Before the Marvel Cinematic Universe become an interwoven thing, superheroes were scattered throughout Hollywood, each vying to do their own blockbuster-y best. Fantastic 4 might not have reached MCU heights, but its prospects were enough to spawn a hobby presence. 2005 Upper Deck Fantastic 4 trading cards are a simple enough translation that seem just happy to be there.
2005 Upper Deck Fantastic 4 Checklist Details
The product only has two components: the base set and costume cards.
The main part of the checklist consists of 100 total cards and includes a few aspects. Key characters get profiles at the top of the set. This gives way to traditional story cards that use movie images. Finally, there are ten Behind the Scenes cards that show some of things happening behind the cameras or when they stopped rolling.
Costume Cards have wardrobe pieces taken from items worn during filming. When the set was originally announced, these were advertised as being one per box. However, with the final release, those odds shrunk to 1:20 packs. The means that most boxes have a pair of memorabilia cards.
All Costume Cards come from key cast members — including Chris Evans and Jessica Alba. They also have serial numbers with print runs ranging from a high of 4,999 to a low of 299.
Some of these costumes were later reused as new inserts in 2008 Upper Deck Marvel Masterpieces.
Much like the movie this set is based on, 2005 Upper Deck Fantastic 4 trading cards are largely forgotten today.
2005 Upper Deck Fantastic 4 Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay and to check current market values.
Set size: 100 cards
Cards per pack: 5
Packs per box: 36
Boxes per case: 12
Shop for 2005 Upper Deck Fantastic 4 boxes on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
100 cards.
Buy on eBay:
1 Title Card
2 Reed Richards – Mr. Fantastic
3 Sue Storm – The Invisible Woman
4 Johnny Storm – The Human Torch
5 Ben Grimm – The Thing
6 Victor Von Doom – Dr. Doom
7 Debbie – Ben’s Fiancee
8 Alicia Masters
9 Leonardo – Dr. Doom’s Assistant
10 Mission into Space
11 The Team Reunited
12 Until We Meet Again
13 Tomorrow’s Heroes
14 On the Space Station
15 Suited for Danger
16 In the Airlock
17 Victor’s Surprise
18 Close the Shields! Now!!
19 Space Walk Peril
20 The Cosmic Storm
21 After Effects
22 Temperature Rising
23 Going Invisible
24 Bend and Stretch…
25 Flame On
26 Breaking in on Ben
27 The Fifth Mutant
28 This Man…This Monster
29 A Tragic Farewell
30 One Way to Stop Traffic
31 A Little Help Here?!
32 Simply Fantastic!
33 Makeshift Rescue
34 Invisible Beauty
35 Firetruck Peril!
36 Power of the Thing
37 Sudden Celebrities
38 Hero… or Horror?
39 Under Analysis
40 Inside the Thing
41 The Siblings Reborn
42 Perils of Supernova
43 A “Specimen” Strikes Back
44 The Doctor’s Doom
45 A Way Back to Normal
46 Grimm’s Lonely Nights
47 At the Pub
48 Kindred Spirits
49 Johnny Storm – Superstar!
50 The Ladies Call Him Torch
51 Grimm’s Grim Warning
52 Divided They Fall
53 Heroes in Conflict
54 The Torch Steamed Up
55 You Two Need a Time-Out
56 Crackle of Doom
57 The Killing of Ned Cecil
58 What Is That Thing?
59 How Bad Could It Be
60 Some Thing About You…
61 Kindness Is Blind
62 Under the Stars
63 Divide and Conquer
64 Friend against Friend
65 The Thing on a Rampage
66 Taking a Major Step
67 Ben Grimm Restored!
68 Disaster at Fantastic 4 Central
69 The Fate of Two Mutants
70 Firing a Heat-Seeker
71 Target: The Human Torch
72 Monarch of Menace
73 To Save Reed’s Life
74 Facing Doctor Doom
75 Against His Fiendish Fury
76 Grasp of a Madman
77 Return of the Thing
78 It’s Clobberin’ Time!
79 A Punch Long Awaited
80 Super Streetfighter
81 Too Much for Grimm?
82 Heroes on the Scene!
83 … And Johnny Makes Four!
84 Fighting a Metallic Maniac
85 The Challenge of Doom
86 Their Powers Combined
87 Defeat of Dr. Doom
88 Metamorphosis
89 Doom’s Dark Monument
90 A Team for All Time
Behind the Scenes
91 Directing Outer Space
92 Building a Better Thing
93 The Quasimodo Effect
94 Preparing Dr. Doom
95 The Wildcard
96 Recreating the Locations
97 Lights! Camera! Super-Action!
98 An Invisible Woman’s Place…
99 Fantastic Filmmaking
100 Fun with the Fantastic Founder
Costume Cards Checklist
13 cards.
1:20 packs.

DD1 Victor Von Doom – Shirt /1899
DD2 Victor Von Doom – Suit /999
DD3 Dr. Doom – Cloak /4999
DD4 Dr. Doom – Cloak /499
FF1 Human Torch – Flight Suit /969
FF2 Human Torch – Flight Suit /499
FF3 Mr. Fantastic – Flight Suit /969
FF4 Mr. Fantastic – Flight Suit /499
FF5 Invisible Woman – Flight Suit /349
FF6 Invisible Woman – Blue Suit /299
FF7 The Thing – Flight Suit Pants /399
FF8 The Thing – Flight Suit Pants /299
FF9 Sue Storm – Flight Suit Top /699