2006 Rittenhouse Star Trek TOS 40th Anniversary Series 1 is one of several sets honoring the franchise hitting the birthday normally reserved for a mid-life crisis. The product has a deep checklist that includes autographs and several other inserts both common and not-so-common.
The base set consists of 110 cards. All images will be taken from the show’s first season (that’s part of where the multiple-set concept comes in).
If you’re going for a master base set, there’s 111 cards as #58 has a variation. The intended card shows Spock. The other one has Nurse Chapel. Both are available in approximately the same quantities so one doesn’t carry a premium over the other.
2006 Rittenhouse Star Trek TOS 40th Anniversary Series 1 Autographs
Autographs are the cornerstone of the chase. They use the long-standing design that dates back to the days when SkyBox held the Star Trek license. Leonard Nimoy, Joan Collins, George Takei and Majel Barrett are among the top stars on the checklist. Two autograph cards inserted in every box of 2006 Rittenhouse Star Trek TOS 40th Anniversary Series 1.
These aren’t the only autographs in the product. Creator Gene Roddenberry’s signature is included on 25 Archives Cuts cards. Rittenhouse used checks acquired from the Roddenberry estate to make the cards.
The final autograph in packs is a Gene Roddenberry Tribute cards. It’s signed by his son, Eugene Roddenberry Jr, on the back.
Additional Inserts
Bridge Crew Delta Shield patch cards are manufactured relics. Each has a patch designed to look like the ones worn on uniforms embedded in them. Inserted 1:200 packs, each is numbered to 350 copies.
Several of the other inserts in 2006 Rittenhouse Star Trek TOS 40th Anniversary Series 1 go back to the show’s earliest days. The pilot episode, The Cage is highlighted in 1967 Star Trek Expansion. These are done to mimic the look of the first set of Star Trek trading cards, which were produced by Leaf some four decades earlier.
Pike and another character from The Cage, Vina, each get their own insert set as well. The Captain Pike set has nine cards with one landing every 14 packs. The Many Faces of Vina is smaller at six cards. However, they’re a little tougher to find at 1:20 packs.
Star Trek Portraits is a fairly tough set to complete. It has 18 cards, each highlighting a different character. What makes it challenging is the one-per-box rate in which they appear.
Quotable Star Trek expands the base set from a couple of years earlier. The 18 new cards carry on from where the original numbering left off.
2006 Rittenhouse Star Trek TOS 40th Anniversary Series 1 trading cards released with a print run of 9,000 boxes.
2006 Rittenhouse Star Trek TOS 40th Anniversary Series 1 Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 5
Packs per box: 40
Boxes per case: 12
Release Date: November 1, 2006
Shop for 2006 Rittenhouse Star Trek TOS 40th Anniversary boxes on eBay.
Base Set
110 cards. #58 has two different versions, although neither is considered more rare than the other.

1 Captain Kirk
2 Science Officer Spock
3 Dr. McCoy
4 Scotty
5 Uhura
6 Yeoman Rand
7 Sulu
8 Nurse Chapel
9 The U.S.S. Enterprise
10 The Enterprise in Orbit
11 Kirk Captured by the Archons
12 Working the Ship’s Computer
13 The Romulan Bird of Prey
14 The Eyes of Evil
15 The Guardian of Forever
16 The Enterprise Out of Control
17 Kirk Battles Khan
18 Transporter Operations
19 Beauty and the Beast
20 Phaser Danger
21 The Vulcan Mind Meld
22 Shipboard Communications
23 Hailing Frequencies Open
24 Capt. Kirk and Dr. McCoy
25 Fire Phasers!
26 Landru
27 Beautiful Janice
28 Kirk and Spock Undercover
29 The Shuttlecraft Galileo
30 Scotty in the Jefferies Tube
31 En Garde!
32 Entering Strange Space
33 Femme Fatale
34 Kirk in Disguise
35 The Romulan Commander
36 Chief Medical Officer
37 Standing Trial
38 Scotty in Command
39 Battling the Gorn
40 The Enterprise Attacks!
41 Yeoman’s Plants
42 Kirk Meets Kirk
43 The Salt Creature
44 Top Secret File
45 Trouble on the Bridge
46 Kirk Fires on the Enemy
47 The Eyes of a God
48 The Infection Spreads
49 Vulcan Curiosity
50 Lazarus
51 Charlie Evans
52 Entertaining the Enterprise Crew
53 The Captain Deep in Thought
54 Opening Shuttle Bay Doors
55 Lovers Embrace
56 In Search of a Cure
57 Captain Kirk and Yeoman Rand
58 Lovers Embrace
58 Searching for the Horta
59 Ruk, the Last of His Kind
60 Captain Pike
61 Captain’s Medical Exam
62 Balok’s True Appearance
63 Fire Photon Torpedoes!
64 Tracking an Adversary
65 Doctor… and Bricklayer
66 Look of Determination
67 Lt. Kevin Riley
68 Bio-Scanner
69 Receiving Deep Space Signals
70 McCoy Tests an Alien Sample
71 Finnegan, Kirk’s Academy Nemesis
72 Mischievous Eyes
73 Dressed for the Occasion
74 The S.S. Botany Bay
75 Scotty and Uhura Take Charge
76 Chasing an Alien Vessel
77 Fearless Leader
78 Close Encounter
79 Attacking the Horta
80 Staying in Shape
81 Desperate Shuttlecraft
82 In Search of a Stowaway
83 Dr. Korby’s Women
84 The Secret of Talos IV
85 Miri and Jahn
86 Unrequited Love
87 From Humans to Gods
88 Mock Trial
89 The Chief Engineer
90 20th Century Interrogation
91 Into the Unknown
92 Beautiful Leila Kalomi
93 Steering the Enterprise to Safety
94 A Look of Concern
95 McCoy Delivers a Needed Injection
96 An Alien Deception
97 Kirk Mentors Charlie
98 Dr. Helen Noel
99 Making an Android Kirk
100 Captain Kirk and Edith Keeler
101 In the Captain’s Chair
102 Tracking the Enterprise
103 Discussing Strategy
104 Dr. McCoy and Yeoman Barrows
105 Beaming Up the Landing Party
106 Swahili Beauty
107 Captains Kirk and Pike
108 Captain of the Enterprise
109 Checklist
110 Checklist
32 cards, 1:20 packs.

A126 included with binder. The A107 variant was exclusive to the Rittenhouse Rewards program and isn’t in packs.
Rarity Scale: Very Limited – 200-300 copies, Limited – 300-500 copies.
A104 Carl Held as Lindstrom
A106 Jason Wingreen as Dr. Linke
A107 Lawrence Montaigne as Decius
A107 Lawrence Montaigne as Decius – Variant (red background)
A108 Dick Durock as Elasian Guard
A109 Robert Walker, Jr. as Charlie Evans – Very Limited
A110 Kathryn Hays as Gem – Limited
A111 France Nuyen as Elaan – Very Limited
A112 Joan Collins as Edith Keeler – Limited
A113 Brian Tochi as Boy
A114 Sheldon Collins as Tough Kid
A115 David Soul as Makora
A116 John Crawford as Commissioner Ferris – Limited
A117 Ned Romero as Krell
A118 Peter Duryea as Navigator Jose Tyler
A119 Leonard Nimoy as Mirror Universe Spock – Very Limited
A120 Majel Barrett as Number One – Very Limited
A121 Laurel Goodwin as Yeoman Colt
A122 Bobby Clark as The Gorn – Limited
A123 Bruce Hyde as Lt. Riley
A124 Beverly Washburn as Lt. Galway
A125 Malachi Throne as Voice of The Keeper
A126 Walter Koenig as Mirror Chekov
A127 Paul Comi as Lt. Andrew Stiles
A128 Marianne Hill as Dr. Helen Noel
A129 Emily Banks as Yeoman Tonia Barrows
A130 Victor Lundin as Klingon Lieutenant
A131 Garrison True as Crewman
A133 Kate Woodville as Natira
A134 Mary Rice as Young T’Pring
A135 George Takei as Mirror Universe Sulu – Limited
A135 Richard Compton as Washburn
A137 Rhodes Reason as Flavius Maximus
Archive Cuts
1 card.

Embedded with a cut signature.
Gene Roddenberry /25
Bridge Crew Delta Shield Patch Cards
7 cards, 1:200 packs.

P1 Captain Kirk /350
P2 Spock /350
P3 Dr. McCoy /350
P4 Scotty /350
P5 Lt. Sulu /350
P6 Lt. Uhura /350
P7 Lt. Chekov /350
1967 Star Trek Expansion – The Cage
18 cards, 1:40 packs.

73 Captain Pike and Mr. Spock
74 Number One
75 Navigator Jose Tyler
76 Mysterious Alien
77 Beautiful Vina
78 The Search for Answers
79 Alien Abduction!
80 Fire Phasers!
81 The Caged Captain
82 Trapped in an Illusion!
83 Falling in Love
84 Trapped in Hell!
85 Searching for Reality
86 Sexy Slave Dancer
87 Yeoman Colt
88 Fighting the Alien
89 No More Illusions!
90 The Real Vina
Captain Pike
9 cards, 1:14 packs.

The Faces of Vina
6 cards, 1:20 packs.

Gene Roddenberry Tribute
1 card, 220 signed.

Signed on back by Eugene Roddenberry Jr.
Quotable Star Trek: TOS Expansion
18 cards, 1:10 packs.

111 The Cage/The Cage
112 The Cage/The Cage
113 The Cage/Where No Man Has Gone Before
114 Where No Man Has Gone Before/The Corbomite Maneuver
115 The Corbomite Maneuver/The Corbomite Maneuver
116 The Corbomite Maneuver/Mudd’s Women
117 The Naked Time/The Naked Time
118 Charlie X/Balance of Terror
119 Miri/Miri
120 Miri/The Conscience of the King
121 The Conscience of the King/Court-Martial
122 Shore Leave/Shore Leave
123 The Squire of Gothos/The Alternative Factor
124 The Return of the Archons/Tomorrow Is Yesterday
125 Space Seed/A Taste of Armageddon
126 This Side of Paradise/Errand of Mercy
127 The Doomsday Machine/The Doomsday Machine
128 The Doomsday Machine/The City on the Edge of Forever
Star Trek Portraits
18 cards, 1:40 packs.

PT1 Captain Kirk
PT2 Spock
PT3 Dr. McCoy
PT4 Scotty
PT5 Sulu
PT6 Uhura
PT7 Chekov
PT8 Nurse Chapel
PT9 Yeoman Rand
PT10 Talosian
PT11 Balok’s Puppet
PT12 The Salt Creature
PT13 Romulan Commander
PT14 Ruk
PT15 The Gorn
PT16 Khan
PT17 Kor
PT18 Edith Keeler
TV Guide Covers
2 cards, 1 set per case.

TV9 Grace Lee Whitney as Yeoman Rand
Quotable Autographs
1 card, distributed as a two-case incentive.

QA8 Grace Lee Whitney as Yeoman Rand
Autographed Costume Cards
1 card, distributed as a six-case incentive.

Leonard Nimoy as Spock
Promo Cards

CP1 Kirk – Conventions
P1 Kirk, Spock – General Distribution
P2 Kirk – Non-Sport Update
P3 Kirk, Spock – Binder
UK Kirk – UK