Just like the twists and turns of the show, they continue in 2003 Inkworks Alias Season 2 trading cards. Sticking with the things that worked in the first set, it compliments the line as a whole.
The 81-card base set is done with foil card stock. In fact, this was the same for all of Inkworks’ Alias sets. It’s common on the sports card scene but was considered premium at the time for entertainment trading cards. In addition to your basic episode cards, the base set has character profiles, looks at the show’s gadgets, a closer look at SD-6 and more.
Autographs and Pieceworks costume cards are both inserted one per box in 2003 Inkworks Alias Season 2. This is a big leap from Season 1 where they’re 1:39 and 1:78 packs respectively.
Inkworks was never big into repeat signers for their autographs. Here, they make an exception and it’s one that nobody’s going to complain about. Series star, Jennifer Garner leads the list of 12 that also has series regulars Michael Vartan (Vaughn) and Ron Rifkin (Arvin Sloane). The most notable guest star is likely Terry O’Quinn from LOST.
Garner is featured on nearly half of the Pieceworks cards. These have swatches of costumes used in the show. Premium versions of the three cards with her cowgirl gear are the most desirable in the set. However, they’re not in packs. Rather, they were used as incentives for dealers ordering multiple cases.
Other inserts in 2003 Inkworks Season 2 include Undercover (a nine-card puzzle) and Seeking Sydney. Boxes have one of three Box Loaders while sealed cases have an exclusive Case Loader.
2003 Inkworks Alias Season 2 Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 8
Packs per box: 24
Boxes per case: 12
Release Date: November, 2003
Shop for 2003 Inkworks Alias Season 2 boxes on eBay.
Base Set
81 cards.

81 cards.
1 Title Card
2 The Man
3 Walk In
4 Reunion
5 Countermission
6 Meeting
7 Concern
8 Musing
9 Officer
10 Unwinding
11 Uncovering
12 Devoted
13 Waiting
14 Ordeal
15 Deception
16 Vacation
17 Working
18 Bonding
19 Betrayal
20 Stimulating
21 Missing
22 Access
23 Rescue
24 Punked
25 Compromised
26 Uncomfortable
27 Ultimatum
28 Survivor
29 Duplicate
30 Graduation
31 Abducted
32 Destroyer
33 Partners
34 Together
35 Extracted
36 Lovers
37 Strikeforce
38 Encoded
39 Double Agents
40 Enlightened
41 Detonator
42 Vengeance
43 Dealmaker
44 Chosen
45 Showdown
46 Bristow, Jack D.
47 Bristow, Sydney
48 Dixon, Marcus R.
49 Flinkman, Marshall J.
50 Tippin, William D.
51 Kendall
52 Vaughn, Michael C.
53 Weiss, Eric
54 Sloane, Emily
55 Calfo, Francine D.
56 Derevko, Irina
57 Sark
58 Sloane, Arvin
59 Geiger, Anthony
60 Yeager, Mitchell
61 Cute
62 Conspiring
63 Ambitious
64 Quick
65 Improved
66 Research
67 Enthusiasm
68 Deep Cover
69 Secret Agent Man
70 Suave
71 Adaptable
72 Sensitive
73 Haunted
74 Blackmail
75 Debugged
76 Free
77 Victory
78 Completion
79 Hidden Asset
80 Responsible
81 Checklist
12 cards, 1:24 packs.

A8 Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow
A9 Michael Vartan as Michael Vaughn
A10 Carl Lumbly as Marcus Dixon
A11 Kevin Weisman as Marshall Flinkman
A12 Ron Rifkin as Arvin Sloane
A13 Greg Grunberg as Eric Weiss
A14 Amy Irving as Emily Sloane
A15 Patricia Wettig as Dr. Judy Barnett
A16 Rutger Hauer as Anthony Geiger
A17 Richard Lewis as Mitchell Yaeger
A18 Terry O’Quinn as Asst. Director Kendall
A19 David Anders as Julian Sark
10 cards, 1:24 packs.

Get more details and a full gallery of the set.
PW1 Cowboy Hat worn by Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow – redemption
PW1 Cowboy Hat worn by Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow – Incentive Version
PW2 Cowboy Shirt worn by Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow
PW2 Cowboy Shirt worn by Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow – Incentive Version
PW3 Cowboy Pants worn by Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow
PW3 Cowboy Pants worn by Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow – Incentive Version
PW4 Geisha Outfit worn by Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow
PW5 Jacket worn by Lina Olin as Irina Derevko
PW6 Pants worn by Lina Olin as Irina Derevko
PW7 Top worn by Lina Olin as Irina Derevko
PW8 Jacket worn by Victor Garber as Jack Bristow
PW9 Shirt worn by Michael Vartan as Michael Vaughn
PW10 Pants worn by Michael Vartan as Michael Vaughn
Seeking Sydney
6 cards, 1:17 packs.

Men want Sydney Bristow for different reasons in the show. This set looks at six such fellows.
SS1 Vaughn
SS2 Dixon
SS3 Will
SS4 Jack
SS5 Sloane
SS6 Marshall
9 cards, 1:11 packs.

Foil puzzle featuring Sydney Bristow and her many looks.
Family Deceptions Box Loaders
3 cards, 1 per sealed box.

BL1 Jack
BL2 Sydney
BL3 Irina
Case Loader
1 cards, 1 per sealed case.

Promo Cards
A2-NSU Sydney – Non-Sport Update
A2-UK Sydney – UK
INK-2003 Sydney – Inkworks Website
SD-1 Sydney – San Diego Comic-Con
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