2003 Topps Pokemon Advanced trading cards are one of the last released to North American collectors by the card maker. While the trading card game carried on, interest in traditional trading cards were slowing at this point. Drawing from Pokemon found in Ruby and Sapphire, the names on most of the cards aren’t quite as iconic. That said, this is a tough set today, making it a strong seller.
2003 Topps Pokemon Advanced Checklist Overview
The base set has 90 total cards. While most spots on the checklist are reserved for Generation III Pokemon characters, there are eight characters at the start of the set. This includes Ash, May and Team Rocket. A checklist also bookends it all.
Instead of grouping Pokemon by their spot in the Pokedex, they’re sorted alphabetically. For beginners, it helps the sorting process but it makes things a little more tricky when it comes to looking at evolutions.
Base cards have Foil parallels, which combine to fall one per pack. These look identical as far as layout goes, but are printed on shinier stock. With only one per pack, they’re also more rare.
Additional Inserts
2003 Topps Pokemon Advanced has two additional insert sets. Taken with the product as a whole, they’re not hard to pull. However, given how much of the product has dried up, they’re usually neither easy to find or cheap now.
Evolution Embossed (1:4 packs) has 18 cards. Each is part of a group of three that show the various stages six sets of Pokemon go through as they evolve. Besides being embossed, giving them a 3-D sort of feel, cards are also die-cut. This makes them act like puzzle pieces for when the matching cards are put together.
Ten Pop-Ups (1:6 packs) round out the checklist.
2003 Topps Pokemon Advanced Checklist
Set size: 90 cards
Cards per pack: 7
Packs per box: 24
Shop for 2003 Topps Pokemon Advanced Challenge packs and boxes on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
90 cards.
Buy on eBay:
1 Ash
2 Team Aqua
3 Prof. Birch
4 Brock
5 Team Rocket
6 Team Magma
7 May
8 Max

9 Absol
10 Aggron
11 Altaria
12 Anorith
13 Armaldo
14 Aron
15 Azurill
16 Bagon
17 Banette
18 Beautifly
19 Blaziken
20 Cacnea
21 Cacturne
22 Camerupt
23 Carvanha
24 Castform
25 Combusken
26 Corphish
27 Cradily
28 Crawdaunt
29 Delcatty
30 Duskull
31 Dustox
32 Exploud
33 Feebas
34 Gardevoir
35 Glalie
36 Groudon
37 Grovyle
38 Grumpig
39 Hariyama
40 Illumise
41 Kecleon
42 Kirlia
43 Kyogre
44 Lairon
45 Latias
46 Latios
47 Lileep
48 Linoone
49 Lotad
50 Loudred
51 Ludicolo
52 Makuhita
53 Marshtomp
54 Masquerain
55 Medicham
56 Meditite
57 Minun
58 Mudkip
59 Nosepass
60 Numel
61 Nuzleaf
62 Pelipper
63 Plusie
64 Poochyena
65 Ralts
66 Roselia
67 Sableye
68 Salamence
69 Sceptile
70 Sealeo
71 Seedot
72 Seviper
73 Sharpedo
74 Shiftry
75 Shroomish
76 Skitty
77 Slakoth
78 Spinda
79 Spoink
80 Swampert
81 Taillow
82 Torchic
83 Trapinch
84 Treecko
85 Vigoroth
86 Volbeat
87 Whiscash
88 Wynaut
89 Zigzagoon
90 Checklist
Foil Parallels
90 cards.
1 per pack.

1 Ash
2 Team Aqua
3 Prof. Birch
4 Brock
5 Team Rocket
6 Team Magma
7 May
8 Max
9 Absol
10 Aggron
11 Altaria
12 Anorith
13 Armaldo
14 Aron
15 Azurill
16 Bagon
17 Banette
18 Beautifly
19 Blaziken
20 Cacnea
21 Cacturne
22 Camerupt
23 Carvanha
24 Castform
25 Combusken
26 Corphish
27 Cradily
28 Crawdaunt
29 Delcatty
30 Duskull
31 Dustox
32 Exploud
33 Feebas
34 Gardevoir
35 Glalie
36 Groudon
37 Grovyle
38 Grumpig
39 Hariyama
40 Illumise
41 Kecleon
42 Kirlia
43 Kyogre
44 Lairon
45 Latias
46 Latios
47 Lileep
48 Linoone
49 Lotad
50 Loudred
51 Ludicolo
52 Makuhita
53 Marshtomp
54 Masquerain
55 Medicham
56 Meditite
57 Minun
58 Mudkip
59 Nosepass
60 Numel
61 Nuzleaf
62 Pelipper
63 Plusie
64 Poochyena
65 Ralts
66 Roselia
67 Sableye
68 Salamence
69 Sceptile
70 Sealeo
71 Seedot
72 Seviper
73 Sharpedo
74 Shiftry
75 Shroomish
76 Skitty
77 Slakoth
78 Spinda
79 Spoink
80 Swampert
81 Taillow
82 Torchic
83 Trapinch
84 Treecko
85 Vigoroth
86 Volbeat
87 Whiscash
88 Wynaut
89 Zigzagoon
90 Checklist
Evolution Embossed Checklist
18 cards.
1:4 packs.

1 Treecko
2 Grovyle
3 Sceptile
4 Mudkip
5 Marshtomp
6 Swampert
7 Torchic
8 Combusken
9 Blaziken
10 Ralts
11 Kirlia
12 Gardevoir
13 Whismur
14 Loudred
15 Exploud
16 Aron
17 Lairon
18 Aggron
Pop-Ups Checklist
10 cards.
1:6 packs.

1 Torchic
2 Mudkip
3 Pikachu
4 Treecko
5 Combusken
6 Groudon
7 Latios and Latias
8 Sceptile
9 Kyogre
10 Absol