Goblin Caves
89 The Party Is Reunited
90 New Dangers of an Old Foe
91 No Way Out
92 Azog Mocks His Old Enemy
93 A Burning Hatred
94 The Bravery of a Hobbit
95 The Eagles Have Come
96 No Love for the Foulness of Orcs
97 A Winged Rescue
98 The Lonely Mountain
99 A Short to Do List
100 Evil Awakes
101 Checklist
Autographs Checklist
21 cards.
1:24 packs for all autographs combined.

A01 Richard Armitage as Thorin
A02 Ken Stott as Balin
A03 Graham McTavish as Dwalin
A04 William Kircher as Bifur
A05 James Nesbitt as Bofur
A06 Stephen Hunter as Bombur
A07 Dean O’Gorman as Fili
A08 Aidan Turner as Kili
A09 John Callen as Oin
A10 Peter Hambleton as Gloin
A11 Jed Brophy as Nori
A12 Mark Hadlow as Dori
A13 Adam Brown as Ori
A14 Ian Holm as Bilbo
A15 Barry Humphries as the Great Goblin
A16 Manu Bennett as Azog
A17 Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins
A18 Andy Serkis as Gollum
A19 Lee Pace as Thranduil
A20 Sylvester McCoy as Radagast
A21 John Rawls as Yazneg
Creator Autographs Checklist
1 card.
1:24 packs for all autographs combined.

CA-2 Philippa Boyens – Writer
Oversized Dual Autographs Checklist
7 cards.
1:5,760 packs.
Available via redemption.
Each card has three copies.
DA01-DA03 Richard Armitage as Thorin Oakenshield / Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins
DA04-DA06 Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins / Ian Holm as Bilbo Baggins
DA07-DA09 Lee Pace as Thranduil / Richard Armitage as Thorin Oakenshield
DA10-DA12 Aidan Turner as Kili the Dwarf / Dean O’Gorman as Fili the Dwarf
DA13-DA15 Andy Serkis as Gollum / Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins
DA16-DA18 Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins / Andy Serkis as Gollum
DA19-DA21 Manu Bennett as the voice of Azog / Richard Armitage as Thorin Oakenshield
3D Lenticular Checklist
4 cards.
1:144 packs.
KA-01 Bilbo Baggins
KA-02 The Company of Dwarves
KA-03 Radagast
KA-04 The Council
Binder Card Checklist
1 card.
Included with binder and not available in packs.

BC-01 Conditions of Engagement
Character Biographies Checklist
19 cards.
1:12 packs.

CB-01 Gandalf the Grey
CB-02 Bilbo Baggins
CB-03 Thorin Oakenshield
CB-04 Dwalin the Dwarf
CB-05 Balin the Dwarf
CB-06 Kili The Dwarf
CB-07 Fili The Dwarf
CB-08 Dori the Dwarf
CB-09 Nori the Dwarf
CB-10 Ori The Dwarf
CB-11 Oin The Dwarf
CB-12 Gloin The Dwarf
CB-13 Bifur The Dwarf
CB-14 Bofur The Dwarf
CB-15 Bombur The Dwarf
CB-16 Elrond
CB-17 Galadriel
CB-18 Gollum
CB-19 Radagast
The Lonely Mountain Flashback Checklist
18 cards.
1:4 packs.

P-01 A Land to the East
P-02 The Great Doors of Erebor
P-03 A Rich Kingdom
P-04 Renowned Craftsman
P-05 The Heart of the Mountain
P-06 The King’s Jewel
P-07 The Days Turned Sour
P-08 Smaug Came to the Mountain
P-09 The Arkenstone Lost
P-10 The Dragon’s Treasure
P-11 Betrayed by the Elves
P-12 The Elves Retreat
P-13 Displaced from Their Home
P-14 The Mines Of Moria
P-15 Led by a Pale Orc
P-16 Thorin Oakenshield, Prince of Durin, Stands Alone
P-17 The Winning Blow
P-18 The Line Of Durin Is Not Easily Broken
The One Ring Checklist
1 card.
1 copy exists.
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Sketch Cards Checklist
60 artists.
1:96 packs.

Soni Alcorn-Hender
Kyle Babbitt
Mikey J Babinski
Dan Bergren
Scott Blair
Anne Cain
Brian S. Canio
François Chartier
Joe Corroney
Paul Cowan
Richard Cox
Ted Dastick Jr.
Dave Desbois
Kevin Doyle
Marcia Dye
Carolyn Edwards
Andy Fry
Fer Galicia
Mick & Matt Glebe
Ken Gordon
Dan Gorman
Grant Gould
Scott Alan Gregory
Charles Hall
Matt Hansen
John Haun
Robert Hendrickson
Scott Houseman
Gavin Hunt
David Hunter
Seth Ismart
Brandon Kenney
Achilleas Kokkinakis
Brian Kong
Elfie Lebouleux
Tim Levandoski
Studio Mia
Rich Molinelli
Nick “NIK” Neocleous
Steve Oatney
Sean Pence
Kristoffer Penix
Ashleigh Popplewell
Tim Proctor
Bill Pulkovski
David Rabbitte
M. Jason Reed
Keven Reinke
Nathen Reinke
Patricia Ross
Richard Salvucci
Clay Sayre
Danny Silva
James Henry Smith
Tod Allen Smith
Todd Aaron Smith
Bob Stevlic
Stephanie Swanger
Damien Torres
Sarah Wilkinson
Promo Cards Checklist

P1 Bilbo Baggins – Non-Sport Update Magazine (December, 2013/January, 2014)
P2 Bilbo, Gandalf and Dwarves – Chicago Non-Sport Card Show