2000 Rittenhouse Women of Star Trek In Motion trading cards is one of the company’s early efforts with the license. It’s far from the most comprehensive of products, but the combined focus of lenticular base cards and the ladies of Trek offer enough to chew on.
The base set is one of the smallest ever for a pack-based Star Trek product. It has just 32 cards. However, in most other products each would be considered an insert. The 2000 Rittenhouse Women of Star Trek In Motion set uses lenticular technology to show short bits of movement. And even with just 32 cards, it covers a lot of ground. Characters are featured from each of the television shows through Voyager.
All cards in the product are over-sized, measuring 3 1/2 x 5 1/4. This includes all pack-based cards and inserts.
2000 Rittenhouse Women of Star Trek In Motion Autographs and Inserts
Autographs are the main insert. Landing one per box, the checklist has just five signers. This is far from the deep lists future Star Trek sets would have. Autograph subjects include Terry Farrell (Jadzia Dax), Denise Crosby (Lt. Tasha Yar) and Sherry Jackson (Andrea).
Heroines of Star Trek (four cards, 1:8 packs) and Villainesses of Star Trek (four cards, 1:5 packs) maintain the lenticular focus of the base set. Sound In Motion cards, which land one per box, do as well. These have an audio clip to go with the movement.
Each 2000 Rittenhouse Women of Star Trek In Motion box includes a box topper pack of three over-sized Archive Collection cards. Measuring 5 x 7, they come in a couple of versions. Sixteen basic cards are numbered to 999 copies each. Four Gold cards have just 500 copies each. An additional five cards were available separately in the UK following the main set’s release.Sold together, these UK cards are also limited to 999 copies each.
2000 Rittenhouse Women of Star Trek In Motion Checklist
Click on links to shop for cards or check current market values on eBay.
Cards per pack: 3
Packs per box: 20
Release Date: March 29, 2000
Shop for 2000 Rittenhouse Women of Star Trek In Motion boxes on eBay.
Base Set
32 cards.

1 Andrea
2 Lieutenant B’Elanna Torres
3 Borg Queen
4 Borg Queen
5 Captain Kathryn Janeway
6 Counselor Deanna Troi
7 Doctor Beverly Crusher
8 Doctor Gillian Taylor
9 Edith Keeler
10 Ensign Ro Laren
11 Lieutenant Ezri Dax
12 Vina
13 Ilia
14 Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax
15 Kai Winn
16 K’Ehleyr
17 Kes
18 Colonel Kira Nerys
19 Lwaxana Troi
20 Leeta
21 Lieutenant Tasha Yar
22 Lursa & B’Etor
23 Martia
24 Mirror Kira
25 Mirror Uhura
26 Nurse Christine Chapel
27 Lieutenant Saavik
28 Seska
29 Seven of Nine
30 T’Pring
31 Lieutenant Uhura
32 Yeoman Janice Rand
5 cards, 1:20 packs.

A1 Denise Crosby as Lt. Tasha Yar
A2 Sherry Jackson as Andrea
A3 Arlene Martel as T’Pring
A4 Alice Krige as Borg Queen
A5 Terry Farrell as Jadzia Dax
Heroines of Star Trek
4 cards, 1:8 packs.

H1 Jadzia Jax
H2 Janeway
H3 Seven of Nine
H4 Lieutenant Uhara
Sound in Motion
8 cards, 1 per box.

SC1 exclusive to binder. CS1 distributed as a case topper.
CS1 Seven of Nine
S1 Borg Queen
S2 Jadzia Dax
S3 Captain Janeway
S4 Tasha Yar
S5 Seven of Nine
S6 Mirror Uhura
SC1 Captain Janeway
Villainesses of Star Trek
4 cards, 1:5 packs.

V1 Borg Queen
V2 Mirror Kira
V3 Lursa and B’Etor
V4 Seven of Nine
Archive Collection
16 cards, 3 per box (packaged as a box topper pack). Measure 5×7.

AC1 B’Elanna Torres/999
AC2 Borg Queen/999
AC3 Capt. Janeway/999
AC4 Counselor Troi/999
AC5 Dr. Crusher/999
AC6 Lt. Ezri Dax/999
AC7 Nurse Chapel/999
AC8 Jadzia Dax/999
AC9 Kes/999
AC10 Kira Nerys/999
AC11 Lwaxana Troi/999
AC12 Leeta/999
AC13 Tasha Yar/999
AC14 Seven of Nine/999
AC15 Uhura/999
AC16 Yeoman Rand/999
Archive Collection Gold
4 cards, Measure 5×7.

1 Jadzia Dax /500
2 Kathryn Janeway /500
3 Seven of Nine /500
4 Lieutenant Uhara /500
Archive Collection – UK
5 cards. Sold together as an expansion set in the UK. Cards /999.

G1 Seven of Nine /999
G2 Kathryn Janeway/999
G3 Lieutenant B’Elanna Torres/999
G4 Kathryn Janeway/999
G5 Seven of Nine/999