2001 Inkworks X-Files Seasons 4 and 5 trading cards marked a fresh start for the franchise. After simple sets based on seasons one, two and three from Topps, plus off-shoots for the first movie and more, the license changed hands. And with it came a new vision that stressed more inserts including autographs. It also meant an end to some of the strange dated art cards Topps made a lot of.
The 2001 Inkworks X-Files Seasons 4 and 5 base set has 90 cards. Each episode for both seasons is summed up on one card. Additional subsets delve into the characters, go behind the camera and look at some of the paranormal beings from the show.
Autographs and Other Inserts
The is the first seasonal set of X-Files trading cards to have signed cards. Fight the Future had a few but none for the regular releases covering the early seasons. There are five autographs here, all of which were distributed via redemption. The biggest comes from series creator Chris Carter. And while she played a rather small part on the X-Files, for Walking Dead fans, this is a much more affordable place to get a Laurie Holden autograph.
2001 Inkworks X-Files Seasons 4 and 5 is also notable for having the franchise’s first Pieceworks costume cards. It’s just one card, but it comes from one of Mulder’s sweatshirts. Inkworks would go on to make several more autographs and Pieceworks cards with the license.
The basic insert assortment is slightly different than most Inkworks sets. Black Oil (six cards, 1:17 packs) look as though they have some alien ooze on top. Usually, Inkworks does nine-card puzzles. I Want to Believe has just three. The final inserts are three Death Cards (1:48) that are done to look like playing cards.
There’s also one box loader and a case loader. Both are promos for the Seasons 6 and 7 set that arrived a few months later as Inkworks tried to catch up with the show while it was on the air.
2001 Inkworks X-Files Seasons 4 and 5 Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 9
Packs per box: 24
Release Date: April, 2001
Shop for 2001 Inkworks X-Files Seasons 4 and 5 boxes on eBay.
Base Set
90 cards.

1 The Truth Is Out There
2 4×01: Herrenvolk
3 4×02: Unruhe
4 4×03: Home
5 4×04: Teliko
6 4×05: The Field Where I Died
7 4×06: Sanguinarium
8 4×07: Musings of a Cigarette-Smoking Man
9 4×08: Paper Hearts
10 4×09: Tunguska
11 4×10: Terma
12 4×11: El Mundo Gira
13 4×12: Kaddish
14 4×13: Never Again
15 4×14: Leonard Betts
16 4×15: Memento Mori
17 4×16: Unrequitted
18 4×17: Tempus Fugit
19 4×18: Max
20 4×19: Synchrony
21 4×20: Small Potatoes
22 4×21: Zero Sum
23 4×22: Elegy
24 4×23: Demons
25 4×24: Gethsemane
26 5×01: Unusual Suspects
27 5×02: Redux
28 5×03: Redux II
29 5×04: Detour
30 5×05: Christmas Carol
31 5×06: Post-Modern Prometheus
32 5×07: Emily
33 5×08: Kitsunegari
34 5×09: Schizogeny
35 5×10: Chinga
36 5×11: Kill Switch
37 5×12: Bad Blood
38 5×13: Patient X
39 5×14: The Red and the Black
40 5×15: Travelers
41 5×16: Mind’s Eye
42 5×17: All Souls
43 5×18: The Pine Bluff Variant
44 5×19: Folie A Deux
45 5×20: The End
46 Special Agent Fox Mulder
47 Special Agent Dana Scully
48 Assistant Director Skinner
49 John Fitzgerald Byers
50 Melvin Frohike
51 Ringo Langly
52 Emily Sim
53 Samantha Mulder
54 Max Fenig
55 The Cigarette-Smoking Man
56 The Well-Manicured Man
57 The First Elder
58 Marita Covarrubias
59 Alex Krycek
60 Mrs. Mulder
61 Agency Danny Pendrell
62 Jeremiah Smith
63 Alien Bounty Hunter
64 Thoughtograph Terror
65 The Melanin-Suckre
66 The Face-Lifter
67 A Picture Is Worth…
68 All Bets Are Off
69 Now You See Him…
70 Frozen Stiff
71 When Babies Had Tails
72 Phantom Lady
73 Don’t Fool with Mother Nature
74 Man-Made Monster
75 Return of the Pusher
76 Mud Sucker
77 The Doll From Hell
78 Mulder the Vampire Slayer
79 The Secret Invasion
80 Guardian Angel
81 Skinner…Bugged
82 Pileggi Briefs
83 Monster Maker
84 To Bee or Not to Bee
85 Everywhere an E.T.
86 Filming an Autopsy
87 Fabricating a Forest Creature
88 Munch-ing on the Set
89 Shining Directors
90 Checklist
5 cards, 1:72 packs.

All inserted in packs as redemptions.
A1 Chris Carter – Series Creator and Executive Producer
A2 Bruce Harwood as John Fitzgerald Byers
A3 Jerry Hardin as Deep Throat
A4 Laurie Holden as Marita Covarrubias
A5 Brendan Beiser as Agent Pendrell
1 cards, 1:115 packs.

Inserted in packs as a redemption.
PW1 Sweatshirt worn by David Duchovny as Fox Mulder
Black Oil
6 cards, 1:17 packs.

Death Cards
3 cards, 1:48 packs.

D1 Ace of Hearts
D2 King of Hearts
D3 Queen of Hearts
I Want to Believe
3 cards, 1:11 packs.

Box Loader
1 card, 1 per sealed box.

XBL-1 Scully and Mulder – Seasons 6 and 7 promo
Case Loader
1 card, 1 per sealed case.

XCL-1 Scully – Seasons 6 and 7 promo
Promo Cards

P1 Mulder and Scully – Dealers
P2 Lone Gunmen – Non-Sport Update Magazine
Pi Government Conspiracy – Website Promo
XM-1 Scully and Mulder – X-Files Magazine