2011 Rittenhouse Complete Brady Bunch trading cards manage to cover the series from start to finish. Distributed as a factory set, it also includes autographs from more than half of the Brady clan.
2011 Rittenhouse Complete Brady Bunch Checklist Details
If you’re looking for a set of trading cards that’s efficient, this is it. Not only does it cover every episode from all five seasons, it does so with just 59 cards.
They all take a double-sided approach with one episode per side. One large image is complimented by three smaller tiled grabs underneath. Text is in the form of the episode title and an understandably quick synopsis. There’s a lot to take in, but it makes for a quick and comprehensive trip through one of the most memorable shows of the 1970s (and ’80s if you take syndicated reruns into account).
Every set came packaged with autographs from five of the Brady kids: Christopher Knight (Peter), Mike Lookinland (Bobby), Susan Olsen (Cindy), Eve Plumb (Jan) and Barry Williams (Greg). Catherine McCormack (Marcia) is the only one missing.
Ann B. Davis (Alice) has an autograph that was given as an incentive for buying two sets.
Just 500 sets of 2011 Rittenhouse Complete Brady Bunch were made.
2011 Rittenhouse Complete Brady Bunch Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 59 cards
Cards per set: 64
Release date: December 14, 2011
Base Set Checklist
59 cards.
Buy on eBay:

1 Here’s the Story of a Lovely Lady / Vote for Brady
2 The Honeymoon / Every Boy Does it Once
3 Dear Libby / Sorry, Right Number
4 Eenie, Meenie, Mommy, Daddy / Father of the Year
5 Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore / Is There a Doctor in The House?
6 Katchoo / The Voice of Christmas
7 A Clubhouse is Not a Home / The Undergraduate
8 Kitty Karry – All Is Missing / Mike’s Horror-Scope
9 A-Camping We Will Go / 54-40 and Fight
10 Tiger! Tiger! / The Un-underground Movie
11 The Big Sprain / The Slumber Caper
12 Brace Yourself / The Babysitters
13 The Hero / The Treasure of Sierra Avenue
14 The Possible Dream / Call Me Irresponsible
15 To Move or Not to Move / Going, Going… Steady
16 The Grass is Always Greener / The Tattle-Tale
17 Lost Locket, Found Locket / The Not-So-Ugly Duckling
18 The Dropout / A Fistful of Reasons
19 What Goes Up… / Double Parked
20 Confessions, Confessions / The Winner
21 The Impractical Joker / Lights Out
22 Where There’s Smoke / Ghost Town, U.S.A.
23 Will the Real Jan Brady Please Stand Up? / Tell It Like It Is
24 The Drummer Boy / Alice’s September Song
25 Coming-Out Party / The Wheeler-Dealer
26 Our Son, The Man / The Brady Braves
27 The Liberation of Marcia Brady / Grand Canyon or Bust
28 My Sister, Benedict Arnold / Dough Re Mi
29 The Personality Kid / Big Little Man
30 Juliet is the Sun / The Teeter-Totter Caper
31 And Now, a Word From Our Sponsor / The Power of the Press
32 The Private Ear / The Big Bet
33 Her Sister’s Shadow / Jan’s Aunt Jenny
34 Click / My Fair Opponent
35 Getting Davy Jones / Cindy Brady, Lady
36 The Not-So-Rose Colored Glasses / Sergeant Emma
37 The Fender Benders / Greg’s Triangle
38 Hawaii Bound / Goodbye, Alice, Hello
39 Pass the Tabu / Career Fever
40 The Tiki Caves / Law and Disorder
41 Today, I am a Freshman / Love and the Older Man
42 Cyrano De Brady / Everyone Can’t Be George Washington
43 Fright Night / Bobby’s Hero
44 The Show Must Go On?? / Amateur Night
45 Jan, The Only Child / Greg Gets Grounded
46 The Subject was Noses / Getting Greg’s Goat
47 How to Succeed in Business / Peter and the Wolf
48 The Great Earring Caper / Never Too Young
49 You’re Never Too Old / Quarterback Sneak
50 You Can’t Win ‘Em All / My Brother’s Keeper
51 Room at the Top / Marcia Gets Creamed
52 Adios, Johnny Bravo / The Elopement
53 Mail Order Hero / The Cincinnati Kids
54 Snow White and the Seven Bradys / Try, Try Again
55 Miss Popularity / The Snooperstar
56 Kelly’s Kids / Top Secret
57 The Driver’s Seat / Two Petes in a Pod
58 Out of this World / The Hairbrained Scheme
59 Welcome Aboard / The Hustler
Autographs Checklist
6 cards.
Davis given as 2-set incentive and not included with regular set.
Ann B. Davis as Alice – 2-set incentive
Christopher Knight as Peter Brady
Mike Lookinland as Bobby Brady
Susan Olsen as Cindy Brady
Eve Plumb as Jan Brady
Barry Williams as Greg Brady

Promo Cards Checklist

P1 Marcia Brady – General Distribution
P2 Greg Brady – Non-Sport Update