2004 Topps Star Wars Heritage trading cards is one of the most important releases in the franchises history. Not only is it the first set to include cards from all six of the original trilogy and prequel films, but it also has the first Star Wars sketch cards from the movies.
2004 Topps Star Wars Heritage Checklist Overview
The base set is a sizeable 120 cards. Like other Topps Heritage products, it takes a retro approach both in design on with the cards themselves.
Printed on old-school style stock, the designs are based on the original Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi sets. These films keep the same design while prequel films adopt the corresponding number. So Phantom Menace cards use the look of A New Hope, Attack of the Clones matches Empire Strikes Back and the small number of Revenge of the Sith cards line up with Return of the Jedi.
Sketchy Stuff
Sketch cards are the central chase element. At the time, they were novel to the franchise. 2004 Topps Star Wars Clone Wars, which is based on the original animated mini series was the only set of earlier Star Wars trading cards to include them. And those were centered on the cartoon. 2004 Topps Star Wars Heritage sketch cards cover all of the films. So not only is the style given lots of leeway, but it opens up the character options for a lot more variety.
Stellar Signatutres
2004 Topps Star Wars Heritage has just three autographs. They’re tough pulls and they’re some of the most important names from the original trilogy. Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) and James Earl Jones (Darth Vader) all lent their signatures to the product. At 1:578 hobby packs, they’re extremely tough pulls.
Other Inserts
Etched Foil cards are the only other inserts available in hobby packs. There are 12 total but they’re broken up into two different sets of six. 2004 Topps Star Wars Heritage had two separate release waves. The majority of the content is the same outside of these Etch Foil cards.
The only other differences with the release waves are the odds for individual autographs and the mix of artists and their sketch cards.
Retail packs don’t have signed cards or sketches. However, they do have a set of Alphabet Stickers that are done to mimic those in the original Empire Strikes Back set. These have proven to be somewhat tough to find and remain popular with set builders.
2004 Topps Star Wars Heritage Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 5
Packs per box: 36 (hobby), 24 (retail)
Boxes per case: 8 (hobby), 16 (retail)
Shop for 2004 Topps Star Wars Heritage boxes on eBay.
Base Set
120 cards.

1 The Blockade Runner Attacked!
2 Darth Vader’s Fury
3 No Escape for the Princess!
4 Sandcrawler Droid
5 Discovering the Holo-Message
6 Will Leia Betray the Rebellion?
7 The Mos Eisley Cantina
8 Don’t Mess with Ben Kenobi!
9 Greedo’s Prisoner
10 A Visit from Jabba
11 Facing Grand Moff Tarking
12 “He Made a Fair Move!”
13 Striking back at the Empire
14 It Came from the Garbage Chute
15 “Your Powers Are Weak, Old Man!”
16 Ben Kenobi’s Sacrifice
17 Old Rriends Reunited
18 Star Pilot Luke Skywalker
19 Death Star Under Attack
20 The Battle Station Obliterated!
21 There’s More to Him than Money
22 Honored for Their Heroism
23 Fury of the Wampa
24 “That’s Two You Owe Me!”
25 Probot Attack on Hoth
26 Aboard the Executor
27 “You Have Failed Me!”
28 AT-ATs on the March
29 Speeders Against the Enemy
30 Firepower of the AT-AT
31 Luke…Nearly Stomped!
32 “Never Tell Me the Odds!”
33 A Jedi Master on Dagobah
34 The Princess and the Pirate
35 Darth Vader’s Scheme
36 Beheading a Tyrant
37 Darth Vader and Boba Fett
38 The Carbon-Frozen Captain
39 The Great Confrontation
40 Jedi Against Sith
41 Truth and Consequences
42 Luke’s Temptation
43 A New Hand for Luke
44 “We’ll Get Him Back”
45 Luke Bargains for Solo
46 Entertaining Jabba’s Denizens
47 The Unfreezing of Han
48 Enslaved by Jabba the Hutt
49 Challenge of the Rancor
50 Luke’s Counterattack
51 Facing Off Against Fett
52 Prey of the Sarlacc
53 A Walk on the Dark Side
54 The Passing of Yoda
55 Ben’s Revelations
56 United Against the Empire
57 Two on a Speeder Bike
58 Perilous Bike Chase!
59 Against the New Death Star
60 Skirmish at the Bunker
61 Father Versus Son
62 Will the Dark Side Prevail?
63 The Last of Anakin
64 His Soul Redeemed
65 A Family Made Whole
66 Blessings from Beyond
67 Trapped by the Trade Federation!
68 “Don’t Let Them Escape!”
69 An undersea kingdom
70 Boss Nass of the Gungans
71 Help from Astromech Droids
72 Bargaining with Watto
73 Sebulba’s boast
74 C-3PO, meet R2-D2!
75 Day of the podrace
76 Watching from the Stands
77 High-speed Daredevils
78 A Farewell to Mom
79 Attacked by Darth Maul
80 Onward Against the Invaders
81 An Army of Battle Droids
82 Penetrating the Palace
83 Amidala’s Bold Assault
84 Qui-Gon Jinn vs. Darth Maul
85 Obi-Wan’s Greatest Challenge
86 Anakin Joins the Battle!
87 Galactic Combat
88 Yoda’s Misgivings
89 A Noble Sacrifice
90 The Eager Apprentice
91 Death of a Bounty Hunter
92 Help from Dexter Jettster
93 Troubled Young Lovers
94 Kamino’s Master Cloners
95 Battle with Jango Fett
96 The Fate of Shmi Skywalker
97 Held Captive by the Count
98 Droid Factory Peril!
99 Spearing an Acklay
100 Use the Force, Anakin!
101 Jedi Knights…Surrounded!
102 Outnumbered by Battle Droids!
103 The Republic Strikes Back!
104 Battlefield: Geonosis
105 Anakin Takes on Dooku
106 Power of the Dark Lord
107 Fighting an Old Friend
108 Saving His Jedi Allies
109 Begun, the Clone War Has!
110 Sharing a Dark Destiny
111 Galactic Conflict
112 Ace Star Pilot Skywalker
113 A Dark Awakening
114 Palpatine’s Protégé?
115 Anakin and the Jedi Council
116 Mace Windu’s Concerns
117 Yoda’s Discovery
118 Fear for the Future
119 A Jedi Knight Emergency
120 Checklist
3 cards, 1:578 hobby packs. Individual odds noted for both Waves 1 and 2.

Check out a full gallery of all the autographs.
Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Organa (Wave 1 – 1:2,963, Wave 2 – 1:2,966)
Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker (Wave 1 – 1:6,824, Wave 2 – 1:6,980)
James Earl Jones as Darth Vader (Wave 1 – 1:802, Wave 2 – 1:809)
Sketch Cards
1:38 hobby packs.

Wave 1 Artists
Odds Per Level: A 1:731, B 1:347, C 1:516, D 1:267, E 1:736, F 1:539, G 1:180, H 1:135
Ryan Benjamin B
Matt Busch H
Jeff Carlisle C
Brian Ching E
Joe Corroney D
Cynthia Cummens A
Dave Dorman B
Jan Duursema B
Tommy Lee Edwards B
Chris Eliopoulos A
Davide Fabbri G
Tom Hodges G
Jeff Johnson B
Rafael Kayanan B
Ray Lago A
Mike Lemos C
Randy Martinez H
John McCrea F
Brandon McKinney A
William O’Neil A
Dan Parsons D
Dimitri Patelis A
Sean Phillips D
Kilian Plunkett C
David Rabbitte A
Ron Randall B
Paul Rudish C
Robert Terahishi D
Chris Trevas B
Wave 2 Artists
Odds Per Level: A 1:1,086, B 1:262, C 1:512, D 1:668, E 1:103, F 1:86.5
Jeff Carlisle E
Cynthia Cummens C
Christian Dalla Vecchia F
Jan Duursema B
Davide Fabbri F
Tom Hodges E
James Hopkins D
Ray Lago A
Mike Lemos B
Mike Lilly A
Randy Martinez F
John McCrea E
Mary Mitchell B
Jake Myler B
William O’Neil B
Dan Parsons C
Kilian Plunkett B
David Rabbitte A
Robert Terahishi E
Russell Walks E
Alphabet Stickers
30 cards, 1:3 retail packs.

1 A K
2 B X
3 E I
4 N T
5 F 0
6 Y U
7 S A
8 M E
9 C D
10 R H
11 A V
12 B P
13 H E
14 I R
15 O U
16 F S
17 E T
18 N C
19 M G
20 D A
21 A P
22 B C
23 E S
24 O I
25 U W
26 Z T
27 M N
28 D R
29 G J
30 Q L
Etched Foil
12 cards, 1:9 hobby packs, Wave 1 also 1:6 retail packs.
Wave 1

1 Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jin
2 Anakin Skywalker
3 Mace Windu, Yoda
4 Darth Maul, Count Dooku
5 Padmé Amidala
6 Zam, Jango Fett, Aurra Sing
Wave 2

1 Chancellor Palpatine
2 C-3PO, R2-D2
3 Shmi, Anakin, Watto
4 Saesee Tiin, Kit Fisto, Ki-Adi-Mundi
5 Aayla Secura, Shaak Ti
6 General Grievous
Case Topper
1 card, 1 per UK hobby case.

S1 The Empire Strikes Back
Promo Cards

See a full gallery and more details.
P1 The Phantom Menace – Star Wars Insider
P2 Attack of the Clones – StarWarsShop.com
P3 Episode III – San Diego Comic-Con
P4 A New Hope – Non-Sport Update
P5 The Empire Strikes Back – Diamond Previews
P6 Return of the Jedi – GamePro
DVD Promo Cards

L1 Darth Vader Strangles a Rebel!
L2 A Message from Princess Leia!
L3 Sighting the Death Star
L4 “Embrace the Dark Side!”
L5 The Prize of Boba Fett
L6 Yoda, the Jedi Master
L7 The Princess Enslaved