Superman Returns was supposed to bring the iconic hero back to prominence at a time when comic movies were on the rise. That meant a massive merchandising push complete with trading cards. 2006 Topps Superman Returns has a lot going for it. However, the movie’s tepid reception was a big factor in how the product was ultimately received.
The base set features 90 cards. It takes a traditional approach with character cards kicking things off. From there, it’s a basic story synopsis capturing some of the film’s major moments.
Memorabilia Cards
Hobby boxes come with a pair of memorabilia cards with costume material from key characters. Clark Kent/Superman, Lois Lane and Lex Luthor make up the majority of the checklist. Pieces range from pieces of Superman’s tights to coats to dresses with colorful patterns. Some of the memorabilia cards are tougher to find than others with Superman’s briefs being the rarest.
2006 Topps Superman Returns Autographs
Where 2006 Topps Superman Returns really stands out is in the autographs department. While there were initial, and understandable, concerns about the use of foil stickers, it’s hard to complain about the checklist. Brandon Routh, who played the lead role, was a big get at the time. While his career hasn’t reached the heights many expected, it’s still Superman.
The biggest autograph in the product belongs to Academy Award winner Kevin Spacey, who is one of the biggest stars of his generation. To date, this is the only set he has signed for. It’s an extremely tough card to find today.
Other signers include Kate Bosworth, Parker Posey and James Marsden. Inserted 1:58 hobby packs, autographs can almost be viewed as a bonus hit.
Additional Inserts
The only other inserts in hobby packs are Embossed Foil cards. These are also in retail.
The remaining 2006 Topps Superman Returns trading cards require a bit of a hunt to track down as they’re exclusives to certain packs. Basic retail packs have Stickers and Magnets. Blister packs each have one of three different Bonus cards. Finally, retail tins have two cards not available elsewhere. There’s a basic Tin card and a Tin Story card. Many of these are tough to track down today.
A Superman Returns Update set was solicited but the product was cancelled.
2006 Topps Superman Returns Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 7
Packs per box: 24
Boxes per case: 8
Shop for 2006 Topps Superman Returns boxes on eBay.
Base Set
90 cards.

1 Title Card
2 Superman
3 Clark Kent
4 Lois Lane
5 Richard White
6 Lex Luthor
7 Perry White
8 Jimmy Olsen
9 Kitty Kowalski
10 Martha Kent
11 Ben Hubbard
12 Jason
13 Stanford
14 Grant
15 Brutus
16 Riley
17 Bobbie Faye
18 Bo the Bartender
19 Where Is Superman?
20 Voyage to Krypton
21 Kal-El’s Quest
22 Emergency Escape!
23 Landing in Smallville
24 Toward the Crash Site
25 To Save Her Son
26 Back from Beyond
27 The Groom of Doom
28 Gertrude’s Millions
29 At the Kent Farm
30 Powers of a Super-Teen
31 An Unexpected Flight
32 Young Clark’s Discovery
33 Legacy of the Cosmos
34 The Kryptonian Crystal
35 Burying the Spaceship
36 Descending into the Past
37 Mother Knows Best
38 Meeting Ben Hubbard
39 His Latest Mad Plan
40 Approaching the Fortress
41 The Secrets of Jor-El
42 A Return to Metropolis
43 The New Daily Planet
44 “Welcome Back, Mr. Kent!”
45 The More Things Change
46 Lois on Assignment
47 At the Bar with Bo
48 Lex’s Master Plan
49 Luthor’s Model City
50 Unlimited Power?
51 Old Times Interrupted
52 Trouble in Outer Space
53 Looks Like a Job For…
54 Out of the Broom Closet
55 Soaring to New Heights
56 A Family Affair
57 A Day at the Office
58 No Fan of Superman
59 Just Like Old Times?
60 The Caped Wonder Is Back!
61 A Happy Homemaker
62 Spaceborn Hero
63 The Museum Besieged
64 A Grateful World
65 A Superman Expert?
66 All in the Family
67 What’s a Nice Girl Like Me…?
68 On the Planet Roof
69 Rooftop Rendezvous
70 The Kiss That Wasn’t
71 An Enemy’s Revenge
72 On the Trail of Trouble
73 Into a Lion’s Den
74 Luthor’s Hairy Lair
75 Lex Lets His Hair Down
76 Lex vs. Lois
77 A Fax in Time
78 Escape from Luthor’s Yacht
79 A Challenge for Superman
80 Maker of a New World
81 Struck by an Earthquake
82 The Woirld in His Hands
83 His City Imperiled
84 Lex Luthor’s Debacle
85 Praying for His Life
86 Superman’s Loved Ones
87 The Man of Steel Forever?
88 A Starship for Superman
89 Creating Mini-Worlds
90 Checklist
6 cards, 1:58 hobby packs.

Check out a full gallery of all the autographs.
Group Odds: A – 1:2,450, B – 1:1,110, C – 1:208, D – 1:92
Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane C
Sam Huntington as Jimmy Olsen D
James Marsden as Richard White D
Parker Posey as Kitty Kowalski D
Brandon Routh as Superman B
Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor A
Memorabilia Cards
13 cards, 1:12 hobby packs.

Group Odds: A – 1:445, B – 1:218, C – 1:32, D – 1:31, E – 1:72
Clark Kent’s Three-Piece Suit C
Clark Kent’s Trench Coat C
Kitty Kowalski’s Flower Dress D
Kitty Kowalski’s Zebra Dress D
Lex Luthor’s Coat C
Lex Luthor’s Three-Piece Suit C
Lois Lane’s Pants C
Lois Lane’s Skirt C
Perry White’s Sports Coat C
Perry White’s Three-Piece Suit D
Superman’s Briefs A
Superman Cape E
Superman Suit B
Embossed Foil
5 cards, 1:12 packs.

9 cards, 1:12 retail packs.

10 cards, 1:6 retail packs.
Tin Cards
6 cards, 1 per tin.
Tin Story Cards
6 cards, 1 per tin.
1 Superman’s Return
2 Lex’s Main Squeeze
3 A Crystal Clear Goal
4 Superman’s Return
5 Man a Woman Wants
6 To Save His Friends
Bonus Cards
3 cards, 1 per blister pack.
B1 Superman
B2 Lex Luthor
B3 Kal-El
Promo Cards

P1 Superman
P2 Superman
P3 Superman (horizontal)