2008 Artbox 24 Season 5 trading cards mark the final time Jack Bauer made an appearance in the hobby. Like the Season 4 and Season 4 Expansion sets that came before it from Artbox, the checklist figures heavily on autographs and memorabilia cards.
The 90-card base set breaks down another long day for Bauer and his plight to save the world again. The design has the same general layout save for a slight color change in the caption bar.
2008 Artbox 24 Season 5 Autographs and Other Inserts
The 12-card autograph checklist might be the best produced for a set of 24 trading cards. There’s no Kiefer Sutherland (he never signed for a set), but there are several other key actors from the show like Mary Lynn Rajskub (Chloe O’Brian) and Gregory Itzin (President Logan). Also present are actors known for outside projects such as Friday Night Lights‘ Connie Britton and Sean Astin of Goonies and Lord of the Rings fame.
A total of 15 different costume cards are available in packs. None are overly plentiful with the most common one have 265 copies. Most have numbered print runs of 200 or less.
Autographs and costume cards are both one per 2008 Artbox 24 Season 5 box.
On top of those are randomly inserted prop cards. In addition to eight fifth season set pieces, there are three intended to be preview cards for a planned Season 6 set that never came to be.
All of the other 2008 Atbox 24 Season 5 inserts are done with a foil format. There are nine Rare Foil Puzzle, six Rare Foil and three Ultra-Rare Foil cards in packs plus three different box toppers that are also done on the shiny stock.
2008 Artbox 24 Season 5 Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 7
Packs per box: 36
Boxes per case: 8
Shop for 2008 Artbox 24 Season 5 boxes on eBay.
Base Set
90 cards.

1 Title Card
2 Jack Bauer
3 Audrey Raines
4 Chloe O’Brian
5 Curtis Manning
6 Edgar Stiles
7 Bill Buchanan
8 Lynn McGill
9 Karen Hayes
10 Tony Almeida
11 Mike Novick
12 Aaron Pierce
13 Wayne Palmer
14 Walt Cummings
15 Vladimir Bierko
16 Christopher Henderson
17 President Charles Logan
18 Martha Logan
19 Presidential Legacy
20 More Attacks
21 A Pattern Emerges
22 Surprise Passenger
23 First Lady and the President
24 Chloe and Jack
25 Short Reunion
26 Hostage Situation Options
27 The President’s Call
28 Held Hostage
29 Lynn Catches a Code
30 Jack Returns to CTU
31 Secret Meeting
32 Jack Surrenders?
33 Stressed First Couple
34 On the Trail
35 Capturing Rossler
36 Chloe and Spenser
37 Cummings Is Dead
38 More Bad Choices?
39 CTU Monitors
40 An Important Lead
41 Jack on the Run
42 Old Friends?
43 Covering the Bases
44 Tony Awakens
45 Michelle Is Dead?
46 Under the Gun
47 Henderson Arrives
48 Harsh Gamble
49 Henderson Interrogated
50 Kim Back at CTU
51 Edgar Investigates
52 Biohazard Alert
53 Edgar’s Demise
54 Attack and Response
55 Consequences at CTU
56 Martial Law?
57 Audrey Arrested?
58 Pumping Station
59 Unnatural Gas
60 After the Explosion
61 Kidnapped Daughter
62 Wayne and Jack
63 Horrible Confirmation
64 Kill Jack Bauer
65 Heller’s Visit
66 Jack Restrained
67 Audrey Wounded
68 Henderson’s Gamble
69 Heller vs. Logan
70 Working from Home
71 Henderson Targets Heller
72 Goodbye for Now
73 Under the Gun
74 Airborne
75 Hijacked
76 Shoot It Down
77 Berko To Be Moved
78 Aaron Held Captive
79 Henderson in Holding
80 Henderson Names Contact
81 Jack and Aaron
82 CTU Coordinating
83 Taking Off
84 Logan Held Prisoner
85 Jack Stands Down
86 Threatening Martha
87 David Palmer’s Casket
88 Logan’s Farewell
89 Jack Is Grabbed
90 Checklist
12 cards, 1:36 packs.

Sean Astin as Lynn McGill
Jayne Atkinson as Karen Hayes
Connie Britton as Diane Huxley
Gregory Itzin as President Charles Logan
Jeff Kober as Haas
Paul McCrane as Graem
James Morrison as Bill Buchanan
Mary Lynn Rajskub as Chloe O’Brian
Carlo Rota as Morris O’Brian
Mark Sheppard as Ivan Erwich
Jean Smart as Martha Logan
Ray Wise as Vice President Hal Gardner
Costume Cards
20 cards, 1:36 packs.

CT1 and CT2 given as case toppers.
Case Incentives: Ci1 – two cases, Ci2 – five cases, Ci3 – ten cases
C1 Kiefer Sutherland as Jack Bauer – Jacket /115
C2 Dennis Heysbert as President Palmer – Shirt /105
C3 Jeff Kober as Haas – Jacket /200
C4 Carlos Bernard as Tony Almeida – Pants /200
C5 Reiko Aylesworth as Michelle Dessler – Pants /175
C6 Mary Lynn Rajskub as Chloe O’Brian – Sweater /115
C7 James Morrison as Bill Buchanan – Tie /115
C8 John Allen Nelson as Walt Cummings – Tie /90
C9 David Dayan Fisher as Anton Beresch – Sweater /265
C10 Roger Cross as Curtis Manning – Shirt /115
C11 Brady Corbet as Derek Huxley – Shirt /210
C12 Louis Lombardi as Edgar Stiles – Pants /215
C13 Kate Mara as Shari Rothenberg – Blouse /200
C14 D.B. Woodside as Wayne Palmer – Sweater /165
C15 David Dayan Fisher as Anton Beresch – Terrorist Mask /115
CT1 Carlos Bernard as Tony Almeida – T-Shirt /250
CT2 Reiko Aylesworth as Michelle Dessler – Blouse /250
Ci1 Gregory Itzin as President Logan – Tie /153
Ci2 Mary Lynn Rajskub as Chloe O’Brian – Shirt /85
Ci3 Elisha Cuthbert as Kim Bauer – Blouse /63
Prop Cards
13 cards, 1:58 packs.

P1 Terrorist’s Bomb Vest /190
P2 CTU Folder /165
P3 Arms Treaty US and Russia /190
P4 Bloody Bandages /115
P5 CTU ID Card /60
P6 Timing Mechanism /90
P7 Mall Bag /150
P8 Terrorist’s Bomb Vest /110
S6P1 Presidential Bunker Explosion Debris /100
S6P2 Presidential Bunker Explosion Debris /90
S6P3 Presidential Bunker Explosion Debris /80
Rare Foil
6 cards, 1:12 packs.

R1 Curtis
R2 Chloe, Bill
R3 Miriam, Bill
R4 Mike, Aaron
R5 Vladimir, Christopher
R6 Martha, Logan
Rare Foil Puzzle
9 cards, 1:9 packs.

Ultra-Rare Foil
3 cards, 1:36 packs.

UR1 Audrey, Jack
UR2 Kim, Jack
UR3 Mike, Logan
Box Toppers
3 cards, 1 per box.

BT1 Jack Bauer
BT2 Curtis Manning
BT3 Charles Logan
Promo Cards
A pack of promo cards with basic versions of P1-P3 were available at the 2008 SDCC.

P1 Jack Bauer
P2 Curtis Manning
P3 Jack Bauer – San Diego Comic-Con Promo Pack
P3 Jack Bauer (foil) – Binder
Hello all, i am collecting this set, and need a few cards to complete it, and have many extras for trade, including many completed sets and subsets.