With the prequel trilogy wrapped, 2006 Topps Star Wars Evolution Update trading cards add to the character roster that was showcased in the debut Evolution set five years earlier. While the first release was groundbreaking, this one was a step back in a couple of major regards.
2006 Topps Star Wars Evolution Update Checklist Details
The 90-card base set continues with the theme of highlighting characters and the changes they made over the course of six films. New characters are added, some major ones are revisited and a handful of vehicles are added for good measure.
The design remains largely the same as 2001 Topps Star Wars Evolution with fronts getting the dual-photo treatment. They’re also printed on foil.
Evolution A and Evolution B are inserts that keep the basic look of the base set but explore even deeper changes of some characters. Luke and Leia were featured on Evolution C inserts. These were numbered to 100 copies each and are extremely tough to find today.
Autographs are where the set’s problems come into play. While not the strongest checklist of signers, it’s not horrible. It’s the first (and, so far, only) set to include Hayden Christensen who played Anakin in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. Other notables include James Earl Jones (Darth Vader) and several people who played Jabba the Hutt. The Jabba the Hutt autographs have a stated print run of 250 copies each.
The first knock against the autographs is the fact that they use stickers. And they’re not the elegant kind either. The autograph stickers are the bright foil kind that stands out, and not usually in a good way. But this was a common practice at Topps at the time.
The bigger issue is in the quality control. A huge number of autographs have a noticeable nick in the foil at the bottom of the card. Usually, Topps will accept replacements for cards like these. However, because it was so widespread they didn’t for 2006 Topps Star Wars Evolution Update. Instead, they made an exclusive Evolution D card for those who requested one.
This is one of the only Star Wars sets to include Cut Signatures. Alec Guiness, Peter Cushing and George Lucas are each featured on their own one-of-one.
2006 Topps Star Wars Evolution Update has two other inserts. Six Etched Foil cards go together to form a small puzzle. Ten Galaxy Crystals cards are exclusive to retail packs.
2006 Topps Star Wars Evolution Update Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 6
Packs per box: 24
Boxes per case: 8
Shop for 2006 Topps Star Wars Evolution Update boxes on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
90 cards.

1 Aayla Secura
2 Agen Kolar
3 Anakin Skywalker
4 Bail Organa
5 Barriss Offee
6 Battle Droid
7 Beru Whitesun
8 Boba Fett
9 C-3PO
10 Captain Antilles
11 Captain Typho
12 Chancellor Palpatine
13 Chewbacca
14 Chi Eekway
15 Cliegg Lars
16 Clone Trooper
17 Count Dooku
18 Darth Maul
19 Darth Sidious
20 Darth Vader
21 Dexter Jettster
22 Droideka
23 Elan Sleazebaggano
24 Fang Zar
25 General Grievous
26 Giddean Danu
27 Governor Tarkin
28 Han Solo
29 Jango Fett
30 Jar Jar Binks
31 Jocasta Nu
32 Ki-Adi-Mundi
33 Kit Fisto
34 Lama Su
35 Lando Calrissian
36 Luke Skywalker
37 Luminara Unduli
38 Mace Windu
39 MagnaGuards
40 Mas Amedda
41 Meena Tills
42 Mon Mothma
43 Nute Gunray
44 Obi-Wan Kenobi
45 Orn Free Taa
46 Owen Lars
47 Padmé Amidala
48 Passel Argente
49 Plo Koon
50 Poggle the Lesser
51 Po Nudo
52 Princess Leia
53 Queen Apailana
54 Queen Jamillia
55 Qui-Gon Jinn
56 Rune Kaako
57 R2-D2
58 Saesee Tiin
59 San Hill
60 Shaak Ti
61 Shu Mai
62 Sly Moore
63 Stass Allie
64 Stormtrooper
65 Super Battle Droid
66 Tarfful
67 Taun We
68 Terr Taneel
69 Tion Medon
70 Tusken Raider
71 Wat Tambor
72 Watto
73 Yoda
74 Zam Wesell
75 Zett Jukassa
76 Acklay
77 Aiwha
78 Bantha
79 Boga
80 Dewback
81 Kaadu
82 Nexu
83 Opee Sea Killer
84 Reek
85 Sarlacc
86 Space Slug
87 Tauntaun
88 Death Star
89 Millennium Falcon
90 Slave I
Connections Checklists Checklist
2 cards.

1 Luke, Owen & Beru
2 Leia, Bail & Breha
Autographs Checklist
19 cards, 1:24 hobby packs.

Rarity Scale: Level A – 1:2,005 packs, B – 1:231, C – 1:81, D – 1:259, E – 1:48
Topps confirmed Jabba the Hutt autographs are limited to 250 copies each.
David Barclay as Jabba the Hutt B
Michonne Bourriague as Aurra Sing C
Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker A
John Coppinger as Jabba the Hutt B
Maria de Aragon as Greedo C
Mike Edmonds as Jabba the Hutt B
Sandi Finlay as Sly Moore C
Garrick Hagon as Biggs Darklighter E
Jesse Jensen as Saesee Tiin E
Zach Jensen as Kit Fisto E
James Earl Jones as Darth Vader A
Bob Keen as Jabba the Hutt B
Michael Kingma as Tarfful C
Nalini Krishan as Barriss Offee D
Richard LeParmentier as Admiral Motti C
Toby Philpott as Jabba the Hutt B
Wayne Pygram as Governor Tarkin B
Mike Quinn as Jabba the Hutt B
Matt Sloan as Plo Koon E
Cut Signatures Checklist
3 cards, 1:124,992 hobby packs.
Cards 1/1.

Peter Cushing
Alec Guiness
George Lucas
Etched Foil Checklist
6 cards, 1:6 packs.

1 Anakin
2 Obi-Wan
3 Padmé Amidala
4 Magnaguard
5 Palpatine
6 Clone Troopers
Evolution A Checklist
20 cards, 1:6 packs.

1A Anakin Skywalker
2A Bail Organa
3A Boba Fett
4A Chancellor Palpatine
5A Clone Trooper
6A Darth Sidious
7A Darth Vader
8A General Grievous
9A Governor Tarkin
10A Han Solo
11A Jango Fett
12A Lando Calrissian
13A Luke Skywalker
14A Obi-Wan Kenobi
15A Padmé Amidala
16A Princess Leia
17A Stormtrooper
18A Tusken Raider
19A Death Star
20A Slave I
Evolution B Checklist
15 cards, 1:12 packs.

1B Anakin Skywalker
2B Bail Organa
3B Chancellor Palpatine
4B Clone Trooper
5B Darth Sidious
6B Han Solo
7B Jango Fett
8B Lando Calrissian
9B Luke Skywalker
10B Obi-Wan Kenobi
11B Padmé Amidala
12B Princess Leia
13B Stormtrooper
14B Tusken Raider
15B Death Star
Evolution C Checklist
2 cards, 1:1,975 hobby packs.

1C Luke Skywalker /100
2C Princess Leia /100
Evolution D Checklist
1 card, available by request in lieu of replacing damaged autographs.

1D Luke Skywalker
Galaxy Crystal Checklist
10 cards, 1:4 retail packs.

G1 Anakin Skywalker & Luke Skywalker
G2 Padmé Amidala & Princess Leia
G3 Obi-Wan Kenobi & Qui-Gon Jinn
G4 Darth Vader & Darth Sidious
G5 Han Solo & Chewbacca
G6 Yoda & Mace Windu
G7 Boba Fett & Jango Fett
G8 Darth Maul & Count Dooku
G9 C-3PO & R2-D2
G10 Clone Trooper & Stormtrooper
Promo Cards Checklist

P1 Obi-Wan Kenobi
P2 Darth Vader