2003 Topps Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 1 marked the return of an ’80s icon after a long break. It had been 15 years since OS15 came out in 1988. The look might be updated and a little different to what collectors were used to with the Original Series run, but it’s still a distinctly GPK release. So while the nostalgia runs strong, there are some modern elements added for good measure because card collecting in the early millennium was very different than the days of riding bikes to the corner store in the 1980s.
2003 Topps Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 1 Checklist Details
One area that is vintage GPK is the base set. Consisting of 80 total cards, it maintains the customary A/B name variations throughout the set. That means 40 pieces of art, each with an A name and a B name. Much of it finds its roots in the Original Series run of the 1980s as gags done for a never-released Series 16. This isn’t the case for every cards, but many of them.
Released in two printing waves, this did create some variations. For starters, first wave cards can be found with both matte backs and slicker glossy backs. Everything from wave two has matte backs. Because of a tweaked checklist, eight cards also got new backs in the second wave to stay consistent with the changes.
Every pack of 2003 Topps Garbage Pail Kids ANS1 has a foil card. However, this represents another change between waves one and two. The first have Silver Foil while Gold Foil followed in the second. Both have the same 50-card checklists. The characters are all from the Original Series but they’ve been recolored.
Wave one also included gum. It wasn’t the pink sticks that most collectors from the 1980s would have been used two. Rather, it came in the form of gum blocks like Bazooka Joe or Dubble Bubble. Each piece comes with a Small Sticker wrapper around it. Like the foil cards, all 60 Small Stickers are from the Original Series with the new coloring. Each wave one pack has four pieces of gum. They didn’t return for the second and were replaced by two extra base cards.
2003 Topps Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 1 Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards on eBay or to check current market values.
Set size: 80 cards
Cards per pack: Wave 1 – 4 plus 4 Small Stickers, Wave 2 – 6
Packs per box: Wave 1 – 24, Wave 2 – 24
Release date: August, 2003
Shop for 2003 Topps Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 1 boxes and packs on eBay.
Base Set
80 cards.
88 cards including variations.
Cards can be found with glossy and matte backs.
Buy on eBay:
1a Bone Head ED
1b Neanderthal NATHAN
2a On Fire MARIAH – Small Stickers Checklist
2a On Fire MARIAH – Gold Stickers Checklist
2b ABBY Birthday
3a Bustin’ JUSTIN
3b WESLEY Wormhole
4a Cootie CODY
4b Buggin’ BRANDON
5a Crazy CASEY
5b Ridiculous NICHOLAS – Big Stickers Checklist
5b Ridiculous NICHOLAS – Stickers Checklist
6a SETH Pool
6b Canned KAYLA
7a Forged GEORGE
7b SHANE Pain
8a Derailed DEREK
8b Train Wreck TREVOR
9a Cheesy CHARLIE
9b Pizza Face CHASE
10a Shovelin’ SHANNON
10b Stuffin’ STEPHANIE
11a Jarred JARED – Small Stickers Checklist
11a Jarred JARED – Gold Stickers Checklist
11b CARLY Cue
12a KYLE Tile
12b Bathroom TYLER – Big Stickers Checklist
12b Bathroom TYLER – Stickers Checklist
13a Leggy LAUREN
13b VICTORIA’s Secret
14a Little Barfin’ ANNA – Small Stickers Checklist
14a Little Barfin’ ANNA – Gold Stickers Checklist
14b BRITTNEY Spews
15a BILL Board
15b Blinkin’ BLAKE
16a Photo MATT
16b VIC Pic
17a Monstrous MONICA
17b Colossal COLE
18a Rodent ROB
18b PAT Rat
19a Shelled MICHELLE
19b Lobster SHELBY
20a Sprayed RAY
20b ALEX Terminated
21a Boardin’ JORDAN
21b Rad BRAD
22a Gross GREG
22b BMX BEN – Big Stickers Checklist
22b BMX BEN – Stickers Checklist
23a Sushie SUSIE
23b Yukie TORI
24a Gusty GABRIEL
24b Disgustin’ DUSTIN
25a DREW Tattoo
25b Marked MARK
26a Peein’ IAN
26b JACOB’s Bladder
27a Mini VINNIE
27b Punchy PAUL
28a Duped DAVID
28b Twice BRYCE
29a Vendin’ BRENDAN
29b Cheap CHAD
30a Freewheelin’ FRANK
30b Dashboard DENNIS
31a Fartin’ MARTIN
31b Revvin’ EVAN
32a Zitty WHITNEY
32b Juicy JESS
33a Phat PHIL
33b Ill WILL
34a Metallic ALEC
34b Pierced PETE
35a Rootin’ RUBEN
35b Booger BRIAN – Big Stickers Checklist
35b Booger BRIAN – Stickers Checklist
36a Messy JESSE
36b Rocky RICARDO
37a Yecchie BECKY
37b Dizzy LIZZY
38a Lethal ETHAN
38b TROY Destroy
39a COLIN 911
39b ANDREW Spew – Small Stickers Checklist
39b ANDREW Spew – Gold Stickers Checklist
40a HARRY Potty
40b Magic MAX
Gold Foil Stickers Checklist
50 cards.
1 per Wave 2 pack.
1a ADAM Bomb
1b Blasted BILLY
2a Bony JOANIE
2b Thin LYNN
3a Bony TONY
3b Unzipped ZACK
4a Brainy JANEY
4b JENNY Genius
5a Corroded CARL
5b Crater CHRIS
6a Dead TED
6b JAY Decay
7a Double HEATHER
7b Schizo FRAN
8a Drippy DAN
8b Leaky LOU
9a Explorin’ NORMAN
9b Drillin’ DYLAN
10a Ghastly ASHLEY
10b Acne AMY
11a Gore MAY
11b CONNIE Sewer
12a JENNY Jelly
12b SARAH Slime
13a Leaky LINDSAY
13b Messy TESSIE
14a Many LENNY
14b Lotta CATLOTTA
15a Michael MUTANT
15b ZEKE Freak
16a PATTY Putty
16b Muggin’ MEGAN
17a Potty SCOTTY
17b JASON Basin
18a RICHIE Retch
18b LUKE Puke
19a Slimy HYMIE
19b Crawlin’ ROLLIN
20a SY Clops
20b One-Eyed JACK
21a Toothie RUTHIE
21b Dental FLOSSIE
22a Trap DORA
22b Rear View MYRA
23a Up CHUCK
23b Heavin’ STEVEN
24a Varicose WAYNE
24b ELAINE Vein
25a Windy WINSTON
25b JOHNNY One-Note
Silver Foil Checklist
50 cards.
1 per Wave 1 pack.
1a ADAM Bomb
1b Blasted BILLY
2a Bony JOANIE
2b Thin LYNN
3a Bony TONY
3b Unzipped ZACK
4a Brainy JANEY
4b JENNY Genius
5a Corroded CARL
5b Crater CHRIS
6a Dead TED
6b JAY Decay
7a Double HEATHER
7b Schizo FRAN
8a Drippy DAN
8b Leaky LOU
9a Explorin’ NORMAN
9b Drillin’ DYLAN
10a Ghastly ASHLEY
10b Acne AMY
11a Gore MAY
11b CONNIE Sewer
12a JENNY Jelly
12b SARAH Slime
13a Leaky LINDSAY
13b Messy TESSIE
14a Many LENNY
14b Lotta CATLOTTA
15a Michael MUTANT
15b ZEKE Freak
16a PATTY Putty
16b Muggin’ MEGAN
17a Potty SCOTTY
17b JASON Basin
18a RICHIE Retch
18b LUKE Puke
19a Slimy HYMIE
19b Crawlin’ ROLLIN
20a SY Clops
20b One-Eyed JACK
21a Toothie RUTHIE
21b Dental FLOSSIE
22a Trap DORA
22b Rear View MYRA
23a Up CHUCK
23b Heavin’ STEVEN
24a Varicose WAYNE
24b ELAINE Vein
25a Windy WINSTON
25b JOHNNY One-Note
Small Stickers Checklist
60 stickers.
4 per pack.
Came with gum.

1a ADAM Bomb
1b Blasted BILLY
2a Bony JOANIE
2b Thin LYNN
3a Bony TONY
3b Unzipped ZACK
4a Brainy JANEY
4b JENNY Genius
5a Corroded CARL
5b Crater CHRIS
6a Dead TED
6b JAY Decay
7a Double HEATHER
7b Schizo FRAN
8a Drippy DAN
8b Leaky LOU
9a Explorin’ NORMAN
9b Drillin’ DYLAN
10a Ghastly ASHLEY
10b Acne AMY
11a Gore MAY
11b CONNIE Sewer
12a JENNY Jelly
12b SARAH Slime
13a JOE Blow
13b ROD Wad
14a Leaky LINDSAY
14b Messy TESSIE
15a Many LENNY
15b Lotta CARLOTTA
16a MICHAEL Mutant
16b ZEKE Freak
17a Over FLO
17b Moist JOYCE
18a PATTY Putty
18b Muggin’ MEGAN
19a Potty SCOTTY
19b JASON Basin
20a RICHIE Retch
20b LUKE Puke
21a SALLY Suction
21b Teethin’ TRINA
22a Slimy HYMIE
22b Crawlin’ ROLLIN
23a Split KIT
23b Mixed-Up MITCH
24a Starin’ DARREN
24b Peepin’ TOM
25a SY Clops
25b One-Eyed JACK
26a Toothie RUTHIE
26b Dental FLOSSIE
27a Trap DORA
27b Rear View MYRA
28a Up CHUCK
28b Heavin’ STEVEN
29a Varicose WAYNE
29b ELAINE Vein
30a Windy WINSTON
30b JOHNNY One-Note