The movie might be forgettable, but the 2007 Rittenhouse Spider-Man 3 autographs set is stellar. Highlighted by the lead star, it also has signatures from a handful of other Hollywood stars.
2007 Rittenhouse Spider-Man 3 autographs fall 1:20 packs. This translates into two per sealed box.
Leading the way is Tobey Maguire, who plays Spider-Man. This is the first set his autograph appears in. It’s one of the toughest autographs to get. While not numbered, it’s classified by Rittenhouse as being ‘Very Limited.’ This means between 200 and 300 copies exist.
When 2007 Rittenhouse Spider-Man 3 came out, the other big names to chase included Willem Dafoe, Stan Lee, Lucy Lawless and Bruce Campbell. Since then, a pair of other signers have emerged. James Franco has joined Hollywood’s A-list. Elizabeth Banks’ star has also risen considerably as well.
A J.K. Simmons autographed costume card was also produced but not available in packs. It was given as an incentive to those ordering two or more 2007 Rittenhouse Spider-Man 3 cases.
A second Tobey Maguire autograph was included in the 2008 Rittenhouse Spider-Man 3 Expansion Set A. Limited to 225 copies, this time he is pictured as Peter Parker rather than the iconic super hero.
2007 Rittenhouse Spider-Man 3 Autographs Checklist
Production info: Very Limited (200-300 copies), Limited (300-500 copies)
Avi Arad – Producer – Very Limited
Dylan Baker as Dr. Connors
Elizabeth Banks as Betty Brant – Limited
Jayce Bartok as Subway Guitarist
Jack Betts as Henry Balkan
Brent Briscoe as Garbage Man
Bruce Campbell as Ring Announcer – Limited
Willem Dafoe as Norman Osborn – Limited
Elyse Dinh as Violinist
James Franco as Harry Osborn – Limited
Larry Joshua as Wrestling Promoter
Lucy Lawless as Punk Rock Girl – Very Limited
Stan Lee as Innocent Bystander
Aasif Madvi as Mr. Aziz
Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker (Expansion Set)
Tobey Maquire as Spider-Man – Very Limited
Joe Manganiello as Flash Thompson
Bill Nunn as Joseph Robertson
J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson
Hal Sparks as Elevator Passenger
Mageina Tovah as Ursula
Autograph Costume
J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson