Sometimes a trading card line can wear out its welcome. However, it’s not necessarily recognized by the card maker as their previous set goes as planned. But then once you solicit the follow up, the orders don’t come in as planned. What’s bad for the manufacturer can actually end up being good for the collector in the end. Such is the case with 2011 Topps Star Wars Galaxy 6, a product that over delivers on a lot of the premium elements it promises.
The sixth set in the line and third since it was rebooted, the base set is beautiful. But it’s Star Wars Galaxy so that’s a given. All 120 cards take an artistic approach, drawing from all six of the original films and prequel trilogy. Both the characters and styles are varied.
Every card in the base set has four different one-of-one Printing Plates based on the colors of the printing process: magenta, yellow, black and cyan.
Like the previous two Star Wars Galaxy releases, Sketch Cards are the primary chase element. Hobby boxes promise one of the original art cards. However, this is where the low orders come into play. While not a guarantee, a lot of collectors found themselves pulling two Sketch Cards. So what ended up being soft up front quickly ascended in price and unopened boxes, if you can still find them, haven’t let up.
In addition to basic Sketch Cards, there are Shaped Sketch Cards done in more of a avant garde style. Sketchagraphs are sketch cards that have been signed by the actor portrayed on the card. Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher are among the signers.
Etched Foil and Foil cards return to lead the basic insert chase. Retail packs also have Clear Cel cards.
2011 Topps Star Wars Galaxy 6 Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 7
Packs per box: 24
Boxes per case: 8
Shop for 2011 Topps Star Wars Galaxy 6 boxes on eBay.
Base Set
120 cards.

1 Title Card
2 The Death of Kai Justiss
3 A Sad Farewell
4 The Fallen Gungan
5 The Myrkr Forest
6 Reflections on Endor
7 The Dangers of Felucia
8 Thje Solitary Wicket
9 Jedi-to-Jedi Chat
10 The Terror of Talon
11 Spectral Witnesses
12 Gamorrean Guard
13 The Nightsister
14 The Charge of Thrawn
15 Offbeat Buddies
16 In Fun and War
17 A Job Well Done
18 Watto the Betrayer
19 The Darkest Lord
20 We Come Bearing Gifts
21 An Alternative to Hoth
22 The Boarding Party
23 Master & Commander Keelyvine Reus and Commander Ganch
24 Curiosity Zaps Theepio
25 Fall of a Jedi
26 The End of Darth Plagueis
27 Princess of Destruction
28 Keeping It All in the Family
29 What a Woman!
30 Boba’s Prize
31 Darth Vader
32 Clash of the Bounty Hunters
33 Ahsoka Kicks Metal Butt
34 Preparation of the Droids
35 Journey to the Needles
36 Secura’s Grace
37 (Mostly) Unsung Hero
38 Inside a Complex Hero
39 Rancor Ranks Best of Beasts
40 Helmets
41 Vigilant Watch
42 The Memory Remains
43 Landspeeder
44 The Fighter
45 X-Wing
46 Daring Escape
47 Logray’s Hunt
48 Peace and Love, Man!
49 Seeing without Eyes
50 Fate of a Slave Dancer
51 The Birth of Evil
52 Tool Time
53 Jungle Fury
54 The Good, The Bad & The Imperial
55 Who’s Running This Show?
56 Cellblock Blasters!
57 Hope Spring Eternal
58 Revenge and Retribution
59 Destroy the Death Star!
60 The Hard Sell
61 Brotherhood of the Blade
62 In the Beginning
63 A Long Time Ago…
64 In a Galaxy Far, Far Away…
65 No Shields, All Guts
66 The Dagobah Scene
67 Scrap Yard Power Droid
68 Face of a Raider
69 Salacious Attacks!
70 On Dewback Patrol
71 Soul of the Galaxy
72 Encounter on Dagobah
73 Bounty Acquired
74 Master Versus Pupil
75 In-Your-Face Wookiee
76 Red Squadron Assembled
77 Secret Lord of Dagobah
78 Unhappy New Arrival
79 Sandtrooper Plus
80 Hidden Horrors of Hoth
81 Reunion on Endor
82 Dual Saber Showdown
83 The Secret Apprentice
84 Confronting Yoda
85 Gripped by Force Lightning
86 Unleashing the Force
87 Starkiller’s Challenge
88 Rescue at Bespin
89 Face of a Jedi Master
90 Anakin’s Universe
91 Daring Aerial Raid
92 The Darkest Shadows
93 The Weak-Minded
94 Lightsaber Wielders
95 A Wookiee’s World
96 At War with the Empire
97 Hardware in Space
98 Let the Games Begin
99 To Rescue a Princess
100 Sith Vixen
101 Rampage of the Walkers
102 Ackbar’s Plan of Attack
103 Two for the High Road
104 Can Solo Be Saved?
105 Can Vader Be Stopped?
106 Will Fett Be Thwarted?
107 A Jedi in Jabba’s Court
108 The Reluctant Farmboy
109 The Challenge of Darth Maul
110 Podrace Pandemonium
111 To Serve and Protect…
112 Orders to Exterminate
113 Boba and Bossk
114 Aquatic Jedi
115 The Darkest Apprentice
116 Jettster at Work
117 The Beckoning
118 Face Behind the Mask
119 King of the Monsters
120 Checklist
Printing Plates
1:232 packs, cards 1/1.
All 120 base cards have four different Printing Plates: Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow.
Sketch Cards
1:24 packs.

Irma Ahmed
Soni Alcorn-Hender
Kyle Babbitt
Len Bellinger
Dan Bergren
Kate Bradley
Lee Bradley
Alex Buechel
Matt Busch
Justin Chung
Katie Cook
Joe Corroney
Andrew Cosson
Doug Cowan
Ted Dastick Jr
David Day
Brian DeGuire
David Desbois
D Douglas
Kevin Doyle
Jason Durden
Michael “Locoduck” Duron
Nina Edlund
Brent Engstrom
Vanessa “Banky” Farano
Gabe Farber
Otis Frampton
Denae Frazier
Agnes Garbowska
Jerry “The Franchize” Gaylord
Bruce Gerlach
Zach Giallongo
Mick and Matt Glebe
Jonathan D. Gordon
Grant Gould
Kevin Graham
Charles Hall
Ingrid Hardy
Dennis Hart
John Haun
Chris Henderson
Robert Hendrickson
Jessica Hickman
Tom Hodges
Joe Hogan
Joe Hogan
Adam Hughes
Rachel Kaiser
Gary Kezele
Lee Kohse
Jim Kyle
Kevin Liell
Lord Mesa
Erik Maell
Leah Mangue
Randy Martinez
Matthew Minor
Rich Molinelli
Monte Moore
Bryan Morton
Steve Oatney
Art O’Callaghan
Matt Olsen
Rhiannon Owens
Shelli Paroline
Don Pedicini Jr.
Sean Pence
Jason Keith Phillips
Tim Proctor
Amy Pronovost
Bill Pulkovski
David Rabbitte
Wilson Ramos Jr.
M. Jason Reed
Lawrence Reynolds
Brian Rood
Scott Rorie
Eli Rutten
Ryan Hungerford Rye
Lance Sawyer
Beck Seashols
Jay Shimko
Mark Slater
Tim Smith
Tod Allen Smith
Jamie Snell
Jason Sobol
Allison Sohn
John Soukup
Cat Staggs
Shea Standefer
Steve Stanley
Bob Stevlic
Stephanie Swanger
Robert Teranishi
Sanna U
Martheus Wade
Russell Walks
Sarah Wilkinson
Jason Williams
Rich Woodall
Nolan Woodard
Lin Workman
Stephanie Yue
Scott Zambelli
Linzy Zorn
Shaped Sketch Cards
1:95 packs.

Burt Banger
Len Bellinger
Dan Bina
Tyson Bodnarchuk
Doktor A
Mike Egan
Free Humanity
Dan Goodsell
Gothic Hangman
Nathan Hamill
Marty Hansen (TheGodBeast)
Martin Hsu
Jason Atomic
Jon-Paul Kaiser
Aya Kakeda
Wade Lageose
Jordana Lake
Abe Lincoln Jr.
Sarah Jo Marks
Brian Mead
Mike Mendez (Nemo)
Mio Murakami
Ritzy Periwinkle
Lou Pimentel
Billy Roids
Martina Secondo Russo, Frank Russo
Chris Ryniak
Sergey Safonov
Dave Savage
The Sucklord
Steve Talkowski
Scott Tolleson
1:135 packs.

Autograph Signers
Mark Hamill
Carrie Fisher
Amy Allen
Jon Berg
Jake Lloyd
John Morton
Ray Park
Mike Quinn
Orli Shoshan
Kyle Babbitt
Alex Buechel
Doug Cowan
Kevin Doyle
Otis Frampton
Grant Gould
Kevin Graham
John Haun
Chris Henderson
Tom Hodges
Adam Hughes
Jim Kyle
Randy Martinez
Rich Molinelli
Bryan Morton
Sean Pence
Tim Proctor
Brian Rood
Jamie Snell
Allison Sohn
Cat Staggs
Steve Stanley
Sarah Wilkinson
Lin Workman
Clear Cel
9 cards, randomly inserted in retails packs.

1 Luke
2 Luke, Obi-Wan
3 Darth Vader, Leia
4 Stormtroopers, C-3PO
5 Stormtroopers
6 C-3PO
7 Darth Vader, Officer
8 R2-D2, C-3PO
9 Jawa, R2-D2
Etched Foil
6 cards, 1:6 packs.

Art by Joe Corroney and Brian Miller.
1 Zam Wesell, Jango Fett
2 Boba Fett
3 Aurra Singh
4 Dengar, IG-88
5 Boushh, Zuckuss
6 Greedo, 4-LOM, Bossk
Etched Foil Original Art
6 cards, 1:17,768 packs.
10 cards, 1:3 packs.

Art by Brian Rood.
1 Luke
2 Qui-Gon
3 Darth Maul
4 Greedo
5 Han Solo
6 Boba Fett
7 Lando
8 Leia
9 Boba Fett
10 Darth Vader
Bronze Foil
10 cards, 1:24 packs.

Gold Foil
10 cards, 1:49 packs. Cards /600.

Refractor Foil
10 cards, 1:10,661 packs. Cards 1/1.
Promo Cards

P1 Leia – Philly Non-Sports Card Show
P2 Yoda
P3 Chewbacca – Philly Non-Sports Card Show