2004 Topps Pokemon Advanced Challenge marks the end of the line for the company’s run of trading cards based on the animated series that’s based on the mammoth video game franchise. Like all of Topps’ Pokemon trading cards sets, it’s not connected to the trading card game. There are plenty of familiar creatures, though.
2004 Topps Pokemon Advanced Challenge Checklist Overview
The main base set has 90 cards. Outside of a checklist at the end, cards profile various Pokemon and their evolutions. Fronts show the character, casting them against a color backdrop.
Backs get into a little more detail, showing the type and offering up a brief write-up that often includes information on their powers and personality.
As far as subjects go, this set has several iconic Pokemon like Pikachu, Charizard and Venusaur. This is a change from 2003’s Pokemon Advanced set from Topps.
All 90 cards have a foil parallel, which land one per pack. That may sound easy, but this is a fairly tough set to find today. This set came out as Pokemon was in a bit of a lull.
The checklist has two additional inset sets. Evolution Die-Cuts (1:4 packs) has 18 cards. These work through six different Pokemon and their additional transformations. Three-card groups can be put together to form mini puzzles.
There are also ten Pop Ups (1:6 packs) that can be folded and set up for display.
Similar to other late sets from the company like 2003’s Pokemon Advanced, 2004 Topps Pokemon Advanced Challenge is not a readily available release today. Even putting together the base set can take time, patience and a significant investment. Simply put, there’s not a lot of it out there and that has made what is fairly expensive. Like the card game, key characters like Charizard often cost even more. Professional grading is another factor for top cards.
2004 Topps Pokemon Advanced Challenge Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 90 cards
Cards per pack: 7
Packs per box: 24
Shop for 2004 Topps Pokemon Advanced Challenge packs and boxes on eBay.
Base Set
90 cards.
Buy on eBay:

1 Absol
2 Alakazam
3 Bagon
4 Baltoy
5 Barboach
6 Beautifly
7 Beldum
8 Blastoise
9 Blaziken
10 Breloom
11 Bulbasaur
12 Cascoon
13 Castform (Fire)
14 Castform (Ice)
15 Castform (Water)
16 Charizard
17 Charmander
18 Chimecho
19 Clamperl
20 Claydol
21 Combusken
22 Corphish
23 Donphan
24 Dusclops
25 Dustox
26 Electrike
27 Electrode
28 Flygon
29 Girafarig
30 Golbat
31 Golduck
32 Gorebyss
33 Groudon
34 Grovyle
35 Gulpin
36 Huntail
37 Kyogre
38 Lombre
39 Lotad
40 Lunatone
41 Luvdisc
42 Manectric
43 Marshtomp
44 Mawile
45 Metagross
46 Metang
47 Mightyena
48 Milotic
49 Mudkip
50 Nincada
51 Ninjask
52 Oddish
53 Pikachu
54 Rayquaza
55 Regice
56 Regirock
57 Registeel
58 Relicanth
59 Salamence
60 Sceptile
61 Seviper
62 Shedinja
63 Shelgon
64 Shuppet
65 Silcoon
66 Slaking
67 Snorunt
68 Solrock
69 Spheal
70 Squirtle
71 Surskit
72 Swablu
73 Swalot
74 Swampert
75 Swellow
76 Taillow
77 Torchic
78 Torkoal
79 Treecko
80 Tropius
81 Venusaur
82 Vibrava
83 Wailmer
84 Wailord
85 Walrein
86 Whismur
87 Wingull
88 Wurmple
89 Zangoose
90 Checklist
Foil Parallels
90 cards.
1 per pack.

Evolution Die-Cuts
18 cards.
1:4 packs.

1 Bulbasaur
2 Ivysaur
3 Venusaur
4 Lotad
5 Lombre
6 Ludicolo
7 Spheal
8 Sealeo
9 Walrein
10 Slakoth
11 Vigoroth
12 Slaking
13 Trapinch
14 Vibrava
15 Flygon
16 Charmander
17 Charmeleon
18 Charizard
Pop Ups
10 cards.
1:6 packs.

1 Absol
2 Treecko
3 Combusken
4 Pikachu
5 Venusaur
6 Marshtomp
7 Mudkip
8 Charizard
9 Grovyle
10 Torchic