Few will argue that a great photo is an essential part of most good cards. However, when it comes to memorabilia, the swatches shouldn’t make like ninjas and hide from view. Unfortunately, that’s the case with the 2003 Comic Images 24: Seasons 1 and 2 Memorabilia Cards.
While the set includes pieces of recognizable costumes from the show’s first two seasons, the swatches are hidden on the back. As a result, they’ve got a plain look that hasn’t meant not a lot of long-standing secondary market interest.
Of the six cards in the 2003 Comic Images 24: Seasons 1 and 2 Memorabilia Cards, M3 is generally the toughest to find. It has a small piece of a tie worn by Dennis Haysbert as Senator Palmer. Given the tiny nature of a tie, it’s understandable why it’s so much harder to find than a jacket or sweater.
M2, a shirt worn by Elisha Cuthbert, can’t be found in packs. Rather, it was distributed as a case topper.
2003 Comic Images 24: Seasons 1 and 2 Memorabilia Cards Checklist
M1 Jack Bauer’s Jacket
M2 Kim Bauer’s Shirt
M3 Senator Palmer’s Tie
M4 Teri Bauer’s Sweater
M5 Victor Drazen’s Prison Uniform
M6 Kim Bauer’s Shirt