2003 Topps Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Update directly compliments the earlier series. It also adds memorabilia connected to the movie and, unlike the Fellowship of the Rings Update set, autographs. It’s not a complex release but it fits nicely within the overall line, whether that’s with the base set, additional signatures or any combination in between.
2003 Topps Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Update Checklist Details
The purpose of the base set is to fill in the gaps from the original release. Coming out months after the film itself arrived, spoilers were no longer a concern. At this point, Topps also had access to full visuals that might not have been completed in time for the first set. What does that mean? Lots of cards with Gollum. Not only is he one of the most memorable characters in the franchise, but Andy Serkis’ performance and the effects that captured it were groundbreaking at the time.
A total of 72 cards are in the Update base set, which is smaller than the original set’s 90. Numbering carries on from where the first left off, taking it from #91 through to #162.
2003 Topps Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Update hobby boxes should include at least one Memorabilia card. These have fabric used to make the film’s costumes.
Autographs are tough, falling every three or four boxes. That said, there are only three signatures available and all are strong: Serkis (Gollum), Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn) and Sean Bean (Boromir).
Packs have no other inserts.
2003 Topps Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Update Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 72 cards
Cards per pack: 7
Packs per box: 36
Shop for 2003 Topps Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Update boxes and packs on eBay.
Base Set Checklist
72 cards.
Buy on eBay:

91 Title Card
92 Against the Balrog
93 Battle to the Death
94 Into The Abyss
95 They Stole It from Us
96 The Creature Called Gollum
97 Hobbits Attacked!
98 Captured by the Hobbits
99 Trusting Gollum
100 Isengard’s Evil Master
101 Tower of Evil
102 Awakening Treebeard
103 Captured by Treebeard
104 The Hobbits’ New Guide
105 Souls of the Damned
106 Underwater Assault
107 Fearing the Flying Nazgul
108 Searching in Fangorn Forest
109 Return of a Friend
110 Pursued by the Wizard
111 Gandalf Triumphant
112 The Black Gates of Mordor
113 Opening Mordor’s Gates
114 Another Way In
115 Wormtongue’s Betrayal
116 Casting Out Evil
117 Saruman’s Grip Released
118 Friend or Fiendish Foe?
119 Smeagol’s Inner Torment
120 A Tasty Treat
121 Fat, Nasty Hobbit Ruins It
122 Servants of Sauron
123 March of The Oliphants
124 Love Immortal
125 The Wargs Of Isengard
126 Warg Attack!
127 Deadly Fangs
128 Clash on the Plains
129 Saruman’s Evil Scheme
130 The Uruk-Hai Army
131 Aragorn Survives
132 Arwen’s Choice
133 The Gathering
134 The Forbidden Pool
135 Gollum Betrayed
136 The Battle Of Helm’s Deep
137 Elven Allies
138 Show Them No Mercy!
139 The Fortress Breached
140 Against Impossible Odds
141 The Ultimate Sacrifice
142 A Wizard Should Know Better
143 Ents March to War
144 The Ents Strike Back
145 Saruman’s Army Stomped!
146 Vengeance of the Ents
147 The Fall of Isengard
148 The Wizard Returns
149 Forces of Light and Darkness
150 Spell of the Ring
151 The Struggle Within
152 Which Side Is He On?
153 Battle for Middle-earth
154 Terrors of Shelob
155 Hobbits to the Rescue
156 The Steward of Gondor
157 United in Their Quest
158 To Love a Mortal
159 Heroes Against Evil
160 Rohan’s Finest
161 A Royal Son Scorned
162 Tomorrow’s King
Autographs Checklist
3 cards.
1:113 packs.

Sean Bean as Boromir – 1:383 packs
Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn – 1:320 packs
Andy Serkis as Gollum – 1:320 packs
Memorabilia Cards Checklist
9 cards.
1:33 packs.

Aragorn’s Travel Coat – 1:590 packs
Arwen’s Requiem Cloak – 1:859 packs
Eowyn’s Underfrock – 1:444 packs
Faramir’s Ranger Outfit – 1:204 packs
Galadrial’s Silk Chiffon – 1:444 packs
Gandalf’s Silk Shirt – 1:328 packs
Sam’s Travel Jacket – 1:93 packs
Saruman’s Overtunic – 1:590 packs
Wormtongue’s Velvet Underfrock – 1:328 packs