When the first X-Men movies arrived, they got the blockbuster trading card treatment. Whether it was with Topps or Rittenhouse, the movies got full releases including some strong autograph lineups. This wasn’t the case with the later installments. 2014 Carl’s Jr. X-Men: Day’s of Future Past makes Marvel’s mutants a fast food promotion.
Each of the nine cards in the simple set has a different character from the movie on the front. It’s a mix of the newer versions of the mutants and some from the original trilogy brought back through the magic of time travel. Among them is Anna Paquin’s Rogue, who was not in the theatrical cut of Days of Future Past, although her role was eventually restored for a special home release of the film.
The cards don’t offer much info with backs acting as a puzzle piece. All go together to form a poster-style piece that has some characters the didn’t make the cut on the front.
Cards were distributed in three different three-card packs at Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s restaurants:
- Beast / Bishop / Colossus
- Iceman / Magneto / Mystique
- Professor Xavier / Rogue / Storm
The trading cards were just one part of a larger promotion that also included toys and special burgers (not to mention the corresponding commercials).
2014 Carl’s Jr. X-Men: Days of Future Past Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 9 cards
Cards per pack: 3

Professor Xavier