No matter what you think of the actual movie, 2002 Star Wars Attack of the Clones is a beautiful set of trading cards. Not only that, but it features a strong lineup of autographs.
The base set makes up the meat of the release. Featuring 80 cards, it’s done in the over-sized tallboy format. This preserves the aspect ratio of the film and showcases the images much like they were shown on the big screen.
The only inserts in 2002 Star Wars Attack of the Clones Widevision are autographs. Inserted 1:24 packs, it means that every box should have one signed card. But there’s also that mystery element where about half of the boxes have a second.
The checklist has 24 different signers, which was a good size. Like the base set, they’re done in the over-sized format.
Over the years, most of the actors on the checklist have signed for other sets. However, there are two that aren’t so common. First is Ahmed Best, who played Jar Jar Binks. Sure, a lot of people can’t stand the character but some who grew up with the prequels see some cartoonish charm.
Jar Jar Binks doesn’t make for a great set, though. Someone who does? Frank Oz. This is the only set so far that the legendary performer has signed for. Besides Yoda, Oz created many of the personalities for classic Muppet characters like Fozzie Bear and Miss. Piggy.
2002 Star Wars Attack of the Clones does not have any basic inserts included in packs and boxes.
2002 Star Wars Attack of the Clones Widevision Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 7
Packs per box: 36
Release Date: November, 2002
Shop for 2002 Topps Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Widevision boxes on eBay.
Base Set
80 cards.

1 Senator Amidala’s Starship
2 Amidala and Her Jedi Allies
3 The Senator’s Anxious Protector
4 A Deadly Scheme
5 The Jedi Pursuers above Coruscant
6 Danger Dead Ahead!
7 Spectacular Speeder Chase
8 Running for Her Life
9 Saying “No” to Death Sticks
10 The Mysterious Assassin
11 The Jedi Council’s Plan
12 A Chat with Dexter Jettster
13 Yoda’s Students Light the Way
14 The Secrets of the Planet Kamino
15 Kamino’s Amazing Clone Factory
16 On the Way to Jango Fett
17 Star-Crossed Young Lovers
18 Skywalker’s Destiny Beckons
19 Obi-Wan vs. Jango Fett
20 The Kamino Landing Pad Battle
21 Return to Mos Espa
22 Jango and Boba on the Run
23 Dodging a Galactic Blast
24 Obi-Wan’s Daring Maneuver
25 Anakin’s Quest
26 The Tusken Raider Camp
27 Possessed by the Dark Side
28 A Final Farewell…And Promise
29 Obi-Wan’s Desperate Message
30 To Rescue a Jedi
31 Enter… The Droid Factory
32 A Jedi Takes Control
33 Conveyor Belt Peril
34 An Attacker…Stomped!
35 A Titan Rides the Belt
36 Challenge of the Geonosians
37 Airborne Rescuer R2-D2
38 The Vat of Death
39 A Disassembled Droid
40 Have Lightsaber, Will Throttle
41 Surrender…To Fight Another Day
42 Dooku’s Moment of Triumph
43 Outworlders at the Stake
44 Roar of the Savage Reek
45 Insect-Like Behemoth
46 Padmé on Top of Things
47 Clash of the Arena Beasts
48 Droids on All Sides
49 Fett’s Blast of Death
50 Jedi Warriors in Action!
51 The Politician and the Padawan
52 “Where Are We? A Battle? Oh No!”
53 Attack of the Super Battle Droids
54 Against Overwhelming Numbers
55 Help from On High
56 Salvation from the Skies
57 Yoda and His Clone Troopers
58 Clones Attack Dooku’s Forces
59 March to Enemy Headquarters
60 No Chance against the Enemy
61 Fantastic Droid Warfare
62 Against the Big Guns
63 Juggernaut of Justice
64 Geonosian Fortress under Siege
65 Dooku’s Makeshift Escape
66 On the Trail of Count Dooku
67 An Impulsive Anakin… Overwhelmed
68 The Power of a Jedi Knight
69 Lightsaber Slugfest
70 Master Yoda Uses the Force…
71 …Against the Evil Might of Dooku
72 A Contest of Skill and Power
73 Duel of the Jedi Masters
74 The Last Jedi Standing
75 Dooku’s Escape from Geonosis
76 Parners in Galactic Tyranny
77 A New Order for the Universe
78 Beginning of the Great Clone War
79 The Wedding of Anakin and Padmé
80 Checklist
24 cards, 1:24 packs.

Check out a full gallery of the entire set.
Odds for individual groups: A – 1:29, B – 1:194, C – 1:288, D – 1:570
Amy Allen as Aayla Secura A
Kenny Baker as R2-D2 A
Ahmed Best as Jar Jar Binks A
David Bowers as Mas Amedda A
Silas Carson as Ki-Adi-Mundi B
Silas Carson as Nute Gunray B
Ayesha Dharker as Queen Jamillia A
Matt Doran as Elan Sleazebaggano A
Joel Edgerton as Owen Lars A
Ronald Falk as Dexter Jettster A
Jesse Jensen as Saesee Tiin A
Zachariah Jensen as Kit Fisto A
Nalini Krishan as Barriss Offee A
Jay Laga’aia as Captain Typho A
Daniel Logan as Boba Fett D
Alethea McGrath as Jocasta Nu A
Rena Owen as Taun We A
Mary Oyaya as Luminara Unduli A
Frank Oz as Yoda B
Bonnie Piesse as Beru Whitesun B
Andrew Secombe as the voice of Watto A
Matt Sloan as Plo Koon A
Bodie Taylor as Clone Trooper C
Leeanna Walsman as Zam Wesell A
Promo Cards

P1 Spider Droid
S1 Spider Droid – UK
Walmart Promo Cards
5 cards, sets given out when you pre-ordered the DVD or VHS tape from the Walmart website.
W1 In Love And War
W2 R2D2 To The Rescue
W3 Jedi vs. Battle Droid
W4 Saved By Clone Troopers
W5 Yoda Prepares For Battle
Also available: