2012 Topps Star Wars Galactic Files goes big with its checklist. Really big. Intended to be an encyclopedia of sorts, it scours multiple corners of the Star Wars Universe for a comprehensive set that delves into characters, vehicles, species and more.
Even with the base set acting as a strong foundation, there are some major components found in the product’s chase elements including a sketch card in every hobby box and a list of autograph signers that has several top-tier names.
2012 Topps Star Wars Galactic Files Checklist Overview
At 350 cards, to date 2012 Topps Star Wars Galactic Files was the largest single-series release for a set of Star Wars trading cards. Over half of that is dedicated to a film-by-film breakdown in episode order of key characters. The first six movies are covered. Other subsets dig into the expanded universe, vehicles, creatures and factions.
Besides beside big in scope, base cards are also big in information. Each card offers a sizeable write-up about the subject, numerical rankings in several areas and links to other characters.
Packs have three levels of parallels: Blue Foil (/350), Red Foil (/35) and Gold Foil (1/1).
Printing Plates are also available, however these were sold separately. Each plate set included the four colors required for production as well as an exclusive set of 24 base set expansion cards.
Taking a page from their sports lines, Topps also did variations for three cards. These short prints look like regular base cards but have different photos and captions on the front.
2012 Topps Star Wars Galactic Files Autographs and Other Inserts
2012 Topps Star Wars Galactic Files hobby boxes have a pair of premium inserts, a sketch card and either an autograph or manufactured patch card.
The list of signers is relatively small with just 17 people. Among them are the big three of Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill. James Early Jones, Patrick Mayhew and Empire Strikes Back director Irvin Kershner are among the other high-profile signatures available in the product.
Even with the large base set that requires multiple boxes to build, 2012 Topps Star Wars Galactic Files has a handful of complimentary insert sets: Classic Lines (ten cards, 1:4 packs), Duels of Fate (ten cards, 1:6 packs), Galactic Moments (20 cards, 1:6 packs), Heroes on Both Sides (ten cards, 1:6 packs) and “I Have a Bad Feeling About This” (eight cards, 1:4 packs), which highlights the times the line has been used in the movies.
2012 Topps Star Wars Galactic Files Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 350 cards
Cards per pack: Hobby – 12, Retail – 9
Packs per box: Hobby – 24, Retail – 24
Release date: September 26, 2012
Shop for 2012 Topps Star Wars Galactic Files boxes on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
350 cards.
Buy on eBay:
1 Title Card
Episode I: The Phantom Menace
2 Qui-Gon Jinn
3 Obi-Wan Kenobi
4 Padmé Naberrie
5 Anakin Skywalker
6 Darth Maul
7 Senator Palpatine
8 Darth Sidious
9 Rune Haako
10 Nute Gunray
11 Sebulba
12 Queen Amidala
13 Jar Jar Binks
14 Sabé
15 Chancellor Valorum
16 Shmi Skywalker
17 C-3PO
18 R2-D2
19 Captain Panaka
20 Watto
21 Yoda
22 Mace Windu
23 Boss Nass
24 Captain Tarpals
25 Lott Dod
26 Adi Gallia
27 Saesee Tiin
28 Even Piell
29 Yarael Poof
30 Mas Amedda
31 Ric Olié
32 Aurra Sing
33 Obi-Wan Kenobi
Episode II: Attack of the Clones
34 Anakin Skywalker
35 Padmé Amidala
36 Count Dooku
37 Yoda
38 Mace Windu
39 Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
40 Jango Fett
41 Boba Fett
42 Zam Wesell
43 Bail Organa
44 Cliegg Lars
45 Owen Lars
46 Beru Whitesun
47 Jar Jar Binks
48 Dormé
49 Cordé
50 Dexter Jettster
51 Captain Typho
52 C-3PO
53 R2-D2
54 Taun We
55 Lama Su
56 Jocasta Nu
57 Poggle the Lesser
58 Kit Fisto
59 Luminara Unduli
60 Barriss Offee
61 Sly Moore
62 Wat Tambor
63 San Hill
64 Shu Mai
65 Shaak Ti
66 Anakin Skywalker
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
67 Obi-Wan Kenobi
68 Padmé Amidala
69 Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
70 Mace Windu
71 Yoda
72 C-3PO
73 R2-D2
74 General Grievous
75 Darth Sidious
76 Darth Vader
77 Chewbacca
78 Kit Fisto
79 Ki-Adi-Mundi
80 Agen Kolar
81 Aayla Secura
82 Plo Koon
83 Stass Allie
84 Commander Cody
85 Rune Haako
86 Nute Gunray
87 Passel Argente
88 Po Nudo
89 Tion Medon
90 Tarfful
91 Mon Mothma
92 Count Dooku
Episode IV: A New Hope
93 C-3PO
94 R2-D2
95 Princess Leia Organa
96 Luke Skywalker
97 Han Solo
98 Obi-Wan Kenobi
99 Darth Vader
100 Grand Moff Tarkin
101 Chewbacca
102 Owen Lars
103 Beru Lars
104 Greedo
105 Garindan
106 Momaw Nadon
107 Ponda Baba
108 Dr. Cornelius Evazan
109 Figrin D’an
110 Boshek
111 Wuher
112 Admiral Motti
113 Chief Bast
114 General Tagge
115 Captain Antilles
116 R5-D4
117 Jan Dodonna
118 Wedge Antilles
119 Biggs Darklighter
120 Jek Porkins
121 Garven Dreis
122 John D. Branon
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
123 Luke Skywalker
124 Han Solo
125 Princess Leia Organa
126 Chewbacca
127 C-3PO
128 R2-D2
129 Lando Calrissian
130 Darth Vader
131 Boba Fett
132 Lobot
133 Yoda
134 Emperor Palpatine
135 Bossk
136 4-LOM
137 Dengar
138 Zuckuss
139 IG-88
140 General Veers
141 Admiral Piett
142 Captain Needa
143 Admiral Ozzel
144 General Rieekan
145 Wedge Antilles
146 Dak Ralter
147 Zev Senesca
148 Hobbie Klivian
149 Obi-Wan Kenobi
150 2-1B
151 FX-7
152 Toryn Farr
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
153 Luke Skywalker
154 Princess Leia Organa
155 Han Solo
156 Lando Calrissian
157 Chewbacca
158 C-3PO
159 R2-D2
160 Darth Vader
161 Emperor Palpatine
162 Boba Fett
163 Jabba the Hutt
164 Bib Fortuna
165 Moff Jerjerrod
166 General Madine
167 Admiral Ackbar
168 Nien Nunb
169 Wicket W. Warrick
170 Chief Chirpa
171 Logray
172 Teebo
173 Yoda
174 Mon Mothma
175 Wedge Antilles
176 Boushh
177 Oola
178 Ten Numb
179 Arvel Crynyd
180 Max Rebo
181 Salacious Crumb
182 Sy Snootles
183 Droopy McCool
Movie Continuations
184 Kyle Katarn
185 Galen Marek
186 Darth Malak
187 Darth Revan
188 Bastila Shan
189 Darth Nihilus
190 General Rahm Kota
191 HK-47
192 Dash Rendar
193 Prince Xizor
194 Darth Malgus
195 Maris Brood
196 Darth Sion
197 Proxy
198 Jerec
199 Darth Traya
200 Captain Gilad Pellaeon
201 Talon Karrde
202 Joruus C’baoth
203 Mara Jade
204 Grand Admiral Thrawn
205 Winter
206 Darth Bane
207 Natasi Daala
208 Kyp Durron
209 Exar Kun
210 Darth Plagueis
211 Anakin Solo
212 Jacen Solo
213 Jaina Solo
214 Ben Skywalker
215 Cade Skywalker
216 Kir Kanos
217 Lumiya
218 Dark Luke Skywalker
219 Clone Emperor
220 Darth Talon
221 Jaster Mereel
222 Camie
223 Fixer
224 Quinlan Vos
225 Grand Moff Trachta
226 Darth Krayt
227 Darth Nihl
228 Deliah Blue
229 Durge
230 Asajj Ventress
231 Ahsoka Tano
232 Hondo Ohnaka
233 Captain Rex
234 Cad Bane
235 Pre Vizsla
236 Savage Opress
237 Wullf Yularen
238 Nahdar Vebb
239 Satine Kryze
240 Mortis Son
241 Republic Cruiser
242 Naboo Royal Starship
243 Anakin’s Podracer
244 Sebulba’s Podracer
245 Naboo Starfighter
246 Sith Infiltrator
247 Vulture Droid
248 Trade Federation Battleship
249 Naboo Cruiser
250 Anakin’s Speeder
251 Zam’s Speeder
252 Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter
253 Slave I
254 Republic Gunship
255 Solar Sailer
256 Hailfire Droid
257 Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter
258 Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter
259 Separatist Cruiser
260 AT-TE
261 Droid Tri-Fighter
262 ARC-170 Starfighter
263 AT-RT
264 AT-AP
265 Padmé’s Starship
266 Republic Attack Cruiser
267 Tantive IV
268 Star Destroyer
269 Luke’s Landspeeder
270 Sandcrawler
271 Millennium Falcon
272 X-Wing Fighter
273 Y-Wing Fighter
274 TIE Fighter
275 Darth Vader’s TIE Fighter
276 Death Star
277 Snowspeeder
278 AT-AT
279 Super Star Destroyer Executor
280 Luke’s X-Wing
281 Slave I
282 TIE Bomber
283 Twin-Pod Cloud Car
284 Rebel Transport
285 Medical Frigate
286 Jabba’s Sail Barge
287 Desert Skiff
288 Imperial Shuttle
289 Death Star II
290 A-Wing Fighter
291 B-Wing Fighter
292 AT-ST
293 Speeder Bike
294 TIE Interceptor
295 Mon Calamari Cruiser
296 Eopie
297 Kaadu
298 Fambaa
299 Opee Sea Killer
300 Acklay
301 Reek
302 Nexu
303 Massiff
304 Varactyl
305 Tusken Raiders
306 Jawas
307 Dewback
308 Banthas
309 Dianoga
310 Wampa
311 Tauntaun
312 Mynock
313 Space Slug
314 Rancor
315 Sarlacc
316 Battle Droid
317 Droideka
318 Gungan
319 Naboo Palace Guard
320 Naboo Pilot
321 Naboo Security
322 Clone Trooper
323 Geonosion Soldier Drone
324 Super Battle Droid
325 Clone Trooper
326 Magnaguard
327 Clone Pilot
328 Shock Trooper
329 AT-RT Driver
330 Wookiee Army
331 Stormtrooper
332 Rebel Fleet Trooper
333 Sandtrooper
334 Death Star Gunner
335 Death Star Trooper
336 Rebel Honor Guard
337 TIE Fighter Pilot
338 Snowtrooper
339 Rebel Soldier (Hoth)
340 Rebel Officer (Hoth)
341 AT-AT Driver
342 Imperial Officer
343 Ugnaught
344 Gamorrean Guard
345 Scout Trooper
346 Royal Guard
347 Endor Rebel Trooper
348 AT-ST Driver
349 Skiff Guard
350 Ewok
Blue Foil Parallels
350 cards.

Gold Foil Parallels
350 cards.
Each is a 1/1.

Printing Plates Parallels
350 cards.
Sold separately as four-card sets.
Each has a one-of-one Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow plate.

Red Foil Parallels
350 cards.

Expanded Base Set Checklist
24 cards.
1 set came with each special Printing Plate set.
Not in packs.
351 Teemto Pagalies
352 Ratts Tyerell
353 Gasgano
354 Ben Quadinaros
355 Mars Guo
356 Ody Mandrell
357 Elan Sleazebaggano
358 Luke Skywalker
359 Bom Vimdin
360 Pons Limbic
361 Djas Puhr
362 Baniss Keeg
363 Ellorrs Madak
364 Muftak
365 Kabe
366 Princess Leia Organa
367 Han Solo
368 Wooof
369 Amanaman
370 Barad
371 Malakili
372 EV-9D9
373 Ephant Mon
374 Tessek
Variations Checklist
3 cards.

76 Darth Vader – Jedi Purge
96 Luke Skywalker – Stormtrooper Disguise
125 Princess Leia Organa – Despair on Hoth
Autographs Checklist
17 cards.
1:48 hobby packs.
Fisher, Hamill, Jones – 1:3,040 packs.
Kershner – 1:6,018 packs.
Ford – 1:12,036 packs.
Other signers 1:605 packs.

Amy Allen as Aayla Secura
Anthony Forrest as Fixer
Bonnie Piesse as Beru Whitesun
Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia
Daniel Logan as Boba Fett
Felix Silia as Widdle Warrick
Harrison Ford as Han Solo
Irvin Kershner – Director
Jake Lloyd as Anakin Skywalker
James Earl Jones as Darth Vader
Jeremy Bulloch as Boba Fett
Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker
Matthew Wood as General Grievous
Michonne Bourrigue as Aurra Sing
Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca
Ray Park as Darth Maul
Richard LeParmetier as Admiral Motti
Classic Lines Checklist
10 cards.
1:4 packs.

CL-1 “Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, You’re my only hope.”
CL-2 “I find your lack of faith disturbing.”
CL-3 “Do, or do not. There is no try.”
CL-4 “I know.”
CL-5 “There is a great disturbance in the Force.”
CL-6 “I call this aggressive negotiations.”
CL-7 “This is where the fun begins.”
CL-8 “Uggh. So uncivilized.”
CL-9 “I am a Jedi, like my father before me!”
CL-10 “This deal is getting worse all the time!”
Duels of Fate Checklist
10 cards.
1:6 packs.

DF-1 Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon vs. Darth Maul
DF-2 Count Dooku vs. Anakin and Obi-Wan
DF-3 Yoda vs. Count Dooku
DF-4 Anakin and Obi-Wan vs. Count Dooku
DF-5 Mace Windu vs. Darth Sidious
DF-6 Darth Sidious vs. Yoda
DF-7 Obi-Wan vs. Darth Vader
DF-8 Darth Vader vs. Obi-Wan
DF-9 Darth Vader vs. Luke Skywalker
DF-10 Luke Skywalker vs. Darth Vader
Galactic Moments Checklist
20 cards.
1:6 packs.

GM-1 Han vs. Greedo
GM-2 Princess and the Plans
GM-3 Introducing Yoda!
GM-4 Defense of the Death Star
GM-5 Destruction of Alderaan
GM-6 Dagobah Training
GM-7 Luke’s Lack of Vision
GM-8 Duel to the Truth
GM-9 Entertaining the Emperor
GM-10 Assembling the Bounty Hunters
GM-11 I Know.
GM-12 A Pensive Prisoner
GM-13 The Luring of Skywalker
GM-14 Chewbacca Imprisoned!
GM-15 Tracking the Invasion
GM-16 You Must Learn the Ways of the Force!
GM-17 The Rancor Outrage
GM-18 A Well-Earned Victory
GM-19 Luke Sells His Landspeeder
GM-20 You Were in the Rebellion!?
Heroes on Both Sides Checklist
10 cards.
1:6 packs.

HB-1 Battle of Naboo
HB-2 Standoff on Kamino
HB-3 Battle of Geonosis
HB-4 Battle of Coruscant
HB-5 Battle of Kashyyyk
HB-6 Invasion of Utapau
HB-7 Capturing the Tantive IV
HB-8 Battle of Yavin
HB-9 Battle of Hoth
HB-10 Battle of Endor
I Have a Bad Feeling About This Checklist
8 cards.
1:4 packs.

BF-1 Obi-Wan Kenobi
BF-2 Anakin Skywalker
BF-3 Obi-Wan Kenobi
BF-4 Luke Skywalker
BF-5 Han Solo
BF-6 Princess Leia
BF-7 C-3PO
BF-8 Han Solo
Patch Cards Checklist
30 cards.
1:48 hobby packs.

PR-1 Garven Dreis
PR-2 Wedge Antilles
PR-3 Biggs Darklighter
PR-4 John D. Branon
PR-5 Luke Skywalker
PR-6 Jek Porkins
PR-7 Ric Olié
PR-8 Rya Kirsch
PR-9 Officer Ellberger
PR-10 General Veers
PR-11 AT-AT Driver
PR-12 Obi-Wan Kenobi
PR-13 Anakin Skywalker
PR-14 Plo Koon
PR-15 Arvel Crynyd
PR-16 Clone Pilot
PR-17 Luke Skywalker
PR-18 Zev Senesca
PR-19 Wedge Antilles
PR-20 Hobbie Klivian
PR-21 Dak Ralter
PR-22 TIE Fighter Pilot
PR-23 Grand Moff Tarkin
PR-24 Darth Vader
PR-25 Han Solo
PR-26 Chewbacca
PR-27 Lando Calrissian
PR-28 Nien Nunb
PR-29 Ten Numb
PR-30 Scout Trooper
Sketch Cards
128 artists.
1:24 hobby packs.
1:96 retail packs.

* notes artists who are exclusive to retail packs. All other artists are only in hobby packs.
Jason Adams
Irma “Aimo” Ahmed
Kyle Babbit
Michael Babinski
Pat Barrett
Angelina Benedetti
Dan Bergren
Kevin Bloomfield
Joseph Booth
Lee Bradley
Alex Buechel
Puis Calzada
Peter Chan
Matt Chero
Justin Chung
Katie Cook
Joe Corroney
Doug Cowan
Dan Curto
Ted Dastick Jr.
Van Davis
George Deep
Brian DeGuire
Jenn DePaolo
Pablo Diaz
Colleen Doran
Kevin Doyle
Kimberly Dunaway
Jason Durden
Michael “Locoduck” Duron
Darla Ecklund
Nina Edlund
Randy Elliot
Brent Engstrom
Gabe Farber
Vanessa “Banky” Farano
Brett Farr
Jerry Fleming
Denae Frazier
Sam Gambino
Bruce Gerlach *
Zack Giallongo *
Kate Glasheen
Jason Goad
Kevin Graham
David Green
Mike Hampton *
Ingrid Hardy
Jessica Hickman
Val Hochberg
Joe Hogan
Jason Hughes *
Diego Jourdan
Rachel Kaiser
Gary Kezele
Ken Knudtsen
Lee Kohse
Brian Kong
Eric Kowalick
Lee Lightfoot
Lak Lim
Erik Maell
Russ Maheras
Sian Mandrake
Leah Mangue
Randy Martinez
Chris Mason
Chad “CWM” McCown
Mark McHaley
Christopher J. McMillen
Jen Mercer
Lord Mesa
Tony Miello
Brian Miller
Steven Miller
Jay Mojo
Rich Molinelli
Sly Moore
Trev Murphy
Veronica O’Connell
Steve Oatney
John Ottinger
Rhiannon Owens
Dan Parsons
Edgar Pasten
Sean Pence
Jason Keith Phillips
Ashleigh Popplewell
Tim Proctor
Amy Pronovost
Bill Pulkovski
David Rabbitte
Chris Raimo
Wilson Ramos Jr. *
Jason Reed
Kevin Reinke
Nathen Reinke
Ian Yoshio Roberts
Clay Rodery
Mario Rojas
Scott Rorie
Eli Rutten
Nigel Sade
Lance Sawyer
Tyler Scarlet
Jeremy Scott
Beck Seashols
Jay Shimko
Howard Shum
Tod Allen Smith
Jamie Snell
Jason Sobol
Bob Stevlic
Dave Strong
Lark Sudol
Stephanie Swanger
Adam Talley
Tomoko Taniguchi
Robert Teranishi
Jerry Vanderstelt
Denise Vasquez
Mike Vasquez
Colin Walton
Sarah Wilkinson
Nolan Woodard
Lin Workman
Thom Zahler
Promo Cards Checklist

95P Princess Leia Organa
96P Luke Skywalker
97P Han Solo
101P Chewbacca