As a movie, the third X-Men has been cast aside by many as something of a mess. The cards, though, that’s a different story. 2006 Rittenhouse X-Men 3: The Last Stand marked the card maker’s lone go at the franchise after Topps took the reins for the first two films.
2006 Rittenhouse X-Men 3: The Last Stand Autographs
Autographs are the key component of the set. The checklist includes some big names like Patrick Stewart, Kelsey Grammer, Anna Paquin, Stan Lee and more. Hugh Jackman, arguably the biggest star in the cast is as well, however he was distributed as a six-case incentive.
Although a lot of Rittenhouse products have multiple autographs per box, X-Men 3 has just one. Combine that with the fact that most of the top signatures are short prints and you’ve got a recipe for a lot of disappointed collectors if all they were ripping boxes for the autographs. Still, the checklist is tough to ignore, especially now that most of the boxes have long since been opened and people are looking to singles on the secondary market.
Additional Inserts
SketchaFEX sketch cards are also included in the product at a rate of 1:8 boxes. Only four artists contributed art to these sketch cards: Cat Staggs, Steven Miller, Sean Pence and Scott Rosema. All are done in higher quality than what was the norm at the time.
2006 Rittenhouse X-Men 3: The Last Stand has other insert cards as well. Art and Images takes an art theme, showcasing characters on a canvas-style stock. Nine are included in packs at a rate of about one per box. A tenth, Iceman, was only available through the Rittenhouse Rewards program. To get one, you had to redeem enough points from the backs of empty wrappers.
Casting Call is a relatively straightforward insert with a foil design that highlights characters and the actors who play them.
Wolverine: Portrait of a Hero is a nine-card set dedicated to the hero who made “Snikt!” cool in comic circles.
Take a Stand has some of the most striking images in 2006 Rittenhouse X-Men 3: The Last Stand. Inserted 1:80 packs, they’re also some of the toughest cards to find.
The base set is a fairly standard 72 cards. It’s a mix of character profiles, film recaps and quotes.
2006 Rittenhouse X-Men 3: The Last Stand Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 5
Packs per box: 40
Boxes per case: 12
Release Date: May 31, 2006
Shop for 2006 Rittenhouse X-Men 3: The Last Stand boxes on eBay.
Base Set
72 cards.

1 Title Card
2 Professor Xavier
3 Wolverine
4 Jean Grey
5 Storm
6 Beast
7 Rogue
8 Iceman
9 Kitty Pryde
10 Angel
11 Cyclops
12 Colossus
13 Magneto
14 Mystique
15 Pyro
16 Callisto
17 Juggernaut
18 Multiple Man
19 Movie Action
20 Movie Action
21 Movie Action
22 Movie Action
23 Movie Action
24 Movie Action
25 Movie Action
26 Movie Action
27 Movie Action
28 Movie Action
29 Movie Action
30 Movie Action
31 Movie Action
32 Movie Action
33 Movie Action
34 Movie Action
35 Movie Action
36 Movie Action
37 Movie Action
38 Movie Action
39 Movie Action
40 Movie Action
41 Movie Action
42 Movie Action
43 Movie Action
44 Movie Action
45 Movie Action
46 Movie Action
47 Movie Action
48 Movie Action
49 Movie Action
50 Movie Action
51 Movie Action
52 Movie Action
53 Movie Action
54 Movie Action
55 The Quotable X-Men: The Last Stand
56 The Quotable X-Men: The Last Stand
57 The Quotable X-Men: The Last Stand
58 The Quotable X-Men: The Last Stand
59 The Quotable X-Men: The Last Stand
60 The Quotable X-Men: The Last Stand
61 The Quotable X-Men: The Last Stand
62 The Quotable X-Men: The Last Stand
63 The Quotable X-Men: The Last Stand
64 The Quotable X-Men: The Last Stand
65 The Quotable X-Men: The Last Stand
66 The Quotable X-Men: The Last Stand
67 The Quotable X-Men: The Last Stand
68 The Quotable X-Men: The Last Stand
69 The Quotable X-Men: The Last Stand
70 The Quotable X-Men: The Last Stand
71 The Quotable X-Men: The Last Stand
72 The Quotable X-Men: The Last Stand
22 cards, 1:40 packs.

Aghdashloo exclusive to binder. Ratner given as case topper. Lee distributed as two-case incentive. Jackman distributed as six-case incentive.
Rarity Scale: Very Limited (VL) – 200-300 copies, Limited (L) – 300-500 copies.
Shohreh Aghdashloo as Dr. Kavita Rao
Shawn Ashmore as Iceman
Cayden Boyd as Young Angel
Cameron Bright as Leech
Daniel Cudmore as Colossus L
Bill Duke as Bolivar Trask
Kelsey Grammer as Beast VL
Bryce Hodgson as Artie
Hugh Jackman as Wolverine
Vinnie Jones as Juggernaut L
Stan Lee
James Marsden as Cyclops L
Michael Murphy as Warren Worthington, Jr.
Omahyra as Arclight
Anna Paquin as Rogue VL
Dania Ramirez as Callisto
Haley Ramm as Young Jean Grey
Brett Ratner – Director
Aaron Stanford as Pyro
Patrick Stewart as Professor Xavier VL
Olivia Williams as Dr. Moira MacTaggart
Desiree Zurowski as Jean Grey’s Mother
4 artists, 1:320 packs.

Steven Miller
Sean Pence
Scott Rosema
Cat Staggs
Art and Images
10 cards, 1:40 packs.

ART10 exclusive to Rittenhouse Rewards program.
ART1 Professor Xavier
ART2 Wolverine
ART3 Jean Grey
ART4 Cyclops
ART5 Magneto
ART6 Mystique
ART7 Rogue
ART8 Storm
ART9 Beast
ART10 Iceman
Casting Call
16 cards, 1:20 packs.

CC1 Patrick Stewart as Professor Xavier
CC2 Hugh Jackman as Wolverine
CC3 Ian McKellen as Magneto
CC4 Halle Berry as Storm
CC5 Famke Janssen as Phoenix
CC6 Anna Paquin as Rogue
CC7 Rebecca Romijn as Mystique
CC8 Kelsey Grammer as Beast
CC9 Shawn Ashmore as Iceman
CC10 Ellen Page as Shadowcat
CC11 Aaron Stanford as Pyro
CC12 James Marsden as Cyclops
CC13 Daniel Cudmore as Colossus
CC14 Vinnie Jones as Juggernaut
CC15 Dania Ramirez as Callisto
CC16 Ben Foster as Angel
Take a Stand
6 cards, 1:80 packs.

T1 Wolverine
T2 Storm
T3 Jean Grey
T4 Rogue
T5 Beast
T6 Angel
Wolverine: Portraits of a Hero
9 cards, 1:13 packs.

Promo Cards

P1 Professor Xavier – General Distribution
P2 Storm – Non-Sport Update
P3 Mystique – Binder