2013 Rittenhouse True Blood Archives is the second, and final, comprehensive set of trading cards for the HBO horror-comedy. Like 2012’s Premiere Edition, autographs are a focal point, but there are other chase elements and inserts as well.
2013 Rittenhouse True Blood Archives Checklist Details
The 72-card base set is split into two distinct parts. Character cards make up two-thirds of this, offering profiles and info on the many faces that appeared in the show’s first five seasons. The remaining 24 cards cover season five episodes. All 12 shows appear on two cards.
Combining characters and episodes in a base set is nothing new. In fact, it’s common. It’s how 2013 Rittenhouse True Blood Archives does it that’s different. Numbering-wise, character cards stand on their own. The episode cards start at number 99 and run through 122, acting as an expansion to the Premiere Edition base set.
So if you’re building the Archives base set, you going to have #1-48, a huge gap and then #99-122. They’re the same set but different at the same time.
Foil parallels, which cover all 72 cards, are 1:3 packs.
Autographs and Other Inserts
Autographs land two per hobby box and cover nearly 30 different signers. As far as the show’s leads go, Anna Paquin (Sookie Stackhouse), Alexander Skarsgard (Eric Northman), Ryan Kwanten (Jason Stackhouse), Rutina Wesley (Tara Thornton) and the late Nelsan Ellis (Lafayette Reynolds) are all part of a solid checklist. Anna Camp, who is also known for the Pitch Perfect films is among the other notables. Autographs use the full-bleed design and all have 500 copies or less.
A couple of additional autographs aren’t in packs. Rather, they’re incentives. First is Deborah Ann Woll, who was given as a three-case incentive. Dealers ordering six cases received a Stephen Moyer Silver Signature Series card.
2013 Rittenhouse True Blood Archives hobby boxes also have a memorabilia card. These break down more specifically to 15 different costumes and four props. All are serial numbered to 299.
Three other inserts are available in packs.
Eleven Gallery Character Cards use acetate stock, giving a see-through effect. These are 1:24 packs, or approximately one per box.
Quotable True Blood expands on the inserts found in Premiere Edition. These double-sided cards have a character image and a memorable line or short dialogue exchange. Twelve are in packs at a rate of 1:12. There’s also an additional card (#Q23) that was only available through the Rittenhouse Rewards program.
Relationships (18 cards, 1:8 packs) looks at the connections various characters have in the show.
2013 Rittenhouse True Blood Archives has a production run of 4,000 boxes.
2013 Rittenhouse True Blood Archives Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 72 cards
Cards per pack: 5
Packs per box: 24
Boxes per case: 12
Release Date: August 7, 2013
Shop for 2013 Rittenhouse True Blood Archives boxes on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
72 cards.
Buy on eBay:
1 Sookie Stackhouse
2 Bill Compton
3 Eric Northman
4 Sam Merlotte
5 Jason Stackhouse
6 Tara Thornton
7 Andy Bellefleur
8 Arlene Fowler
9 Lafayette Reynolds
10 Hoyt Fortenberry
11 Terry Bellefleur
12 Jessica Hamby
13 Pam De Beaufort
14 Sheriff Bud Dearborne
15 Alcide Herveaux
16 Holly Cleary
17 Steve Newlin
18 Jesus Velasquez
19 Luna Garza
20 Tommy Mickens
21 Nan Flanagan
22 Maxine Fortenberry
23 Lettie Mae Thornton
24 Russell Edgington
25 Maryann Forrester
26 Rene Lenier
27 Crystal Norris
28 Debbie Pelt
29 Eggs Benedict Talley
30 Lorena Krasiki
31 Nora Gainsborough
32 Marnie Stonebrook
33 Salome Agrippa
34 Patrick Devins
35 Sarah Newlin
36 Godric
37 Adele Stackhouse
38 Melinda Mickens
39 Cooter
40 Talbot
41 Franklin Mott
42 Martha Bozeman
43 Marcus Bozeman
44 Amy Burley
45 Gus
46 Rikki
47 Portia Bellefleur
48 Jackson Herveaux
Episode Cards
99 Turn! Turn! Turn!
100 Turn! Turn! Turn!
101 Authority Always Wins
102 Authority Always Wins
103 Whatever I Am, You Made Me
104 Whatever I Am, You Made Me
105 We’ll Meet Again
106 We’ll Meet Again
107 Let’s Boot and Rally
108 Let’s Boot and Rally
109 Hopeless
110 Hopeless
111 In The Beginning
112 In The Beginning
113 Somebody That I Used To Know
114 Somebody That I Used To Know
115 Everybody Wants To Rule The World
116 Everybody Wants To Rule The World
117 Gone, Gone, Gone
118 Gone, Gone, Gone
119 Sunset
120 Sunset
121 Save Yourself
122 Save Yourself
Foil Parallels
72 cards.
1:3 packs.

Autographs Checklist
27 cards.
1:12 packs.
Woll distributed as 3-case incentive and not in packs.

Kevin Alejandro as Jesus Velasquez – 300-500 copies
Chris Bauer as Detective Andy Bellefleur – 200 copies or less
Kristin Bauer as Pam De Beaufort – 300-500 copies
Grant Bowler as Cooter – 200-300 copies
Lauren Bowles as Holly Cleary – 300-500 copies
Mehcad Brooks as “Eggs” Benedict Talley – 200-300 copies
Anna Camp as Sarah Newlin – 200 copies or less
Valentina Cervi as Salome Agrippa – 200 copies or less
Nelsan Ellis as Lafayette Reynolds – 300-500 copies
Michelle Forbes as Maryann Forrester – 200 copies or less
James Frain as Franklin Mott – 200 copies or less
Janina Gavankar as Luna Garza – 200 copies or less
Allan Hyde as Godric – 300-500 copies
Ryan Kwanten as Jason Stackhouse – 200 copies or less
Todd Lowe as Terry Bellefleur – 200-300 copies
Denis O’Hare as Russell Edgington – 200-300 copies
Kelly Overton as Rikki – 200 copies or less
Anna Paquin as Sookie Stackhouse – 200 copies or less
Jim Parrack as Hoyt Fortenberry – 300-500 copies
Carrie Preston as Arlene Fowler – 300-500 copies
Dale Raoul as Maxine Fortenberry – 300-500 copies
William Sanderson as Sheriff Bud Dearborne – 200 copies or less
Alexander Skarsgard as Eric Northman – 200 copies or less
J. Smith-Cameron as Melinda Mickens – 300-500 copies
Jessica Tuck as Nan Flanigan – 300-500 copies
Deborah Ann Woll as Jessica Hamby – 3-case incentive
Rutina Wesley as Tara Thornton – 200 copies or less
Silver Signature Series Autographs Checklist
1 card.
Distributed as 6-case incentive and not in packs.

Stephen Moyer as Bill Compton – 6-case incentive
Relic Cards Checklist
19 cards.
1:24 packs.
Costume Cards

C1 Sookie /299
C2 Jason /299
C3 Jessica /299
C4 Pam /299
C5 Sookie /299
C6 Lorena /299
C7 Maryann /299
C8 Sam /299
C9 Russell /299
C10 Sookie /299
C11 Pam /299
C12 Sookie /299
C13 Arlene /299
C14 Sookie /299
C15 Eric /299
Prop Cards

R1 Merlotte’s Match Packs /299
R2 Tru Blood Bottle Labels /299
R3 Merlotte’s Menu – Front /299
R4 Merlotte’s Menu – Inside /299
Gallery Character Cards Checklist
11 cards.
1:24 packs.

PL1 Sookie
PL2 Sam
PL3 Bill
PL4 Jason
PL5 Pam
PL6 Lafayette
PL7 Eric
PL8 Alcide
PL9 Jessica
PL10 Tara
PL11 Russell
Quotable True Blood Checklist
13 cards.
1:12 packs.
Q23 distributed through Rittenhouse Rewards program and not in packs.

Q11 Pam / Jessica
Q12 Steve Newlin / Jason Stackhouse
Q13 Pam / Alcide
Q14 Alcide / Pam
Q15 Andy / Jessica
Q16 Arlene / Sookie
Q17 Andy / Pam
Q18 Jason / Jason
Q19 Pam / Lafayette
Q20 Tara / Tara
Q21 Lafayette / Jason
Q22 Sookie / Arlene
Q23 Pam / Bill
Relationships Checklist
18 cards.
1:8 packs.

R1 Sookie / Bill
R2 Sookie / Eric
R3 Tara / Sam
R4 Jessica / Jason
R5 Hoyt / Jessica
R6 Terry / Arlene
R7 Eric / Nora
R8 Eric / Pam
R9 Eggs / Tara
R10 Luna / Sam
R11 Talbot / Russell
R12 Alcide / Debbie
R13 Sookie / Alcide
R14 Andy / Holly
R15 Crystal / Jason
R16 Amy / Jason
R17 Jesus / Lafayette
R18 Bill / Lorena
Case Topper Checklist
1 card.

CT1 Series 6 Preview
Promo Cards Checklist

P1 Jessica Hamby – general distribution
P2 Sookie Stackhouse – Non-Sport Update
P3 Bill Compton – binder
P4 Tara Thornton – 2013 Spring Philly Non-Sport Show
P5 Pam De Beaufort – 2013 San Diego Comic Con