2003 Fleer Transformers Armada trading cards helped unveil a new continuity for the classic robot franchise. The checklist is big and provides a good amount of variety. However, content is normally only as good as what it’s based on and the Armada line didn’t last long.
The main base set comes with 122 cards and it’s divided into a couple of sections. The first two-thirds of the checklist revolve around the show’s characters. Taken as a whole, they provide a lot of details and information. Next are four different nine-card puzzles. The final cards are a checklist and a Transformers Engeron preview card, the sequel to Armada.
Every pack of 2003 Fleer Transformers Armada comes with a gold parallel card. These are virtually identical to the base cards except there’s some gold coloring in the nameplate instead of grey.
Inserts come in a few different varieties. Comic Art cards go beyond the animated series and into the comic books. Twelve regular versions are inserted 1:9 packs. A Pat Lee autograph was also available via redemption.
Other inserts include Autobots/Decpeticons Die-Cuts (nine cards, 1:6 packs), etched foil Poster cards (ten cards, 1:9) and eight Flapper cards (1:18).
Select toys expanded the base set to 130 cards. Instead of the traditional bio cards, these figures included an Energon base card numbered 123-130. These are not usually taken into consideration with complete sets.
2003 Fleer Transformers Armada Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 5
Packs per box: 36
Shop for 2003 Fleer Transformers Aramada boxes on eBay.
Base Set
122 cards.

1 Ransack
2 Iceberg
3 Dune Runner
4 Jetstorm
5 Runway
6 Sonar
7 Star Saber
8 Dark Star Saber
9 Thunderwing
10 Gunbarrel
11 Terradive
12 Buzzsaw
13 Drillbit
14 Dualor
15 Makeshift
16 Prowl
17 Firebot
18 Bonecrusher
19 Knock Out
20 Wreckage
21 Dirt Boss
22 Downshift
23 Mirage
24 Waterlog
25 Oceanglide
26 Stormcloud
27 Astroscope
28 Payload
29 Sky Blast
30 Grindor
31 High Wire
32 Sureshock
33 Perceptor
34 Backtrack
35 Oval
36 Spiral
37 Megatron
38 Leader-1
39 Starscream
40 Swindle
41 Cyclonus
42 Crumplezone
43 Demolishor
44 Blackout
45 Sideways
46 Rook & Crosswise
47 Thrust
48 Inferno
49 Thundercracker
50 Zapmaster
51 Galvatron
52 Clench
53 Wheeljack
54 Windsheer
55 Skywarp
56 Tidal Wave
57 Ramjet
58 Optimus Prime
59 Super Optimus Prime
60 Sparkplug
61 Red Alert
62 Longarm
63 Laserbeak
64 Smokescreen
65 Liftor
66 Jetfire
67 Comettor
68 Blurr
69 Incinerator
70 Scavenger
71 Rollbar
72 Side Swipe
73 Nightbeat
74 Hoist
75 Refute
76 Overload
77 Rollout
78 Unicron
79 Hot Shot
80 Jolt
81 Terrorsaur
82 Rhinox
83 Airazor
84 Rad, Carlos And Alexis
85 Puzzle A
86 Puzzle A
87 Puzzle A
88 Puzzle A
89 Puzzle A
90 Puzzle A
91 Puzzle A
92 Puzzle A
93 Puzzle A
94 Puzzle B
95 Puzzle B
96 Puzzle B
97 Puzzle B
98 Puzzle B
99 Puzzle B
100 Puzzle B
101 Puzzle B
102 Puzzle B
103 Puzzle C
104 Puzzle C
105 Puzzle C
106 Puzzle C
107 Puzzle C
108 Puzzle C
109 Puzzle C
110 Puzzle C
111 Puzzle C
112 Puzzle D
113 Puzzle D
114 Puzzle D
115 Puzzle D
116 Puzzle D
117 Puzzle D
118 Puzzle D
119 Puzzle D
120 Puzzle D
121 Checklist
122 Scorponok Energon Preview
Gold Parallels
122 cards, 1 per pack.

1 card.

Distributed via redemption.
Pat Lee /700
1 card.
Distributed via redemption. 50 redemptions were produced.
Autobots/Decepticons Die-Cut Cards
9 cards, 1:6 packs.

1 AD Cyclonus
2 AD Demolishor
3 AD Starscream
4 AD Hot Shot
5 AD Megatron
6 AD Scavenger
7 AD Red Alert
8 AD Optimus Prime
9 AD Smokescreen
Comic Art Cards
12 cards, 1:9 packs.

1 ACA Issue 1
2 ACA Issue 2
3 ACA Issue 3
4 ACA Issue 4
5 ACA Issue 5
6 ACA Issue 6
7 ACA Issue 7
8 ACA Issue 8
9 ACA Issue 9
10 ACA Issue 10
11 ACA Issue 11
12 ACA Issue 12
8 cards, 1:18 packs.

1 TF Optimus Prime
2 TF Megatron
3 TF Hot Shot
4 TF Red Alert
5 TF Starscream
6 TF Cyclonus
7 TF Demolishor
8 TF Super Optimus Prime
Poster Cards
10 cards, 1:9 packs.

1 AP Comic Cinema Poster
2 AP Mini-Con Destruction
3 AP Armada Heroes And Villains
4 AP The Eternal Struggle
5 AP The Chase
6 AP Starscream Triumphant
7 AP Earth In Peril
8 AP The Star Saber
9 AP Struggle For The Mini-Cons
10 AP Battle Royale
Base Set Energon Expansion
8 cards.
Came packaged with Transformers Energon toys and not in packs.
123 Optimus Prime
124 Hot Shot
125 Inferno
126 Ironhide
127 Jetfire
128 Scorponok
129 Megatron
130 Starscream
Promo Cards
4 cards, came packaged together and handed out at San Diego Comic-Con.

1 Optimus Prime
2 Powerlinx Hot Shot
3 Megatron
4 Starscream