When 2002 Inkworks Alias Season 1 came out, the idea of costume cards was still pretty novel. While they were starting to expand into more and more sets, they weren’t everywhere like they seem to be now. They were also tougher to pull and, usually, carried more value. This is the case with the 2002 Inkworks Alias Season 1 Pieceworks.
With just three cards, the set is small. They’re also tough to pull, landing 1:78 packs. That’s compounded further by the fact that two of them (PW2 and PW3) were inserted as redemptions. With Inkworks gone, pulling an Alias redemption from a stray box isn’t going to land much.
All three of the Pieceworks cards come from costumes worn by Jennifer Garner.
She played the show’s lead, Sydney Bristow. The costume pieces for the three cards only come from two outfits. The first is a blue latex dress from the episode “So It Begins,” the second show in the entire series. The two redemptions come from a beaded dress and matching piece of headgear she wore at the same time in “The Coup,” the debut season’s 14th episode. Both are small and couldn’t have yielded a ton of cards, even with the dime-sized swatches embedded into the cards.
2002 Inkworks Alias Season 1 Pieceworks Checklist
Click on the links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
PW1 Latex Dress worn by Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow
PW2 Metal Dress worn by Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow
PW3 Beaded Hat worn by Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow