Topps did a good thing by introducing the Widevision line to Star Wars. The idea was that the over-sized format could showcase what was shown on the screen. Normally the different dimensions cater to a niche crowd, but it found good success with the films — particularly the original trilogy. 2009 Topps Star Wars Clone Wars Widevision is a solid release, although it didn’t translate into prolonged popularity.
For starters, the animated shows don’t have the same collector appeal as the feature films — even if they’re good. Combine that with the tall boy format and it’s a recipe for a product to be overlooked.
2009 Topps Star Wars Clone Wars Widevision Checklist Details
The 80-card base set covers the show’s first season (the CG version, not the limited run special from a few years before). The cards are nice in the over-sized format, but they simply didn’t catch on.
All 80 cards have two parallels. Silver cards are inserted 1:17 packs and are numbered to 500 copies each. Gold parallels are one-of-a-kind and extremely tough to find. These land 1:8,222 packs.
Sketch cards are inserted one per hobby box. The quality of the artwork varies greatly. While most of the artists are Topps-approved, there’s also cards from a handful of animators from the show to give them a deeper connection to the content. Among these animators is someone very important to the television era of Star Wars — Dave Filoni.
Voice actors provide autographs, which are included about every third hobby box. Retail odds are even longer. While there are plenty of key people in the show, they’re not as recognizable outside of it so these cards generally don’t have the same level of appeal as movie autographs.
2009 Topps Star Wars Clone Wars Widevision has several more inserts as well. Flix Pix use lenticular technology to switch between images. Animation Cels are done on different card stock to mimic traditional animation techniques — even though the show was done using computers. The checklist is rounded out by Foil Character cards and a handful of Season 2 Previews cards.
2009 Topps Star Wars Clone Wars Widevision Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 7
Packs per box: 24
Boxes per case: 8
Shop for 2009 Topps Star Wars Clone Wars Widevision boxes on eBay.
Base Set
80 cards.

1 Title Card
2 Summit on Rugosa
3 Yoda’s Strategy
4 Introspection in the Cave
5 Yoda’s Victory
6 A New Galactic Threat
7 Hunting Survivors
8 Out of the Storm
9 Weapon of Malevolence
10 Target: Malevolence
11 Attacking Malevolence
12 Pawn of Malevolence
13 Jedi Conference
14 Fate of Malevolence
15 Rescue on Malevolence
16 Day of the Rookies
17 Tension on Rishi’s Moon
18 Destroy the Outpost!
19 The Republic Swoops In
20 Skywalker’s Trap
21 Rescuing Artoo
22 Anakin’s Master Evasion
23 Target: Skytop Station
24 Jedi Free Fall
25 Grievous’ Cantankerous Ally
26 Ahsoka’s Deadly Duel
27 Padmé’s New Peril
28 Battle Droids Attack!
29 Binks to the Rescue
30 A Liability Named Nute
31 Gunray Prison Break
32 Enemies on All Sides
33 Jedi Showdown
34 An Unexpected Discovery
35 The Testing of Grievous
36 The Rules of War
37 In Search of Dooku
38 Peril of the Pirates
39 A Visit to Dooku
40 Beytrayal Is Imminent
41 An Awkward Truce
42 Weequay Pirates
43 An Unexpected Strategy
44 The Rescue of Secura
45 Crack-Up on Maridun
46 Is It Right to Fight?
47 In the Care of Wag Too
48 In Defense of the Lurmen
49 Wave of Death
50 Whose Pantora Is It?
51 Enter the Talz
52 An Avoidable Conflict
53 The Challenge of Peace
54 An Enemy Among Us
55 The Informer
56 Asajj’s Breakout Escape
57 The Hidden Enemy
58 Shaak Herding
59 A Very Quick Capture
60 Derailing a Mad Doctor
61 Dr. Vindi Fires Away
62 Clones in the Bomb Room
63 Seeking the Reeksa Root
64 Jaybo Bids Farewell
65 Ahsoka’s Big Mistake
66 Anakin’s Stern Guidance
67 Ahsoka Strikes Back
68 Ryloth Imprisoned
69 The Living Shield
70 Gutkurr Attack
71 Victory for Ghost Company
72 An Unexpected Ally
73 Cham’s Great Fear
74 The Bridge to Lessu
75 Holding Tambor at Bay
76 Attack on the Senate
77 Trapped by a Bounty Hunter
78 Attack on Anakin
79 Hostage Crisis
80 Checklist
Silver Foil Parallel
80 cards, 1:17 packs. Cards /500.

Gold Foil Parallel
80 cards, 1:8,222 packs. Cards 1/1.
Sketch Cards
1:27 hobby packs, 1:48 retail packs.

Irma Ahmed
Soni Alcorn-Hender
Brian Ashmore
Kyle Babbitt
Dan Bergren
Spencer Brinkerhoff III
Dennis Budd
Alex Buechel
James Bukauskas
Bernard Chang
Matte Chero
Justin Chung
Hamilton Cline
Katie Cook-Wilcox
Joe Corroney
Jerome Dabos
Ted Dastick Jr.
Hayden Davis
David Day
Brian Denham
Colleen Doran
Kevin Doyle
Michael “Locoduck” Duron
Darla Ecklund
Nina Edlund
Carolyn Edwards
Brent Engstrom
Nicole Falk
Gabe Farber
Josh Fargher
Agnieszka Garbowska
Bruce Gerlach
Zack Giallongo
Kate Glasheen
Grant Gould
Kevin Graham
David Green
Ingrid Hardy
Chris Henderson
Robert Hendrickson
Jess Hickman
Tom Hodges
Jason Hughes
Ben Curtis Jones
Danny Kelly
Lee Kohse
Karen Krajenbrink
Jim Kyle
Braden Lamb
Kevin Liell
Erik Maell
Leah Mangue
Laura Martin
Randy Martinez
Mark McHaley
Lord Mesa
Brian Miller
Steven Miller
Jake Minor
Matt Minor
Rich Molinelli
Monte Moore
Jon Morris
Bryan Morton
Cynthia (Cummens) Narcisi
Steve Oatney
Rhiannon Owens
Shelli Paroline
Don Pedicini Jr.
Sean Pence
Jason Keith Phillips
Tim Proctor
Amy Pronovost
Bill Pulkovski
David Rabbitte
Darin Radimaker
Juan Carlos Ramos
Adrien Rivera
Brian Rood
Craig Rousseau
Stephane Roux
Lance Sawyer
Neil Segura
Howard Shum
Scott D. M. Simmons
Tod Allen Smith
Uko Smith
Jamie Snell
Lawrence Snelly
Jason Sobol
Carlo Sinfuego Soriano
John Soukup
Cat Staggs
Dave “Pops” Tata
Rob Teranishi
Jeremy Treece
Francis Tsai
Denise Vasquez
Frank Villarreal
John P. Wales
Russ Walks
Sarah Wilkinson
Rich Woodall
Nolan Woodward
Stephanie Yue
Animator Sketch Cards
1:223 hobby packs.

Randy Bantog
Tim Brock
Russell Chong
Anthony Ermio
Dave Filoni
Thang Le
Davide Le Merrer
Stew Lee
Vince Lee
Wayne Lo
Darren Marshall
Ken Min
Bosco Ng
Brian Kalin O’Connell
Sergio Paez
Kilian Plunkett
Pat Presley
Jacob Stephens
Jackson Sze
Don Ta
Le Tang
Giancarlo Volpe
Chris Voy
9 cards, 1:67 hobby packs, 1:174 retail packs.

Ian Abercrombie as Chancellor Palpatine
Dee Bradley Baker as Clone Troopers
Nika Futterman as Asajj Ventress
Tom Kane as Yoda
Matt Lanter as Anakin Skywalker
Catherine Taber as Padmé Amidala
James Arnold Taylor as Obi-Wan Kenobi
Matthew Wood as Battle Droids
Matthew Wood as General Grievous
Animation Clear Cel
10 cards, 1:4 packs.

1 Threepio and Jar Jar
2 Yoda
3 Kit and Nahdar
4 Battle Droids
5 Padmé
6 Ahsoka
7 Clone Snowtroopers
8 Talz Warriors
9 Anakin and Obi-Wan
10 Anakin and Padmé
Flix Pix
5 cards, 1:8 packs.

1 Anakin
2 Obi-Wan
3 Commander Cody
4 Ahsoka
5 General Grievous
Foil Character Cards
20 cards, 1:3 packs.

1 Anakin Skywalker
2 Ahsoka Tano
3 Obi-Wan Kenobi
4 Plo Koon
5 Yoda
6 General Grievous
7 Count Dooku
8 Mace Windu
9 Padmé Amidala
10 Asajj Ventress
11 C-3PO
12 R2-D2
13 Captain Rex
14 Commander Cody
15 Commander Gree
16 Commander Bly
17 Luminara Unduli
18 Kit Fisto
19 Aayla Secura
20 Palpatine
Season 2 Preview
8 cards, 1:2 packs.
