So the movie was forgettable. At least for being anything outside of a vehicle for Angelina Jolie to flex her action vixen chops. In a lot of ways, it’s the same with the 2003 Inkworks Tomb Raider: Cradle of Life trading cards. Remove the Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft elements and you’re left with a sorry set. However, between the autograph and costume cards, the set is actually better than the movie it’s based on.
A total of 81 cards make up the base set. It’s a standard mix of character profiles, story cards and behind-the-scenes shots. There are also a handful of cards that focus on Lara Croft’s gear.
Of the set’s six autographs, the only one that’s widely recognizable is the one you’d hope for — Angelina Jolie. This is her second time signing for Inkworks. She also has an autograph in the set for the first Tomb Raider movie. From there, the second biggest name in the set is Ciaran Hinds, so it’s quite a drop off. Gerard Butler does not have any autographs in the product. Signed cards are inserted one per box.
Also landing one per box are Pieceworks cards. These have swatches of screen-used costumes. Both in this set are from Jolie.
Other inserts in 2003 Inkworks Tomb Raider: Cradle of life are a nine-card foil puzzle and Secret of the Orb, a die-cut foil set.
2003 Inkworks Tomb Raider: Cradle of Life Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 7
Packs per box: 36
Boxes per case: 10
Release Date: July 25, 2003
Shop for 2003 Inkworks Tomb Raider: Cradle of Life boxes on eBay.
Base Set
81 cards.

1 Title Card
2 Lara Croft
3 Terry Sheridan
4 Dr. Jonathan Reiss
5 Hillary
6 Bryce
7 Sean
8 Kosa Maasai
9 Chen Lo
10 Splashed!
11 Lara on Board
12 Salvaging the Past
13 Diving into Danger
14 Toward the Sunken City
15 Alexander’s Great Prize
16 Her Friends Massacred!
17 Undersea Escape
18 Rescuing Lara at Sea
19 The Doctor’s Mad Dream
20 Conferring with Sean
21 The Croft Workout
22 Sticking It to Hillary
23 A Call to Kosa
24 Horsing Around
25 A Mission for MI6
26 One Man for the Job
27 Kindred Spirits?
28 The Mission Begins
29 Hot Wheels
30 Taking the High Road
31 The Trust Factor
32 Nabbed by the Enemy
33 Inside the Great Cave
34 Hiding and Seeking
35 Smashing Time
36 Pinned and Pounded
37 The Spoils of Victory
38 Hero or Madman?
39 On the Ropes
40 Signing On for Trouble
41 The Dragon Lady Strikes!
42 Blasted by Lara
43 Run Lara Run!
44 In the Reiss Lab
45 Lara in a Jam
46 Shoot to Kill
47 Scanning the Orb
48 Terry’s Counterattack
49 Winging It
50 From Lara with Love
51 The Bryce Connection
52 Help from on High
53 Toward Cradle Country
54 Wise Words of Warning
55 Quick Wits, Fast Guns
56 Hands in the Air
57 A Guide for Dr. Reiss
58 The Hostages
59 Lead On, Lara
60 The Petrified Forest
61 Of Cones and Cons
62 Inside Pandora’s Chamber
63 Makeover Takeover
64 The Bikini Blast
65 Suited for the Sea
66 Riding and Shooting
67 All Bundled Up
68 Outfitted for Action
69 For Jungle Travel
70 High-Tech Heroine
71 Girl With a Gun
72 Flying High
73 Behind the Camera
74 Bike Scene
75 Going Underwater
76 A Most Worthy Adversary
77 Comes a Horsewoman
78 Terracotta Warriors
79 Which Way Is Up?
80 Girl on a Motorcycle
81 Checklist
6 cards, 1:36 packs.
A4 available via redemption.

Check out a gallery of the entire set.
A1 Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft
A2 Chris Barry as Hillary
A3 Ciaran Hinds as Dr. Jonathan Reiss
A4 Til Schwiger as Sean
A5 Simon Yam as Chen Lo
A6 Jan de Bont – Director
Pieceworks Costume Cards
2 cards, 1:36 packs.
Both cards are available with several fabric variations. Some of each available via redemption.

Check out a gallery of the entire set.
PW1 Silk Dragon Jacket worn by Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft
PW2 Silver Wetsuit worn by Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft
The Cradle of Life
9 cards, 1:11 packs.

The complete set makes a foil puzzle.
Secret of the Orb
6 cards, 1:17 packs.

Cards are foil die-cuts.
SO1 Orb of the Ages
SO2 The Key to Armageddon
SO3 Temptation Time
SO4 What Makes It Tick?
SO5 The Root of All Evil
SO6 Doomsday Doctor
Box Loaders
3 cards, 1 per sealed box

BL1 Brave and Beautiful
BL2 Easy Rider, Deadly Mission
BL3 Statuesque
Up from the Depths Case Loader
1 cards, 1 per sealed case.

CL1 Up from the Depths
Promo Cards
TR2-1 Lara Croft – General Distribution
TR2-i Lara Croft – Inkworks Website
TR2-SD2003 Lara Croft – San Diego Comic-Con
TR2-UK Lara Croft – UK
INK-2003 – 10-card panel including several Inkworks sets
Also available: