2004 Pacific TNA Wrestling cards are notable for several firsts. It’s the first time TNA got a set a mainstream trading cards. It is the first (and only) set of wrestling cards from Pacific. But, for collectors, what’s most important is that the product has the first cards from a handful of wrestling’s top stars.
The base set has 75 cards. Not surprisingly, it highlights the top stars and tag teams from the early days of TNA. Tops on the checklist is rookie cards of CM Punk, AJ Styles and a few others who have found success and major championships in the years since the set’s release.
All base cards have Red parallels. Not particularly tough to pull at 3:5 packs, the only difference it the foil highlights on the front.
2004 Pacific TNA Wrestling has two types of autographs. Main Event Autographs are essentially signed base cards. TNA Legends and Superstars Autographs offer signatures from some major names including Rowdy Roddy Piper, Dusty Rhodes and Harley Race. Both are inserted one per box.
Boxes also have an event-used mat card. The set has five cards, all numbered to 1525.
The only other inserts in the product are Tag Teams and Tattoos.
After 2004 Pacific TNA Wrestling was released, two more mat cards reached the secondary market, one with America’s Most Wanted and another with the TNABabes. These are both numbered to 300 copies.
2004 Pacific TNA Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 5
Packs per box: 24
Release Date: April, 2004
Shop for 2004 Panini TNA boxes on eBay.
Base Set
75 cards.

1 April
2 Chelsea
3 Goldylocks
4 Lollipop
5 Athena
6 Abyss
7 Jeremy Borash
8 Traci
9 D’Lo Brown
10 Christopher Daniels
11 Delirious
12 Simon Diamond
13 Julio Dinero
14 Shane Douglas
15 Sonjay Dutt
16 Ekmo Fatu
17 Glenn Gilberti
18 Juventud Guerrera
19 Chris Harris
20 Don Harris
21 Ron Harris
22 Chris Hero
23 BG James
24 Jeff Jarrett
25 Kid Kash
26 Frankie Kazarian
27 Ron Killings
28 Konnan
29 Lazz
30 Jerry Lynn
31 Father James Michell
32 Kevin Northcutt
33 Nosawa
34 CM Punk
35 Raven
36 Dusty Rhodes
37 Vince Russo
38 Chris Sabin
39 Sandman
40 Rick Santel
41 Michael Shane
42 Shark Boy
43 Sonny Siaki
44 Sinn
45 Slash
46 James Storm
47 AJ Styles
48 Johnny Swinger
49 Terry Taylor
50 Trinity
51 Chris Vaughn
52 Ryan Wilson
53 David Young
54 Scott Hudson
55 Mike Tenay
56 Don West
57 Don Callis
58 Erik Watts
59 Rudy Charles
60 Mike Posey
61 Andrew Thomas
62 3Live Kru
63 America’s Most Wanted
64 D’Lo Brown
65 Simon Diamond
66 Jeff Jarrett
67 Raven
68 Dusty Rhodes
69 Chris Sabin
70 Sonny Siaki
71 AJ Styles
72 Chris Vaughn
73 Trinity
74 Goldylocks
75 Lollipop
Red Parallels
75 cards, 3:5 packs.

Main Event Autographs
8 cards, 1:24 packs.

AJ Styles – Gold
AJ Styles – Red
America’s Most Wanted (Chris Harris, James Storm)
Chris Vaughn
TNA Legends and Superstars Autographs
6 cards, 1:24 packs.

1 Rowdy Roddy Piper
3 Jeff Jarrett
4 Terry Taylor
5 Dusty Rhodes
6 Harley Race
7 Raven
Authentic Event-Used Cards
5 cards, 1:24 packs. Cards /1525.

1 America’s Most Wanted /1525
2 AJ Styles /1525
3 D’Lo Brown /1525
4 Raven /1525
5 BG James /1525
Tag Teams
8 cards, 1:5 packs.

1 Simon Diamond, Johnny Swinger
2 The Naturals
3 3Live Kru
4 The Gathering
5 Red Shirt Security
6 Black Shirt Security
7 Glenn Giberti, David Young
8 America’s Most Wanted
28 cards, 1 per pack.

1 TNA Logo
2 TNA Logo
3 TNA Logo
4 Total NonStop Action
5 Pacific Trading Cards
6 Pacific Trading Cards
7 Pacific Trading Cards
8 Raven
9 AJ Styles
10 Jeff Jarrett
11 D’Lo Brown
12 Chris Harris
13 James Storm
14 Shark Boy
15 Ron Killings
16 Konnan
17 BG James
18 Chris Sabin
19 Michael Shane
20 Sonny Siaki
21 Chris Vaughn
22 Trinity
23 America’s Most Wanted
24 3Live Kru
25 Red Shirt Security
26 Black Shirt Security
27 Lollipop
28 Goldylocks
Limited Edition Event-Used Cards
2 cards. Sold separately.

America’s Most Wanted /300
TNA Babes /300