So Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem wasn’t very good. And it didn’t have many big stars (outside of the two iconic extra terrestrials). But Inkworks did what they could to make a solid set for fans of either (or both) franchise. 2007 Inkworks Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem trading cards came with a loaded box configuration that promised an autograph, costume card and sketch card.
The base set has 81 cards. The story line gets a thorough recreation. The characters also get their profiles, which is amazing considering little of their personalities came through in the script.
2007 Inkworks Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem Hits Hard
The Autographs checklist has ten actors. None are huge names, though. Reiko Aylesworth leads the way. She was probably best known for a fairly substantial role in TV’s 24.
The main Pieceworks lineup has 11 cards. All come with swatches of costumes used in the film. A couple of the are dual-costume cards. Adding a chase element are three variant versions. Rarer cards featuring a jacket worn by John Ortiz came with fur and piece of patch. While the common regular version can be found in packs, these variants were inserted as redemptions. PW6, which uses a top worn by Kristen Hager, has a rarer thick version compared to the regular one.
A couple of Pieceworks cards were also used as dealer incentives. Two cards, PW12A and PW12B, fit together and form a puzzle. They were given out to those ordering multiple cases of product at the time of its release.
For most of the company’s products, two premium inserts were the most collectors would get in a box. 2007 Inkworks Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem boxes also come with a sketch card. A total of 16 artists worked on the set. Among them are several different styles. The quality ranges. Some are plain pencil sketches, albeit detailed. Others are inked and many have full color. Sketch cards are serial numbered based on the artist. Ingrid Hardy is the toughest to find with 193 cards. The rest are all very similar in numbers, right around the 300 mark.
Additional Inserts
The product has three more basic inserts, all of which roughly follow the Inkworks template. Battlefield on Earth is a nine-card foil puzzle. Massacre on Main Street has six embossed foil cards. Rather than going to traditional three-card box loader route, Deadly cards are inserted in packs.
The 2007 Inkworks Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem checklist is rounded out by a case loader card.
2007 Inkworks Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 8
Packs per box: 24
Boxes per case: 10
Release Date: December, 2007
Shop for 2007 Inkworks Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem boxes on eBay.
Base Set
81 cards.

1 Title Card
2 Sheriff Morales
3 Dallas Howard
4 Ricky Howard
5 Kelly O’Brien
6 Molly O’Brien
7 The Alien
8 The Predator
9 The Predalien
10 Day of the Hunters
11 Targeting a Face Hugger
12 The Aliens’ First Victims
13 Dallas Comes Home
14 The O’Briens Reunited
15 Chest Burster Horror
16 The Monster Inside Him
17 Ricky’s Special Delivery
18 Battered by a Bully
19 Attack on the Homeless
20 Invading the Local Sewer
21 Arrival
22 Monster on a Mission
23 His Fallen Comrades
24 Behind the Mask
25 A “Clean Up” Specialist
26 “What the Hell Is This?!”
27 What Lies Beneath
28 Into the Woods
29 Slaughtered and Skinned
30 Even Science Is Stunned
31 They Crawl by Night
32 Skirmish with the Enemy
33 Savage Struggle
34 One Against Many
35 Dark Pursuer
36 Emergency Escape
37 Disaster at the Diner
38 Carrie’s Final Moments
39 Extreme Terror
40 Death on the Menu
41 Lovers and Haters
42 Night of the Pursued
43 Hell and Heated Water
44 Speared by the Predator
45 Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite!
46 Alien at the Window
47 Dad under Attack!
48 Alien in an Alien Land
49 A Town under Siege!
50 Saving Little Molly
51 After Visiting Hours
52 An Orderly Demise
53 “Is That You, Doctor?”
54 Dying in Bed… The Hard Way
55 The Predalien Was Here!
56 A Doctor Meets His Doom
57 Horror in Store…
58 Monster against Monster
59 Dale’s Gruesome Demise
60 Horrors of Acid Blood
61 Hitching a Deadly Ride
62 On the Road Again
63 Monster Mashed
64 “There’s No Stopping Him!”
65 Losing His Horrid Head
66 In the Alien Hive
67 At Last… They Meet
68 Deadly Confrontation
69 When Worlds Collide
70 Face-to-Face
71 Whoever Wins… We Lose!
72 The Predator’s End Game
73 An Acid Bath
74 Deformed Hybrid
75 Ramming His Enemy
76 Ground Zero
77 Aftermath
78 The World Isn’t Ready
79 Suited for Mayhem
80 Helming the Horrors
81 Checklist
10 cards, 1:24 packs.

Check out a full gallery of the entire set.
A-1 Reiko Aylesworth as Kelly
A-2 John Ortiz as Morales
A-3 Johnny Lewis as Ricky
A-4 Kristen Hager as Jesse
A-5 Ariel Gade as Molly
A-6 David Paetkau as Dale
A-7 Gina Holden as Carrie
A-8 Kurt Max Runte as Buddy
A-9 Robert Joy as Garber/Jones
A-10 Ian Whyte as Predator
13 cards, 1:24 packs.
PW12A and PW12B fit together to form a puzzle. Both were given away as case incentives and are not in packs. PW3 has fur and patch variations that were distributed via redemption. PW6 also has a variation that is thicker than regular versions.

Check out a full gallery of the entire set.
PW1 Jeans worn by Reiko Aylesworth as Kelly
PW2 Jeans worn by Steven Pasquale as Dallas
PW3 Jacket worn by John Ortiz as Sheriff Morales
PW4 Shirt worn by Johnny Lewis as Ricky
PW5 Dress worn by Gina Holden as Carrie
PW6 Top worn by Kristen Hager as Jesse
PW7 Top and Bottom worn by Ariel Gade as Molly
PW8 Vest worn by Steven Pasquale as Dallas
PW9 Shirt and T-Shirt worn by Johnny Lewis as Ricky
PW10 Shirt worn by Chelah Horsdal as Darcy
PW11 Shirt worn by Meshach Peters as Curtis
PW12A Shirt worn by Steven Pasquale as Dallas
PW12B Top worn by Reiko Aylesworth as Kelly
Sketch Cards
16 artists, 1:24 packs.
Each artist’s cards are numbered. Print runs are noted.

S-KA Kristin Allen /299
S-KB Kate “Red” Bradley /278
S-DC Daniel Cooney /300
S-CC Cynthia Cummens /312
S-MD Mark Dos Santos /294
S-KG Kevin Graham /302
S-IH Ingrid Hardy /193
S-LK Lee Kohse /323
S-RL Randi LeeAnn /317
S-RM Rich A. Molinelli /295
S-CM Chris Moreno /300
S-RN Rafael Navarro /300
S-DR David Rabbitte /299
S-TR Tone Rodriguez /313
S-MW Matt Wendt /299
S-JZ Jeff Zugale /300
Battlefield on Earth
9 cards, 1:11 packs.
Cards form a foil puzzle.

B-1 Birth of the Predalien
B-2 Armed and Ruthless
B-3 The Legacy
B-4 When Monsters Clash
B-5 The Ultimate Predator Warrior vs. the Predalien
B-6 Heritage of Horror
B-7 What Chance Do They Have?
B-8 The Perfect Killing Machine
B-9 An Awesome Battle
3 cards, 1:24 packs.

D-1 The Arrival
D-2 Hitching a Ride
D-3 Monsters in Mortal Combat
Massacre on Main Street
6 cards, 1:17 packs.

M-1 Horror from In High
M-2 Monster in the Woods
M-3 Acid Blood and Beyond
M-4 Suited for the Task
M-5 Loose upon the Earth
M-6 Predator Technology
Case Loader
1 cards, 1 per case.

CL-1 AvP Unleashed
Promo Cards

AP-SD2007 – San Diego Comic-Con
P-1 General Distribution
P-2 Non-Sport Update Magazine
P-i Website Promo
P-P UK Distribution
Also available: