Your initial impression might be to snicker at the thought of iCarly trading cards. But they do exist. And they’re one of the toughest entertainment products to find of its era. As a result, 2009 Topps iCarly is a fairly valuable set considering the basic formula it uses.
2009 Topps iCarly Base Set and Inserts
The 90-card base set centers on images from the show. Given how intentionally corny it was from the get-go, there’s plenty that comes across as silly once it’s converted to still images and given matching captions.
Costume cards are the most popular of the chase elements. Inserted 1:46 packs, that’s approximately every other box. Eight cards make up the checklist although only Carly, Sam and Freddie are included.
Every pack has an insert, most often a basic Sticker. These have a mix of photos and graphics on the front and puzzle pieces on the back. Computer Clingys are intended to be removable stickers meant to decorate a laptop or computer deck. Finally, there are five lenticular Motion cards.
Originally intended to be a full release, it looks as though hobby orders were cancelled and was limited to only retail. That would explain the set’s rarity and spotty distribution.
2009 Topps iCarly Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 7
Packs per box: 24
Shop for 2009 Topps iCarly boxes on eBay.
Base Set
90 cards.

1 iTrouble?
2 I Spy A Boring Teacher
3 Take It Away, iCarly’s New Band!
4 Freddie Flunks Fashion
5 Trick or…Gotcha!
6 iCarly’s 50th Web Show Spectacular!
7 Why Is This Girl Smiling?
8 iDream of Prep School
9 Are You AWAKE?
10 Facing The Music
11 Spencer’s Claymation Sensation
12 Sam’s Sabotage
13 Carly’s Head Might Explode
14 Oh No He Di-int…
15 America’s Got Talent?
16 iCarly.com — Tempted by TV?
17 Freddie — A Fool For Love?
18 Sculpture Flambé
19 The Weirdo Watch
20 A Family Secret
21 The Hired…Zeebo?
22 Freddie At the Ready
23 The Family Artist — Spencer
24 Sloppy Sam
25 Sam…Abrasive? Really?
26 I Bet You Can’t…
27 Miss Briggs, So Not Amused!
28 Thrills, Chills and Pumpkin Guts
29 Home Sweet Webcast!
30 Rib-it!
31 The Undercover Crew
32 Kitchen Confidential
33 Scuba Caddie
34 Bad Boyfriends Get Wedgie-Bounced
35 Pie Story
36 Sous-Chef Spencer
37 Sam’s Lucky Fishing Hat
38 Dept. of Bad Ideas
39 Bean Bag Brainstorm
40 A Closet Caper
41 A Lonely Mom
42 Baby Bait?
43 Freddie’s Tat’
44 Awesome Take
45 iCarly’s Special Guest!
46 Something Fishy
47 Picture Perfect
48 Torture By Bagpipes
49 Record Rules
50 Brother Drummer
51 Boybriend Betrayal
52 Javacuzzi!
53 Freddie’s Cool Camera Work
54 iHide Inside — A Pumpkin Eye?
55 No Friend of Freddie’s
56 Carly’s Sweet Dancin’ Dream
57 Superfastic Sculpture
58 Spy Sisters
59 Whoa! A Gargantuan Pumpkin
60 Obsessive Texting Girl
61 English Breakfast
62 Wiener Dog
63 Spencer’s Surprise
64 Spencer’s Putt-Putt Challenge
65 Trapped…by Dancers
66 Lewbert and His Crazy Wart
67 Witch Way Did Freddie Go?
68 Spencer’s Sock Cake
69 Shampoo, Interrupted
70 What To Wear?
71 iOverhear Whining
72 Coach Critics
73 Spencer Senses a Sore Bottom
74 Asleep on the Job
75 The Plumpkin
76 The Upload Oops
77 Bagpipe Brigade
78 Freddie Hearts Carly
79 Sam I Am — Stunned!
80 Send Us Your Coolest Dance Moves
81 Spencer’s So Proud!
82 iCarly Goes Off-Script
83 So Busted!
84 Sam’s Boo
85 A Haunted Apartment?
86 Melon-Scooping BFFs
87 Spencer’s First Date Advice
88 Carly Needs a Favor
89 Sam Spews Insults
90 Checklist
Costume Cards
8 cards, 1:46 packs.

Carly’s Personally Worn Jeans
Carly’s Orange Striped Scarf
Carly’s Plum T-Shirt
Freddie’s Checkered Button-Down Shirt
Freddie’s Gray Thermal
Freddie’s Personally Worn Jeans
Sam’s Plaid Shorts
Sam’s Skull Button-Down Shirt
Computer Clingys
10 cards, 1:4 packs.

1 OMG!
5 Jank
6 iCarly
7 H&K
8 LOL Text Me BRB
10 BFF
Motion Cards
5 cards, 1:6 packs.

20 cards, 3:4 packs.